Chapter 11

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A Week Later
Secret POV

"Where did this little guy come from?" My father walked in my room after a two week mission that he had been on. He kissed my forehead. "It's a girl, and I found her on the Brian mission." It wasn't a complete lie. He pat her head as she snuggled against his palm. "You look good father. How did everything go?" "My enemies are dead, so splendid." "The Bartasnis?" He nodded his head. "Italian bastards." We both laughed.

My father had tried to be lienent with them. He always gave everyone a time table when it came to money loans. The Bartasnis had a year to pay my father back, and they ran off with the money thinking that we wouldn't find them. "What's the plan for today?" He said. I looked around. "I'm probably just gonna patrol, there hasn't been that much action lately." He nodded. "I actually have a meeting with a client if you would like to attend." I smirked. "What kind of meeting?" "The bloody kind."

"That's the best kind." My father lips curled in a sinister way. "Will Colleen be attending as well?" After the Brian mission father sent her on a one on one retreat. I don't know what for but we never really asked questions when it came to our missions until after we completed it. It made the anticipation all the better, not only that but it left other people and our enemies scared.

"I suggest you prepare a bit." My father got up and stretched. "I stay ready, so I don't have to get ready." "That's my girl." He smiled and left my room.
Damian POV

"What's the plan tonight father?" We were both in the Bat-Cave looking at files. "We are going to a meeting." "Who does it involve?" "Riddler, Victor Zsasz and Bane. There's gonna be a lot of trade offs. Many weapons, that they do not need to get their hands on. Gotham is already in the deep." I nodded my head. Finally some action.

"It's just us? Or is Dick coming too?" "We may need backup, I'll beep him in if so. I know they are the main buyers but there will be many people there." "What are we waiting for, let's go." We got suited up and I prepared extra weapons of course.
Once we got to the location we installed hearing and sight communicators all over the building so we could hear and see what was going on. "Dragon, good to see you here." People cheered as a man spoke. "Glad to be here." A deep voiced followed through. "I see you brought your number one weapon." No one spoke after that sentence.

I looked to see who they were. "It's her!" "Secret Saint." My father replied. "That must be her adoptive father. The Dragon. She's one half of the Dragon sisters. It all makes sense now." I whispered. My father and I continued to watch. Secret, as I came to know her undercover name, Knight moved swiftly through everyone with her head held high, sporting a poker face behind her father. Behind her was their men.

"Move." She spoke. All at once they all stopped before going through another door way. Everyone parted like waves off the one simple commend. "Dragon!" Riddler spoke up. "It's good to see you, alive and well." He smiled. On the other side of him was Victor and Bane. They all stopped and looked at Knight. "Is this the girl I've been hearing about so much about .. ." Bane said.

"Girl?" Knight walked up to him. She was so small compared to him but she didn't cower. "Woman. Don't ever disrespect me." One of his man stepped up to her. "Or what?" He snickered. "I'm tired of all of us being scared of her. She's just a little girl-" She moved so quickly, you probably wouldn't be able to see it without a slow motion video.

She kneed him in the throat causing him to fall to his knees. Everyone gasped and stepped back as the guy was choking. She didn't spare him a glance. "I suggest you teach your men not to go against Knight." Dragon said and laughed. The guy started to struggle for his breath.

You could hear whispers going around until the guy stopped moving and just laid there. "He's dead boss." I looked at my father. She had broke his windpipe with one blow. "Pussy." Knight said and stepped over him. "Now, would anyone else like to say anything to me?"

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