chapter 3

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Jimin gasped slowly as he saw what was going on in the classroom. Both of his knees seemed to be soft when he saw a male student kneeling on the dusty floor while getting beaten by some other students, bruising the poor male.

Their action seems to never stop. They sure are not deaf and they obviously could hear the screams of the students who were wailed in pain when he was brutally beaten by them. Seoyoo wants to help him but he is powerless to oppose all of them who were busy throwing a punch to the said male.

Another soft gasp once again escaped from Jimin's mouth when his eyes landed on the familiar figure looked like Jeon Jungkook who was sitting on the wooden chair as if the chair is a throne or something while looking at the boy who was being beaten up badly. The expression on Jeon Jungkook's face was screaming murder and just by looking deep into his soulless eyes, Jimin can already feel shiver down his spine.

The omega flinched as Jungkook slowly stood up from the wooden chair and made his steps towards the male student.

"What is on his mind?"
Jimin asked to himself

He saw one of the group of students who hit the guy earlier came to Jungkook with a cynical smile etched on his lips. Only then did Jimin realize that the guy who was approaching the alpha was holding a glass bottle with him. Jimin began to frown when he saw the guy pass the glass bottle to Jungkook who gladly took the bottle.

The omega began to feel uneasy as Jungkook swinging the glass bottle lazily at the same time approaching the beaten up guy who was on his knees on the floor. The alpha creaked his bones before he bent down to face the frightened guy who was coughing for oxygen.

"I see, you are so brave to say that right in front of my face but you need to know that I am not the kind of patient person" Jungkook said smirking

By just hearing Jeon Jungkook's deep voice, Jimin could feel goosebumps all over his body.

"Don't say I'm cruel because I told you to stop, right? You who are inviting death now so your attitude is worth this treatment" He added before he smashed the glass bottle on the guy's head causing the glass to shatter everywhere

The big wound on his head could be clearly seen followed by the blood that began to flow through his cheeks to his chin before the guy fainted. He fell to the floor as his body was helpless, all his energy was spent screaming when given some painful punches from the group of students.

Jimin was found clasping his nose and mouth with both his hands to prevent any sound from slipping out and causing himself into trouble. He could feel that the blood was leaving his system making he look a little bit pale by the horrible incident happened right in front of his eyes.

Then Jimin quickly grabbed his camera and ran away from the place, although he wanted to look more closely, he was afraid they would be aware of his existence peeking from the outside and making him the next victim. It seems that andereline began to kick causing Jimin to get to the bus stop in a short time, he was not sure that his legs could survive for him to get to his house so he thought it was better to take the bus instead of walking.

Jimin felt a little lucky when shortly after he arrived at the bus stop, the bus arrived to pick up passengers making him smile with relief. He then got on the bus and threw a polite smile at the bus driver as soon as he paid the fare, just like what him mom told him when he was little.

The single chair located by the window seemed to have attracted Jimin's attention and made the omega choose to sit there while trying to breath properly which was still irregular as he ran from university to here. With both eyes closed tightly, Jimin tried to clear his memory of what had happened at the university earlier.

Somehow he felt that he needed to help the male student who was beaten up by the group of other students but how could he help if the student's face was Jimin did not remember?

He let out a soft sigh escaped from his mouth and he massaged his forehead before he realized that the bus had arrived at his destination.

"Thank you"
Jimin said as he once again threw his smile at the bus driver who was returning his equal same smile before he got off the bus.

Soon, Jimin was able to set foot in his house after a few minutes walking from the bus stop and he felt quite happy because he was finally able to take a shower to get rid of all the fatigue he was carrying. As planned, the omega took a shower as usual before he had dinner and suddenly the camera placed on the table that he had used to record the incident earlier came to his view.

This made him stop his trace and stare at the camera as if looking for an idea of ​​what he should do with the recording. Should he just keep the recording and pretending as if the recording never existed and he never witnessed a fight between the students or vice versa?

Jimin swallowed his saliva with a shudder and approached the camera lying nicely on the table, he then played back the recording but stopped it before the scene Jungkook smashed the glass over the student's head because he was not willing to see the horror scene for a second time. He was afraid of having a nightmare tonight so he decided to think about this later since he had to fill his stomach which was starting to rumble due to hunger.

"This makes me feel sick"
Jimin said to himself before he went to kitchen to cook himself a simple dinner.


I'm sorry for my late update
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