chapter 25

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Like every university, they will make a farewell dinner for the graduated students since they were done with their final exams. The hall was a little bit crowded and most of students were wearing fancy white clothes referring to the theme that has been discussed together before.

Jimin came a few minutes after the event started, he decided to come since it will be his last time meeting with his department mate. His first expectation was about spending his night all alone during the dinner but someone came to talk to him with annoyed expression on his face that was a little bit red, maybe he was drunk in the first place.

"I never seen you before, are you new?"
The unknown guy asked while he rubs his eyes to clear his version.

"never mind, I'm Jackson by the way"
He added before Jimin could answer and took a seat near the omega.

"what are you doing here?"
Jimin asked while he scanned his surroundings, just in case someone is looking for this Jackson guy for awhile.

The taller groaned and sighed, feeling lightheaded after the liquor he drank earlier with his friends. Jimin grew confused but he was not uttering any single word.

"my friend went to flirt with his crush"
Jackson spoke as he checked the time on the branded watch that was tied around his wrist.

Jimin could only nodded his head, finally understand why this guy was being left alone by his other friend. He could tell that Jackson is a talkative person and they were spending their time talking about random things before Jackson excused himself by saying that he needs to use toilet.

His eyes following the guy disappearing into the crowd before he returned his attention back on his hands that were placed on the table. However, he frowned when he saw a glass of his favorite orange juice was placed in front of him just like a magic.

Jimin tilted his head in confusion before he scanned his surroundings once again. He loves orange juice so without any shadow of doubt, Jimin gulped down the whole drink and licked his lips in satisfaction, it was good enough to please his taste buds.

A song playing in the background before Jimin turned his attention towards the stage where he can see students were performing there while playing instruments and singing. Some of them were invited to give a speech and even dare to confess to their crushes, earning loud cooing from the others.

It was a cute moment until Jimin felt like to puke his gut out. He then ran to the cabin before he throwing up everything from inside his stomach. Jimin then open his eyes after he tried to stabilize his breath but only to see a horrific scene in the toilet bowl.

He just puked out blood and this had caused Jimin to panic. The omega tried to stand on his feet but his head felt like being knocked off out of sudden before he completely passed out inside the toilet cabin without anyone ever knowing.

"fuck, he disappeared just like that?!"
Jungkook muttered before leave the girl that was still talking to him at that moment.

He walked passed the crowd and the omega was nowhere to be seen until Jungkook decided to go and check him at omega restroom. It was empty when he arrived and Jungkook almost leave the toilet but not when he smelled the familiar faint scent in the air.

The alpha followed the scent until it brought him to a single cabin that was not fully closed from inside. Jungkook then furrowed his eyebrows and pushed the door a bit and found Jimin laying unconscious on the tiled restroom floor.

He was not blind yet to not realising there was some blood at the corner of Jimin's mouth making he waste no time to carry the unconscious boy and exit the hall using the back door, running to his luxurious black car parked not far away from the exit door.

Jungkook brought Jimin to the hospital and let the nurse to take the omega to the emergency room to be examined. He sighed before he approached the bench outside the ward before a phone call interrupted him.

"Mr Jeon, I'm sorry for disturbing you"
The voice belongs to his butler sounds panic in the other of phone.

"straight to the point"
Jungkook said while pinching the edge of his nose to ease his headache.

"did you perhaps already took the medicine i prepared for you earlier?"

The alpha raised his eyebrows before his hand searching for something inside his pocket pants. He found a familiar medicine packaging but not the same type of medicine he used to take before.

"the medicine is with me right now, it is yellowish color one in clear packaging?"
Jungkook asked while he checking the strange pills in the small package.

"yellowish? but it supposed to be white"

Both of them fall into silence, the butler now feeling even more nervous than before. One of the maids left her medicine and the butler thought it was the one that he supposed to provide to Jungkook after his meal.

"then what's the medicine that I was accidentally took earlier- never mind"
Jungkook said before he ended the call when the sounds of footsteps were approaching him.

"Mr Jeon can I talk to you?"

The alpha made eye contact with a doctor who was standing a few feet away from him. Jungkook nodded his head in confirmation as the doctor cleared his throat before he began.

"we could not tell what was happening to Park Jimin yet, so we need to make further check up and some X-ray on him to get better information from him"
The doctor said and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"don't you have any idea on him?"

"as I said earlier, we need to run a further examination on him and I hope you could give us enough time to treat him"


sorry for my hiatus..

how are you lovelies??

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thank you!

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