chapter 16

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The door was being creaked open followed by the footsteps echoing through the empty room. A frown immediately took over his face when he noticed no omega is laying on the bed just like when he leaves the room earlier.

"Park Jimin?"
He called but he got no response.

His eyes wandered around the room and he found the bed was tidied up neatly. His curiosity increased as he walked around the infirmary, looking for the omega at every corner of the room. A heavy sigh escaped from his mouth when he couldn't find him anywhere before Jungkook raised his right hand to run his fingers slowly through his jet black hair.

"Park Jimin!"
The male groaned in frustration.

Jungkook then stormed out from the building to the parking lot where is he parked his motorbike this morning and quickly hopped on his vehicle. He does not bother to adjust his black leather jacket first before he started the engine and wears his helmet for safety. He got no idea why he was so passionate to look for the omega right now but he shook the thought away as he drives his motorbike at the full speed.

The male believes that Jimin is not going anywhere far yet as he rolled the handle making his motorbike moves faster. Jungkook looked around until he noticed the familiar bright blonde haired omega stepping into the bus. With a foot placed flat on the ground, he stopped his vehicle and watch the bus drives away from the bus stop.

Jungkook parked his motorbike in front of a small cafe in rush. He was trying his best to tail the smaller from behind since people began to crowd the street. His steps were never ended until he saw Jimin sat at the random bench along the street while his right hand clutched on his stomach. He noticed how Jimin glancing at the small restaurant near them with sorrowful eyes.

After some time, the omega stands up from his seat and walked away. He attempted to ignore the smell of food coming from the restaurant when he was about to walk past the said restaurant with heavy steps.

"Excuse me, kid!"
Someone said from his back causing the omega to turn around.

His eyes met with a beautiful lady wearing a dark green apron who just stepped out from the restaurant she walked past earlier, probably the owner of the restaurant. Jimin was not sure if the lady was talking to him or somebody else so he looked over his surrounding just to make sure.

"Yes, I was talking to you, honey! come here please?"
The lady said smiling as she assured the omega to come closer.

Jimin was reluctant but still obeying the lady who was flashing a smile sweetly at him. The aura came from the older woman makes the smaller feel easy and he tried to forget the bad thought he was anxious about.

"I often see you passing by here every evening, have you eaten yet during lunch? You looked quite pale"
The older asked, showing her pure concern.

The omega could not found himself speaking because his dry throat began to feel a bit sore, the mental note he took earlier to drink some water already being forgotten by himself. However, he peeking under his eyelashes to look at the woman who was surprisingly still smiling softly at him, sending some motherly vibes to Jimin.

"I'm bored since I don't get so many customers today, would you like to eat something? I will cook something for you"
She said and stepped aside for Jimin to join her inside the restaurant.

"N-no, it's okay ahjumma! I don't want to burden you and actually I'm really busy so I need to-"

The omega can not finish his sentence when a loud growl coming from his stomach causing a soft gasp to escape from his mouth when he realized that the lady had caught him lying. A red blush began to appear on his both cheeks in embarrassment, he was at the edge of running but the woman speaks again.

"I see someone is hungry, come in and it's on me so I won't take 'no' as an answer honey"

The lady said and bring the embarrassed Jimin inside the small yet cozy restaurant filled with the smell coming from the food in the kitchen. He swears if the lady did not show her the soft smile, he will not hesitate to yank his hand and run away.

Meanwhile, from a good distance, Jungkook watched the two omegas quietly for the last time before he returned to where he parked his motorbike earlier while showing an unreadable expression on his face. He hopped on his vehicle and put on his helmet casually.

The male was about to start the engine when his mind clouded by the omega he followed a few moments ago. Jungkook closes his eyes and to a deep breath but it was more like a sigh of frustration to be exact.

"Stop thinking about him! What wrong with you right now Jeon Jungkook?"
He asked himself before he starts the engine and drove away.

The loud booming sound can be heard each time he speeds up his motorbike causing the wind to hit on him harshly but he likes it. Some people who were not able to recognize him will look at him with a judgmental look for biking his beloved motorbike as if he just kill their pet dog while for those who can identify him as the heir of the Jeon family, they quickly take out their mobile phone to snap a couple of pictures. They can replace the paparazzi from working to look for some hot news because later they will share his picture on their respective social media accounts.

"They really can't keep minding on their own business, it's annoying"
He muttered before he speeds up again to disappear from the public eyes who were wild taking his picture like there is no tomorrow.


I will try my best to update!

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