Attack at Hotel

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Riddhima's pov

"What was that?", I heard Ahana's scared voice.

Before any of us could decipher what was happening we heard another sound and I was sure this was the noise of bullet. I peeped from a glass window and found some men with guns firing all over the hotel like mad man.

I was paralysed at the scene. My hands trembled as I saw them killing small kids brutally. I would have screamed loudly but a hand covered my mouth and I just whimpered. I turned around and hugged the person, which I knew was Vansh.

"Vansh!", I cried and he rubbed my back and hugged me more. God! What I did to deserve this man?

"It's a terrorist attack.", I heard Kabir's panick stricken voice.

Probably the situation had shocked everyone that's why they were frozen on their spot. I was the first one to come out of the shock and quickly switched off the lights of the room. Checking if the door is latched properly or not I headed towards the glass window and slowly covered it with the white curtain.

Hush! Good. They can't see us. I turned around and found every eyes on me. Though there was no light in the room but the light coming from outside was helping me to make out their expressions. Everyone was looking at me with surprise.

"Don't shout or scream. We have to act like this room is empty.", I whispered, trying to think from where I got these guts and watched all of them nodding.

I hugged my parents and told them to sit on the bed and calm down.

I moved towards Ahana and whispered in her ears, "Yeah we have some issues. But this is needed for survival. Can I trust you?".

She nodded, her eyes welled with tears.

"Listen. We can't stand here like this. I am going out to check if there is any way we could safely move out from here.", I whispered only to hear 'no' from everyone.

"No Riddhima. You stay here, I will go.", Vansh proposed and I declined immediately.

"Vansh think straight. You are strong you can protect everyone. But you are huge and if you will go out everyone could easily see you. While I am short and won't be easily visible to them if I walk rapidly.", I explained.

"Yes she is right. Riddhima is very small.", Ahana said and I glared her. I didn't mean to mock my height!

"I didn't mean that way. Well you are really petite.", She chuckled and I shut her mouth with my hand.

"Don't laugh. You will get us caught.", I whisper yelled and she nodded in understanding. I sighed and looked around to see amused expressions on Kabir and Vansh's face.

What? I mouthed but they just shrugged.

I told them to be quiet meanwhile I will go out and check if I could call anyone for help. We had thought about using our phone but there was no network in the hotel. Probably the terrorists had jammed the network, therefore even the hotel room landline was not working.

After giving them a last glance, I slipped out of the room. I watched everywhere but all I could see was blood stains and dead bodies. Covering my nose with my cloth I quietly walked further in the lobby.

I could hear hushed voices of some people from nearby. I sneaked and found a woman with three children hiding behind a wall. She had hugged the children to her chest and was trying to cover their mouth to shush their sobs.

I almost screamed when I saw a body lying just beside them. Probably the man was their father. I walked towards the woman and took her with me.  I held one of the child in my arms while she held the other two.

I don't know from where I got such strength, but I wanted to secure them. I made my way towards a staircase which would led us to the backdoor of the hotel. We entered through that part only, so I was aware about that door. From less security and people, I also know that backdoor was not much popular among the people.

So, probably the terrorists won't know about that door and we could easily move out.  Fingers crossed.

We walked down the stairs very slowly, watching every corner keenly. When we found no one arround, we rushed towards the door and heaved a sigh of relief.

But soon I found some men wearing black clothes with big guns walking towards the front door. The front door was visible from the backside and I was afraid that probably they also could see us. We quickly hid behind a large pot. This sudden movement startled the little kid in the woman's arm and he started wailing. I quickly closed his mouth with my hands so that no one could hear his voice.

But I could hear voice of footsteps approaching. Squeezing my eyes shut tightly, I prayed to save these children. The approaching footsteps were close and I could hear harsh breaths of men.

I took a deep breathe and waited for my death.


I am going to make changes from here. I am going to extend this attack drama, because it is needed.

It is going to end soon, finally! Probably five or six more chapters.

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