Not Dead

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*Some hours ago*

Deepak's pov

"Renu, we are going to meet Anuj today and that's final.", I said for the twentieth time.

She just glared me like she is going to rip my head. We had this discussion after the party was over. I told her about Kabir and Riddhima and she confused me with linking Vansh to Riddhima. I don't know if she was telling the truth or not but I have already agreed to Anuj for meeting him today. And I can't back out now.

"What's harm in meeting? I am not asking you to fix the alliance!", I exclaimed.

Of course, It should be Riddhima's decision. She has the right to choose her groom.

"Fine. Don't forget this, we are just meeting him.", She gritted her teeth.

Hush! At least she agreed. I really wanted to meet Anuj. I don't know if it was my curiosity or a father's protectiveness but I wanted to know about Kabir's past and his dead wife.

We soon left for Anuj's home. We told everyone that I am going for meeting a friend, because I don't want them to know, where we were going. Riddhima was in Vansh's room, dressing Riva, when we went. That made me think about what Renu told me last night, Vansh and Riddhima!

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Soni.", I heard a familiar voice and soon realised I was at Anuj's residence.

We both nodded at Anuj and entered inside his house. Kabir was not there, probably he was at hospital. He gave us a small tour to his home, which was really cosy. There were certain photos of him and Kabir and also a woman with Kabir, which I assumed to be his daughter.

"Yeah, she is my daughter and Kabir's late wife.", He told us and I glanced at the photo once more. Something about the woman was making me feel familiar. Do I know her? Have I met her?

My thoughts were broken by Anuj. He talked about Kabir and how he wanted him to move on in his life. According to Anuj, Kabir has suffered the worst. Losing his parents at a very young age, grieving for his sister, being bullied at orphanage and facing problems in career. Thus, Anuj wanted best for him.

This really touched my heart. Anuj cared for him like his own son. I was really happy with their bond.

"It was in the orphanage, he met Ahana.", Anuj told us.

"Ahana?", Renu asked.

"Ahana, my daughter.", He said and we nodded.

Ahana always loved to celebrate her birthday at orphanage, as it was a tradition that was started by her mother. And at one such birthday, she met Kabir and they instantly hit it off. I noticed Anuj's eyes when he kept on telling the tales about his daughter. There was a hint of adoration laced with sadness in his eyes. I know, he missed her.

The conversation ended soon by a concluding statement from Renu, saying it would be better to ask the children for proceeding further. We both nodded and headed towards the hospital, to meet Riddhima. We talked about Ahana and Kabir and something about them was bugging me. I don't know, why but I feel, I have seen Ahana, somewhere.

I dismissed my thoughts when we reached at hospital. I asked someone about Riddhima and he pointed towards a cabin. I just felt proud at the way, he treated us when I told him about being Doctor Riddhima's parents.

"This cabin?", Renu pointed at a door and frowned. I looked and shrugged because the cabin has Kabir's name written. I decided to knock but a familiar voice stopped me from doing so.

"No Kabir. I will help you. I always have. You won't be able to kill him alone.", me and Renu look at each other after hearing the voice.

We peeped inside only to get the biggest shock. Kabir and this woman, Ahana were talking. And Ahana was not DEAD. I soon recalled where I had seen her. In the party. She collided with me and her mask fell. I helped her. It was her! Ahana. But then..

My questions were left unanswered but what I heard shocked us. Ahana just confessed what she did with Riddhima. She and Kabir were behind everything that happened with Riddhima. Renu trembled in fear as she heard every word. I tried to calm her but she collapsed which resulted in a crashing voice.

I held her forearm, to help her. We need to run and tell the truth to others. But before I could do anything, I felt something hit my head and I saw Ahana's face before losing consciousness.

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