Chapter eleven

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Two weeks went fast. Louis was back in his apartment in London. He had returned to work five days ago and his co-workers were happy to see him.

He was slowly easing back into his life. It was different. He got tired easily. He didn't always find the right words. He was walking slower and he had to take half a day off for physical training, speech therapy, and cognitive behavior therapy.

He had texted Niall at the beginning of the week to ask if they were still on for Saturday and Niall assured him that they were and texted him his address.

He had changed his outfit more times than he could count. He was nervous. It was one thing to meet the guys as a patient, but now he would hang out with them in private. If he would be honest with himself he was only nervous about seeing Harry.

When he finally felt satisfied with his appearance he took a cab to Niall's place. They didn't live that far from each other. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before he knocked on the door. Liam opened it.
"Louis? What on Earth are you doing here?" Liam said, sounding surprised.

Louis blushed. Hadn't Niall told them that he was coming? Great.
"Niall invited me, I hope that's okay?"

"Of course. Great to see you. Come in!" Liam smiled and moved away from the doorway to let him inside.

"Is it Niall's mystery VIP guest?" Zayn shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes!" Liam yelled back.

Zayn, Niall, and Harry came into the hallway. Harry stopped in his tracks and stared at Louis in surprise.

"Yeah, hi." Louis said with a shy smile.

"Hi." Harry replied breathlessly and broke out in a dimpled smile.

"Why haven't you told us that Louis is coming?" Zayn asked Niall.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Niall grinned, eyeing Harry curiously.

Louis looked around at the boys, eyes landing on Harry and getting stuck there.
"Is this weird? It's weird, isn't it? Maybe I should just go." He babbled nervously.

"No!" Harry protested at once. "I mean, please stay Lou... ehm Louis. You're not our patient anymore. Come on, we wanna hear everything that happened in the last two weeks. Right guys?"

"Right." Zayn said, seemingly amused.

They headed into the kitchen. Harry walked up to the counter while Zayn, Liam, and Niall took a seat at the table.  Harry continued to chop vegetables.
"You can cook?" Louis asked.

"You can't?" Harry retorted with a smile.

"Absolutely not!" Louis admitted with a laugh.

"You're as bad as those three then but fortunately I love to cook so I don't mind." Harry smiled.

"Can I keep you company?" Louis asked shyly.

"Of course." Harry immediately agreed.

Louis tried to jump up to sit on the kitchen island but he wasn't as graceful as he used to be. Harry put the knife down and turned around. He grabbed Louis' hips and lifted him and placed him on the counter. Louis blushed.
"Uhm, thanks."

Harry just winked at him and went back to his cooking.
"So what have you been up to since I last saw you?"

"Well, I'm back at work." Louis informed him.

"I don't even know what you do for a living. Beer?" Harry asked.

Louis nodded his head and Harry went to the fridge to fetch him a beer. He opened the cap and handed it to him.
"Thanks. I'm a web designer at an advertising agency."

"Really?" Harry questioned.

"Why so surprised?" Louis chuckled.

"I don't know." Harry said and gave him a once-over. "I pictured you as a blue-collar, you know a mechanic or something like that."

"Ah, you prefer a man in a uniform. I'm sorry to disappoint you." Louis flirted.

Harry cackled loudly.
"No, I don't."

They had both totally forgotten that they weren't alone in the kitchen.
"Can you guys stop flirting long enough for Harry to make dinner? I'm starving." Niall complained.

Both Louis and Harry blushed and avoided eye contact.
"I can talk and cook at the same time, Nialler! Mind your own business." Harry answered.

They glanced at each other when the boys at the table burst out laughing.
"Where were we?" Harry asked.

"You were trying to pretend like you don't like a man in a uniform. If it helps I wear suits pretty often." Louis smirked.

Harry laughed and shook his head in amusement.
"Good to know."

They continued to small talk with a flirty undertone until dinner was ready. They joined the rest of the guys at the table and they all dug in. Harry had made fish tacos and they all complimented his cooking skills.

Louis had a great time. They were all talking and laughing and whenever he glanced at Harry he was already looking at him and that made him smile and then Harry smiled as well. They probably looked like morons but he didn't care. Harry was interested in him. That made his heart beat faster and he wouldn't let an opportunity like that slip away.

They retrieved to the living room after dinner and Louis made sure to sit next to Harry on the couch. They drank another beer before Niall called a cab and they headed out to their favorite karaoke bar.

They found a table and Niall ordered them a round of beers. They drank and they sang and as the night proceeded Louis got drunk but he was in good company. They were all drunk. He swayed his way towards the toilets. This whole walking thing was harder with alcohol buzzing in his system. He leaned heavily against the wall as he made his way to the toilets. He managed to get inside before he peed himself. That made him giggle. That would have been a disaster.

After he had washed his hands he got out of the toilet just to find Harry waiting for him outside.
"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a little drunk." Louis answered.

"Yeah, me too. We're on our way home now." Harry answered and took a step closer, trapping Louis against the wall.

Louis looked up at him and his eyes flickered to Harry's lips. He let out a surprised whimper when Harry smashed their lips together and pushed his body into his, pinning him against the wall. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and kissed him back. Their tongues swirled together and he was getting lightheaded.

When Harry ground him he couldn't hold back a moan that got swallowed by Harry's mouth on his. Harry broke the kiss and looked at him with blown pupils.
"I wanted to do that forever. Give me your phone."

Louis had to collect his thoughts for a moment. He managed to get it out from his pocket and handed it over to Harry who put his number in and called himself so he would have Louis' number as well.
"Make sure to use it. Come on, the guys are waiting for us."

Louis stumbled forward when Harry took a step back and they both laughed. That had been one hell of a kiss.

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