Chapter five

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Two weeks went by. After his little break down he actually liked Harry just a little bit. It had been sweet of him to comfort him like that. Maybe he wasn't such an asshole after all? He knew that he wasn't but he had to take out his anger and frustration somehow and unfortunately Harry had drawn the short end of the stick. Louis couldn't believe how Harry could be that calm and patient with him. He continued to train with him every day he was at work. Whenever he had a day off Louis refused to do any physical training with another physiotherapist. The poor woman that came in yesterday got a pillow thrown at her and he felt bad about it but she wasn't touching him.

"Louis, what am I supposed to do with you? Mrs. Grayson was really upset about the way you treated her yesterday." Harry said.

"S...sorry." Louis mumbled. He was making progress in that area as well. It was hard but he managed to get out a word here and there. No whole sentences but a single word once in a while. His speech therapist Niall was ecstatic about it and he wouldn't lie. It made him happy even if it was frustrating as hell. He had a whole monologue going on in his head and all he could get out was a yes or no and it took forever. He knew what he wanted to say but it was so hard to get his mouth to form the words.

Niall was great at his job. He had to give him that. Music was easier. If he listened to a song he knew he could sing along without stuttering or messing it up. Niall also had him reading children's books out loud, the ones you read to babies with two or three-word sentences.

Dr. Payne, or Liam as he called him now, everyone was on a first-name basis here. He liked that. Anyhow, Liam helped him too. Even if they couldn't have traditional therapy sessions he came to see him every day. Liam mostly talked, telling him that he had done nothing wrong. He knew that, even if he at some level blamed himself. If he had reacted faster, if he had hit the breaks, and so on. A woman died from crashing into his car.

Then there was Harry. He worked with him the hardest, being a steady support both emotionally and more resolute. It was like he had decided that Louis would walk again no matter what and he pushed him to work hard at it and it showed positive results. Louis couldn't believe it. It actually worked! He was nowhere near walking but he had begun to be able to move his legs with a lot of support from Harry.  He made him use pedals, mimicking cycling.

"So are you ready to start your workout?" Harry asked.

"Y...yes." Louis managed to get out and Harry smiled at him.

Getting in and out of the wheelchair went much more smoothly now. Harry still helped him but he used his arm strength to get up and Harry just had to help him keep his balance before he could sit down. He even rolled himself for a couple of feet, trying to get the strength to get himself back and forth to the bathroom. He wasn't there yet, but he had a newfound determination.

Harry took over when he saw that he was getting tired and pushed the wheelchair to the training room.
"You made it all the way out of the room by yourself this time. You're improving Louis. I couldn't be more proud of you." Harry complimented and that made him feel all warm and mushy inside.

"T...taco..." He let out a frustrated sound. That wasn't the word he meant to say. Harry didn't correct him or put words in his mouth. He just waited silently.

"You're welcome." Harry answered.

They had arrived in the training room and Harry went to get the cycling device but Louis was eager to try something else. He pointed at the bars on the other side of the room.

"No, Louis. I don't think you're ready for that just yet." Harry said softly.

Louis rolled his wheelchair towards the bars.
"Louis, you have to build up your strength in your legs first." Harry protested.

"W...walk. P...please. Harry." Louis said with pleading eyes and Harry caved.

"Okay, we can try it. Just a step or two. You have to take it easy, Louis." Harry said and rolled him over to the bars.

Louis immediately grabbed them and tried to stand up.
"Woah! Easy! I need to get ready." Harry said and hunched his head underneath the bar so he could stand in front of Louis.

He grabbed his hips and helped him to stand up.
"Find your balance and take a couple of deep breaths."

Louis rolled his eyes at him but followed instructions.
"I'm glad you found the fire inside you Louis but I don't want you to get hurt. Take it slow."

Louis' arms were already shaking from holding up his whole body weight but he felt excited.
"Lift your right foot." Harry instructed.

Louis concentrated, putting all his willpower behind it, and lifted his foot. Harry held his waist in a firm grip and took a step back as he moved forward.
"You did it! Good job, Louis. You're amazing. Move your arms forward."

Louis tried but his arms gave in and he fell forward. His legs gave in as well when he didn't support them anymore. Harry got overtaken and fell to his back and Louis landed on top of him. Harry grunted but immediately lifted his head to look at Louis.
"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"No! F...fuck. Why? D...damn..." Louis shouted upset and punched the floor. He was so disappointed in himself and he started to cry.

Harry sat up slowly, taking Louis with him, but keeping him in his lap. He tried to hug him but Louis pushed him away.

"Don't hate yourself." Harry said and tried to hug him again. This time Louis didn't push him away. He buried his face in the crook of Harry's neck and cried.

He was exhausted. He had no idea how long they sat like that on the floor but he stopped crying eventually and was almost asleep when Harry stood up and carried him back to his bed.
"Embarr...ehm..emb..." He tried and Harry stroked his cheek.

"Don't be embarrassed, Louis. I understand how disappointed you must feel. It was too soon. You will get there. We just have to take it one day at a time. Don't lose hope. Don't lose your motivation and for the love of God, don't feel embarrassed for showing your emotions." Harry said with a shaky voice.

"Alone...sleep...thanks." Louis whispered.

Harry put the blanket over him and he fell asleep right away unaware that Harry stayed by his side for a while, watching over him.

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