Chapter 8

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No One POV

As Knight came at Robin throwing punches and kicks, that he blocked, he couldn't help but question her tactics, she didn't use as much force as he felt her use before. He smirked. "Don't tell me, you have feelings for me already." She decked him. He could definitely feel that one.

He grabbed her dragging them to the ground rolling around until he was on top of her. She was breathing hard, her chest rising up and down. "Stop." She growled. "Get off of me." "Not until you calm down." She closed her eyes and wondered, why he was getting under her skin the way he was. He slowly moved off of her as they both stood up.

"I know who you are." He said. "Is that right. Please enlighten me." "Secret Saint." She didn't react. "Who?" "You. Your name is Secret Saint. You were in Gotham's foster care system as a child and after you were adopted you just disappeared." Knight smirked. It caught Robin off guard.

"So, Damian Wayne, it looks like you figured it all out." 'Of course she would know who I am.' He thought. "What happened to you?" "I don't have to answer to you." "I can help you, whatever happened to you. You didn't have to turn out this way." She glared at him. "What way Damian? You think you know me, you think you know my life story. You don't.

I choose this life, it's mine! And no one can take it away from me. I want people to fear me. I crave it. I want people to cower away from me, they do. I want people to know I will never stop hunting them until I make sure no one can recognize their body when I'm finished dismembering them. Most of all I want people to respect me and make sure that they never disrespect me or they will suffer the consequences.

I am Gotham's deadliest assassin and I will always be." She smirked. Damian didn't speak. Her speech was one of the most immoral things he's heard yet he couldn't help but want to hear her speak more. "Now then." She stabbed him with her knife in his leg striking him three times. "Fuck." He took a swing and missed as she punched him in the face with her golden arm bringing him to the ground. She pointed her gun at him.

"Now tell me, why should I spare your life?" He didn't speak. She squatted down. "Tell me why Damian Wayne." "You'll regret it. You want to get to know me." He chuckled in pain. She laughed. A beautiful sincere laugh. "No. I don't. You don't deserve to die. I don't kill unless it's well deserved. But you did deserve this for what you did. Mess with me or my people ever again and you will receive far worse."

And with that she disappeared into the night. Even though Damian was in pain, he's been through worse but he knew she needed the clarity; and something tells him that, that was her taking it easy on him. Plus she was still the most beautiful person he's ever seen. Anytime with her even if she was being a raging bitch meant that he got to be in her presence.

He got up slowly. Luckily he was wearing protective gear so the cuts weren't that deep. He would just need a couple of stitches. His cheek was throbbing though. He could taste blood. "You got me good." He smiled.

He returned home. "Damian! What happened?!" His father came down to the Bat Cave as soon as Damian was there. "The girl. It's her. Secret Saint is Black Knight." He helped Damian over to the chair. "Let me see." He helped Damian take off his clothes to examine his wounds. "I got it Master Bruce." "Alfred." "Master Damian, please be more careful. If she would have cut you a inch to the right you could have been bleeding internally." "I know. She took it easy on me."

"I told you to wait for me. Why don't you ever listen anymore?" "Father, I never listened. How can I take over for you if you never let me do things on my own. I'm fine. She didn't hurt me like we both knew she could have.  She knows who we are and she knows we know who she is. So we have leverage. We are safe." "I trust you Damian but I'm worried. You have to stop. I can't lose you again." "You won't, but I have to stop her. I need to find out more about her."

"Are you infatuated with this girl master Damian?" "He better not be. She's a ticking time bomb." 'I want to watch her explode' Damian thought. "No Alfred. Sex is all I want from women right now. We both know that." Damian sex life was. . . well let's just say, he's 10x worse then any of his brothers and father. He was a fiend. "There you go. All done." Alfred said. "Thanks Alfred. Damian limped to his fathers side.

"I'll be alright dad. I'm 18. We both knew this was bound to happen." Damien and his father's relationship changed drastically. They'd love one another and their trust was always there. Bruce sighed. "Just be careful Damian. She's dangerous." "Don't you know father, I like dangerous." With that Damian limped to his room and fell into a deep slumber.

Secret POV

"He knows who I am father." I said as as my father and sister sat at our table. "Are you worried?" My father looked at me. "No, because I know who they are. Damian and Bruce Wayne." "We will have no problems from them. They aren't the enemy. As long as they don't get in our way. If they do, what will you guys do."

Colleen and I looked at each other and then smiled. "Kill them." She muttered. "Why?" "No one gets in our way." I said as we slapped hands. "I saw what you did to him. He thought he had you all figured out." Colleen laughed. "I gotta keep him guessing. It's all apart of the plan."

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