Revealing the secret to her

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Vansh's pov

It was time to take Riddhima home and also to reveal a secret to her. Dr Anuj had already got to know about Kabir and Ahana's deeds and has not talked to them. What struck him most was his daughter planning a revenge against my family. He was ashamed of their deeds and apologized from us on their behalf.

Well, I already forgave them. I think they had got enough punishment for what they had done. But now it was time to tell Riddhima about Kabir. Frankly speaking, I am scared. I don't know how will she react. Will she be happy or will she disown him?

I knocked the door of her room, she was staying and entered when she said. She changed into a comfortable dress from the hospital gown and was ready to go home.

"Ready?", I asked.

"Ever ready.", She beamed and I chuckled at her excitement. She still had to handle her left arm with care, because it hurts. Dr Anuj had made her wear a brace and thus she had to be extra careful during wearing clothes or doing some work which includes hand movements.

I escorted her to the car and drove towards the home. She was looking out of the window while humming a song.

"Riddhima. Do.. Do you miss.. your brother?", I asked with a lot of hesitation.

She glanced towards me with strange look, "Yes, sometimes. Why asking?"

"Um.. what if you find him?", I asked. I wanted to make her comfortable with this idea. 

She looked at me with wide eyes, "Did you hit your head somewhere or something? Why are you asking all this suddenly?".

I shut my mouth and focused on the road. It's better to stay mum then to evoke this deadly dragon. Soon we reached home and were welcomed by all. Riddhima was astonished to find Dr Anuj and his family at the home but she still smiled and hugged them.

I could sense nervousness and anxiety in everyone's eyes especially that of Kabir.

"Why are you all so tensed?", Riddhima spoke after she was helped by Sia to sit on the sofa.


"Actually Riddhima.."

"Tensed? Who is tensed?"

"Oh no one is tensed!"

"Riddhima, please don't be mad.."

Everyone said at the same time, thus making it more obvious to Riddhima. Gosh! They definitely are brainless.

"Oh-kay! So something's wrong? What is it?", She asked after hearing their reply.

Silence. No one uttered a single word.

"Tell me!! I am not going to die, am I?", She joked which earned a glare from me.

"Riddhima! Don't ever say this.", Kabir shouted and Riddhima looked puzzled.

Ahana gave a look to Kabir, at which he nodded with a sigh.

"Riddhima, do you remember you have a brother?", Kabir asked with hesitation.

"What do you mean by remember? Of course I will remember my brother no?", Riddhima baffled at his statement, while he looked somewhat contented and pleased.

Kabir kneeled in front of Riddhima and placed his hand over hers. If I was the old Vansh, who was unaware of their relation, I would have kicked him right here.

"Riddhima. I know this will be difficult for you and you will probably hate me but I am your lost brother.", He said in a go with closed eyes.

We all were looking at the duo without blinking our eyes. Kabir's eyes were closed and Riddhima's were saucer shaped. She was staring him without blinking. She gazed him keenly and then looked towards her parents who blinked at her twice.

Her lower lip trembled and her eyes watered. She quickly stood up and rushed inside room.

"Riddhima..", We all shouted to stop her but she closed the door on our face.

"I need space, please.", We heard her muffled reply and sighed. She was crying.

She got to know. The secret is revealed. But her reaction is, not that bad. I had assumed her slapping Kabir or worst throwing him out of the home.

Kabir was standing quietly while Ahana was trying to make him understand. Dr Anuj was watching them with strange emotions.

It was after twenty minutes, that Riddhima came out, all chirpy and fresh. She sat comfortably on the sofa and stretched her legs. We all just gazed her with full attention, ready to hear some scoldings. But she gently called Riva and made her sit over lap. 

"Riva. Do you like Ahana?", She asked sweetly and Riva shook her head in no.

"Same pinch. I too don't.", She replied.

"Ridd..", Ahana intervened with a guilty face but was stopped by Kabir.

"I am sorry Riya. For everything. I don't want to create more trouble than I already have. I am leaving. Dad, I am sorry. Ahana is not at fault, she did because I asked her. We are leaving.", Kabir said and started marching towards the door only to be stopped by Riddhima's words.

"Riva, I too never used to like Ahana, but you know baby doll, I always adored Kabir. Do you liked Kabir Uncle?"

"Yes. He was always nice to me.", Riva said and Kabir's eyes twinkled with happiness.

"But you know baby doll, I am not talking to him.", She further said which made the happiness vanish from his eyes.

"Why?", Riva asked innocently.

"Because, see he is leaving me alone, again. Why Bhai?", Riddhima cried looking towards Kabir.

Kabir immediately ran towards Riddhima, engulfing her in a bear hug. We all witnessed them sobbing like anything and complaining how they missed each other. It was only Riva who was staring them with big eyes, unable to understand the sudden outburst of her mother.

Deep inside my heart, I knew Riddhima would forgive them. Why won't she, when she is such a pure soul? With her innocence, she always makes me fall for her more. She even forgave Ahana and asked Riva to call her 'mami'.

It was quite quizzical to watch Ahana's reaction. I think she might have doubted if Riddhima would be this sweet. But she is my sweetheart, who is amazing. They had a family hug and Kabir not only got his sister, but parents and one more sister as bonus too. The Sonis called him 'their' son and Kabir was overjoyed. Tint of mist was visible in Ahana's eyes at their words.

And surprisingly, Riddhima succeeded in breaking the tensions between Ahana and Dr Anuj too. Ahana cried for the first time in front of us and hugged Riddhima, thanking and apologizing for each and everything.

Everything was set and was perfect. And I was very happy to find Riddhima delighted with her family. It was really a beautiful sight to watch. 

In this atmosphere of glee, I was still tensed a little, because this was not the only secret I was going to reveal to her. The biggest secret of my life, is yet to unfold and I am scared. With a nervous smile, I held Riva's hand and cleared my throat to gain everyone's attention.

It's time, I need to reveal.



Would you all like to read a spin off, of this book, where main leads will be Kabir and Ahana?

I am planning to write a book on how Kabir, the innocent boy met cocky and sassy, daddy's spoilt princess, Ahana. This is going to be a high school teen romance. It will take time. But I wanted to know if you all would like to read it.

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