Chapter 7

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Damian POV

"Stop! You don't have to do this." I begged her and kneeled at her feet hugging her legs tightly. I couldn't see her face because she was wearing a mask. "I do Damian." The voice whispered. "I kill to live." "I can protect you. No one will ever harm you with me by your side. If you love me, you won't do this."

She laughed hard and shook her head. She pushed me away and walked over to the man who was tied up begging for his life. "I. Don't. Love. You." She said harshly and sliced the man's head clean off with my katana to prove an even bigger point.

"Are you ready to die?" She smiled. "I love you." I whispered as tears fell from my eyes. I kneeled at her feet once more, letting her take my life. "What the fuck." I woke up in a cold sweat. I've been having these dreams for a while. Same voice. Different alternative but always the same ending decision.

It was odd, because I'll never be that big of a pussy and get on my knees for any woman. I looked at my clock, 11:25 pm. I got up and got dressed. I sent a text to my father to let him know I was going out to patrol. I usually do this when I can't sleep anyway.

I opened my window and swung out. Hero's don't ever use the front door. No signs of trouble, which is weird. Gotham is trouble. I sat on top of a building looking at the dark sky. "Funny seeing you here." I turnt around to the voice, I kept hearing in my dreams. "You!" "Shh shhs." She smiled wickedly.

"I see you're all healed up." "Yes, I'm better then ever." She pulled out her gun and aimed it right at me. "I came to repay you, for my sister and for what you did to me." "So, your just gonna shoot me and that's it." "No, I'm gonna hurt you really bad, and then shoot you." "You don't have the balls." She dropped her gun and came at me.

Earlier Today
Secret POV

"Wake up princess." "Father, please, it's 7 in the morning." I groaned as he continued to shake me. "Today is your anniversary though." I smiled. "I got you something." "What is it?" He gave me a box. "Thank you father." "Open it." I opened the box revealing the diamond, that Colleen got back. It was shaped like a knight riding a dragon, and had his and Colleen's name on it. It was beautiful. I hugged him.

"I will cherish this, forever." He hugged me tight. See what I mean, teddy bear. "Come on, we have a lot of stuff to do today." I rose out of bed and stretched. "Get ready." "What's the plan?" "You'll see." he said and stepped out of my room. I got up and took a shower. After I brushed my teeth I put on simple blue jeans and a t shirt.

"Happy anniversary." Colleen walked in and gave me the biggest hug knocking me over into the bed. "Thank you." I laughed. "How are you feeling?" I took a deep breath. "I feel good. For it to be 11 years since I escaped that hell hole is crazy." "Truly, you already know father has a slide show prepared and everything." We both laughed.

"He does this every year. I should be used to it." "It's okay not to be. Many people can't say, that they killed their abusers, especially at the age of 7. Your a quick leaner." "Yeah I guess." "Don't guess. You are." She was right. It took two months for me to learn the ropes of becoming one of the top assassins in Gotham. I remember everything so vividly like it was yesterday.

11 Years Ago Today

"Are you ready Secret." "Yes father." "Remember, make them feel your pain. Take your time. There's no rush. Make me proud." Secret nodded and snuck in through the basement window, that was still broken two months later.

She could hear her abusers having sex. "Yes! Just like that!" She snuck in quickly and quietly. She smiled and as soon as she didn't hear anymore moans she walked into the living room and sat down in Harold's chair. She remembered that he said if she ever even touched the chair and wasn't cleaning it he would lock her in the basement for a month.

"Hello, Gillian." The woman that she called mother jumped, dropping the bottle of liquor out her hand, causing glass shards everywhere. "Secret?" "I am she." "Harold!" She called her husband. "What woman? Ready for some more?" He looked at his chair. "Secret." "Harold." "What are you doing little girl?" "I'm here to kill you of course." They never saw it coming, she moved too fast and threw knifes at the both of them striking their stomachs.

They both stumbled back. "I'll kill you, you little bitch." She hid away. "Try and find me." Secret laughed. She felt good. So alive. Her heart was pumping fast, in this moment she wasn't afraid of anything. She slid under their bed and waited until they ran upstairs. She cut her Gillian's ankle making her fall.

"Gillian." Secret smiled. "Please." Gillian slid back, pleading with Secret. "Please what?" Secret said. "Please don't kill me, I'm better. I don't drink anymore. I-I. I wasn't healthy." Secret looked at the tears that ran down her face and stopped for a moment. And in that moment Harold grabbed her and tackled her to the ground, delivering punches and kicks.

Gillian got up and laughed. "Dumb bitch." "Ahh." Secret yelled as Harold stabbed her in her side. 'This is it.' She could remember saying those familiar words and then escaping. She couldn't give up. She grabbed Harold by his long beard so hard and ripped it from his face. As he got up, she grabbed the knife from out of her side and threw it right into Gillian's chest. She dropped with a thud.

She kicked up landing on her feet, pulling the mini shot gun out of her afro. She shot Harold in both legs making him fall. "I hate you." She coughed. "You are both selfish waste's of life. Now die." She shot him twice in the head and shot Gillian in the head for good measure. She pulled out her other gun and kept shooting their bodies until no more bullets were left.

She could hear the empty clicking sound but that didn't stop her finger from pulling the trigger. Her father walked in and grabbed her arm. She looked at him. Her eyes started to tear up.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't make them suffer like how I wanted too. I got too distracted." "Don't ever show emotions. You got too caught up in her pleading, and as you can see she didn't mean it." "Yes father." She could barely stand up. Her father picked her up. "I'm so proud of you." He kissed her forehead. "Now sleep." And she did.

End Of Memory

"Come on, before father comes back in here with a parade." Secret said. Colleen laughed. They both headed out and went into the living room, where Secret was greeted with black roses by her father's men. "Happy anniversary!" Everyone said. "Thank you guys." She smiled.

"Although you really don't have to do this, every year." She huffed. Her father glared at her. "Hush up." She playfully rolled her eyes. "Anyway, what's the plan for today?" Secret said. "Whatever you want to do my dear." "I want to locate Robin, and repay him." "You heard her boys. Get to it." All of Dragon's men went into the research room.

"While they do that, let's do us." Colleen wrapped her arm around Secret's shoulder. "Father." Secret looked up at him. "Be safe." He rarely let them out without any protection as their normal selves. Only special occasions. He cared too much for them, and this was a cruel world. He had too many enemies. And although he knew they could beat any threat that came their way he didn't care because they were his daughters and he would do anything to keep them safe. Anything.

Secret POV

"What should we do first?" "Let's go to the beach." "Sounds like a plan." We packed our swimsuits and got everything we needed for the day. "I'll drive." I got the keys to my Porsche and set off. We made it to the beach. "There's so many cute guys here today." Colleen said and winked at one who smiled at her.

"Yeah, but they couldn't handle our life." "Ain't that the truth." I wore a red two piece that fitted my body as Colleen wore a white one that had the same affect. "I love your hair!" A group of girls walked passed us. "Thank you." I smiled. "Can I touch it?" "No you can't touch her hair,  just appreciate it from a distance." Colleen said and rolled her eyes.

I laughed. "Let's go." We left the girls and walked into the water. "This feels good." "Peaceful." I nodded. "What's the plan for tonight?" "I'm going to fight Robin. And hurt him, like he hurt me, and repay him for he did to you." "I fully support. By the way, the necklace is beautiful." "Thank you." I connected the diamond to a chain and wore it as a necklace.

"Thank you for being apart of my life Secret." I smiled. "No, thank you for being apart of mine." We hugged and continued enjoying the beach water.

Some time later.

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