Chapter 5

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No One POV

"Damian, you deliberately disobeyed me." Bruce being mad was an understatement. He was furious. They were back at the Bat Cave reminiscing everything that happened last week.

As soon as Damian arrived back to the hotel, he could feel his father's glare. He didn't say anything but Damian could tell he was going to be in for a lot of arguing later on.

Damian looked at the bodies of Bram and Chuck. She really did a number on them in a short amount of time.

It had everyone questioning if she really did all this alone. Both men were chained up and it seemed like they were both killed in very different ways.

"This is crazy." Gordon said. "She has no room for remorse." 'She doesn't. I know that first hand.' Damian thought and grabbed a bag from one of the investors. He picked up a glass shard that was coated in her blood and dropped it in there.

"Robin that's evidence. It belongs to us. You can't take it." Gordon said but Robin ignored him. He tried walking away but two police officers stopped him by grabbing his upper arms. "You won't find her without us. Keep that in mind commissioner." Robin pushed the cops and glared at them. They cowered back.

"Pussies." He huffed. "Robin." He could hear the snap in his father's voice. He rolled his eyes and they left without a word to the commissioner and cops.
"I don't know what else to say. I'm a grown man. I can make my own choices, I don't have to follow you anymore. I'm your partner not your apprentice." Damian said and sat down in a chair.

Bruce knew his son was growing up, but he hated to admit it. Damian was acting more like him then ever, and he knew their personalities together didn't clash well. They argued a lot.

"Damian I know you're growing up, but you're still Robin, don't stray away when you've come to far." Bruce said. "I understand father." Damian nodded his head to him and put on gloves.

"Is the meter ready?" He asked. "Yes, lay it on there." Bruce had an identity blood tester installed into the computer. Damian laid the shard of glass on the silver plate. It scanned it and only one result popped up.

Damian POV

"Gotham foster felicity." I said and clicked on it. My father and I looked closely on the screen. This place closed down years ago up. I looked at some of the pictures before it was shut down.

It was dark. The kids looked starved and dirty. "Isn't a foster home supposed to take care of the children." I muttered. My father looked over the pictures and scrolled down. "I'll check all the kids names who have been here before it shut down." I nodded my head.

Wait. . . I looked and saw a small girl. She looked so skinny and fragile. Her dark brown hair was to her lower back and she had big brown puppy eyes. I zoomed in on her face. She had the same features as the vixen I couldn't seem to get out of my mind.

"Secret Saint." My father said. "What?" I looked at him and he nodded to the picture. "That's who she is. Her name is Secret Saint." "Secret Saint." It was definitely unique. One name that I never heard of. "Do you think this is her?" I asked. "I don't know, there were plenty of kids. We don't wanna assume just yet."

I begged a differ. Looking into those childlike eyes I could see the abuse she possibly endured and looking into the eyes of the girl who abused others I could still see the same pain.

She just carried it with control and confidence. She didn't let it bring her down. She was far too strong and for that I respected her.

This was her. It had to be.

Secret POV

"Are you sure you're all healed up to go on another mission?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine." I said to Colleen. "It's been three days." I was never ever out for this long. I hated it. We were in one of the investigation rooms.

"Listen, you're still my little sister I don't want to see you hurt. You had an concussion and glass all in your leg. You can chill for a week." "I'm not weak. I can handle a little concussion and glass." I looked at my leg and it was still swollen, covered in bandages.

Colleen scoffed and rolled her eyes like she couldn't care about what I was saying.

"I know your not weak Secret, but there's a difference between being weak and stupid. Don't be stupid and risk your life because you want to prove that you're stronger and better." With that she walked out the room. I rolled my eyes.

My father knew what had happened. I couldn't tell if he was disappointed in me or not and if he was he never showed it. He just nodded his head and told our doctor to tend to me.

I knew that I had to come back ten times harder and not get distracted. This was not a good look for me, something like this has never happened either. What was he doing to me.

I needed to go out and clear my mind asap. Someone knocked on my door. "Enter." "Young mistress, your father has a mission waiting for you." "Like I said, never out for too long." I smiled. "What is it?" "Stay down for a weak." "What?!" I yelled. I could feel my face heating up. "I'm sorry mistress that is what he requested of you."

"It's okay, it's not your fault. It's mine." I tried getting up without my crunches. "Let me help you mistress." "It's okay, I got it." My teeth clenched together, I was so mad. "No you don't." "Father." He swiftly moved around the room and grabbed me, carrying me bridal style. "I got it from here Lionel." "Of course sir." He gave me a sweet smile and left.

"Father please. This is ridiculous." "Well when my daughter starts denying help from the best of the best doctors, it's my turn to step it. You are very stubborn." "Gee, I wonder where I get it from." My father chuckled. "That is correct, but when you are hurt, I'm hurt, Colleen is hurt. Our team is hurt. You are the backbone. Remember that."

He was right. I was acting like a brat and because of me wanting to heal faster I was healing slower. "I'm sorry father, your right. Please bring the doctors. I'm ready to get better." "That's my girl." My father carried me to the medical room and laid me down in bed. He buzzed in Lionel. "Yes Master Benjamin." Only the staff called my father by his given named.

"Please bring the doctor to help my daughter. She is ready to cooperate." "Of course sir." "And Lionel." "Yes Mistress?" "Can you please send my sister up. I need to apologize to her." "Of course mistress." The doctor came and began examining me. I should have let them last week instead of doing it myself. Colleen walked in and took a deep breath.

"Oh, I see. Father is here. That's why you're finally listening." I knew this was coming. "Listen, I'm sorry." She crossed her arms. "For what?" "For disagreeing with my body and not listening to your advice. It was wrong and I'm sorry." She uncrossed her arms. "I forgive you, but next time please take care of yourself. You aren't superwoman; you can't go beyond healing your body. I can't lose my other half due to her not wanting to look weak." "I understand." She smiled and then greeted father.

"I remember when I had to sit you two down and make you both explain y'all disagreements. You've both came such a long way from trying to kill each other." He chuckled. We looked at each other and laughed. We did butt heads a lot when we were younger. Colleen always felt the need to protect me and I used to be so stubborn about it, like now but way worse. That's a habit I wish I could get rid of but when you grew up like I did you would understand why.

"We were such a handful." Colleen said. My father scoffed. "Were? excuse me, you both still are." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, you love us." "That, I do indeed." My father kissed my forehead. "Now get some rest. Colleen will handle this mission on her own." It was hunting down and killing King Cobra.

He stole from my father and no one gets away with that. "Be safe, even though he's a scumbag he does have a lot of allies." I said. She winked at me. "I'm always careful. Get better." "Will do." They both left the room and I closed my eyes.

My mind drifted thinking about a particular person.

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