Chapter 14

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Secret POV

"Secret." I turnt around and sighed. "It's Sersi. Now go away." I was actually having a good time. "Why are you being so mean?I haven't done anything to you except give you pleasure and maybe a bit of pain." I raised my eyebrows as he smirked.

I walked up to him, as close as I could and heard his breath hitch. Good. "Come here." I whispered. "Yes ma'am." He smiled. He leaned down closer to me thinking I was going to kiss him, but I curved his lips and whispered in his ear. "Sabrina is a nice girl. She deserves better than you." He didn't seem surprised. "She does, but she also knows what she was getting into when she asked me to be her date. I fucked her before we got here today."

He kissed me yesterday, and he fucked her today. How stupid was I. Was I feeling dumb because I liked him, or was I just disgusted because he could have fucked me if I let him. I just smiled. "Damian kiss my ass and leave before I give you another black eye."

"I will kiss, lick, and bite your ass if you want me to. Just say the word and I'm not worried about the black eye. I was hard the whole time we were fighting. Let's do it again." He grabbed my hips and tried to kiss me. I slapped him. Hard. I slapped him so hard that his face turnt and his cheek had my hand print on it.

"Fuck you." I got out of his arms and walked back to the bonfire. "Woah mamas slow down." Jake caught my arm. He was a nice guy. "What's wrong? I can practically see smoke coming from your ears." I wasn't in the laughing mood.

"Okay, don't laugh but look at this." He kept making funny faces until I cracked into a chuckle. "There's that smile!" He smiled at me. "Shut up." "Come sit with me at the bonfire." I looked at where he pointed. Colleen was there with the people I introduced her to.

I nodded but before he could pull me away I felt a arm wrap around me, I was about to flip them until I realized I was in public. Act like a defenseless girl. "Sorry, she's not available to do that at the moment or any moment in the near future. "Damian Wayne." Jake gasped. "Woah!" I huffed and tried getting out of his arms but he gripped tighter and gave me a look. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." "I don't-" before I could finish my sentence, Damian gripped my cheeks and kissed me.

I tried pulling away but he wouldn't let me. He kissed me so hard, bruising my lips. He finally pulled away. "She's not my girlfriend, but she is mine. I suggest you walk away and if I catch you looking at her, well I'm sure you know how powerful I am." Damian growled at him. Jake looked at me and walked away.

I turnt to Damian. "Before you say anything or hit me again, just know I'll do it all over. Any guy that comes up to you will get the same result and same words. Don't call me bluff." I couldn't believe this guy. I didn't know what to say. "What happened between you two." Colleen walked up to us.

"Jake looks horribly sad Sersi." "Ask this buster." I looked at him up and down. Colleen nodded her head to him. "So?" "I just told him what was up and he ran. If he was a real man he would have fought back for what he wanted but he didn't." I didn't really care, not that I could. I wasn't going to see Jake anymore after this but what Damian did was rude.

"And what is it that you two would be fighting for?" Colleen folded her arms. "I think Sersi could answer that question. Right?" He looked at me.

Damian POV

"They were fighting over dick sizes. I think Jake definitely wins though. A man who can silently handle his business will always have a bigger dick." Secret said. "When it comes to you, how can I be silent? You deserve every bit a praise." "Ew if that's how you flirt you need to work on it. Do girls actually fall for that?" Colleen frowned. "Your sister is the only one who hasn't." "And I won't." "You already are. I don't need to use my out-dated charm." "Then what do you need to do?"

I pulled her body to mine. Her chest pressed against mines. Her breath hit my neck. She tried to get out of my arms until I looked her in the eyes. I felt the connection. I know she feels it too. I pointed to her lips. "I just need to kiss you here." I pointed to her sweet spot on her neck. "And finally kiss you here." I pointed to her pussy and then whispered in her ear. "And one day I will." "Then do it." She whispered back. I looked at her again.

"Are you serious?" She smirked and my dick jumped. She pulled out of my arms and then looked at Colleen. Colleen shook her head, silently speaking to her then passed her a pair of glasses before putting on some herself and walked away. Secret put on the glasses and looked around.

"No one knows who you are." "They will after this." Before I could ask her what she meant by that she head-butted me and ran causing everyone to come my way. I couldn't chase after her and she knew it. I smirked. She was brilliant. I could feel my head bleeding and I was starting to get a headache.

"Woah! What happened!?"
"Who was that?!"
"Is he okay?"

I was starting to get annoyed as everyone crowded me but I didn't want to blow up on anyone so I just walked away but of course people followed me. I looked at Sabrina and she was occupied so I decided to go home.

I got home, took some aspirin and cleaned my wound. I knew for a fact this would be all over social media. She was a fucking genius. As I scrolled through Gotham times, you just see me with a bloody head. No sign of her.

I smirked. You would think I would be embarrassed, but I was proud. Someone sent me a picture of me from a blocked number.

'Hope your head feels better.' Smiley face.

I couldn't text her back but I could find her number if I wanted too but knowing her she texted me from a burner.

I will see you tomorrow, I thought to myself.

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