Riddhima in Danger

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Riddhima's pov


I was waiting for the bullet to hit me but I didn't hear any sound. I opened my one eye slowly and gasped as I found two men with black clothes lying dead near me.

I quickly stood up from my hiding place and looked at my surrounding. The woman and the children were missing.

I was hyperventilating. God. I couldn't save them. I was on the verge of crying when I saw some men, actually terrorists running towards me. Before I could do anything, I felt a pull at my waist and the next thing I knew was falling over a stiff body.

I realised, I have closed my eyes due to fear but still I know who saved me. Vansh. His fragrance always calms my mind. And the way my mind was relax, I knew it was Vansh only.

I lazily opened my eyes and found him staring me. He helped me stand up and pushed me towards a wall, where no body could see us.

He was looking towards right, from where some voices were coming. He had a frown etched on his forehead but surprisingly, I was still relaxed. I knew we were in danger, but the fact that Vansh was with me gave me sudden peace.

I watched his face keenly while his focus was still on the voices. His beard was just a finger away from my lips.

Oh god. Now is not the time. I mentally smacked my head and shivered at my dirty thoughts.

"Riddhima are you okay?", I heard him. I nodded without meeting his gaze and looked at my right. The voices were no longer heard now. We are safe, probably.

"Where are ..", before I could ask him about the woman and the children he spilled about saving them.

"I saved them. I helped them cross the door and they are out of this hotel now.", He said.

"Thank God! But Vansh. What about the help? How are we going to save us? We need to call police but the terrorists have jammed the network of this area. What are we going to do? There are many people trapped in here. We need to save everyone. Even..", I could have continued to ramble more if Vansh wouldn't have stopped me with his forefinger.

"Shut up Riddhima. I have figured it out. The woman we saved is going to help us. She will go to police station asap.", He said.

"But what if she.."

"You need to learn to trust, Riddhima.", He said and I lowered my eyes.

I know what he meant. I am ashamed of my actions but what could I do, seeing him with someone else just blurred my senses. I know he and Ahana were never something but still. How should I explain this.. I felt betrayed and ignored and unwanted.

I don't know when tears started flowing through my eyes. He panicked and cupped my face. I sighed with his touch.

"Riddhima..", I interrupted him. I need to tell him.

"Vansh. I am sorry. I know, I acted like a foolish woman. And I can't justify my actions, it's just that I was feeling overwhelmed with emotions.", I told him truthfully. He smiled and wiped my tears with his thumb.

"I know.", He kissed my forehead and continued, "you are a foolish woman.". I frowned and hit his chest which earned a chuckle from him.

"Vansh, Papa.."

He nodded and held my hand and we sneaked towards the room. As soon as I entered the room, I was engulfed in a hug by my parents.

"You are safe.", Papa kept on mumbling this as if calming himself. I patted his back and repeated. "Yes, I am safe, Papa.". He smiled.

I glanced around and found Ahana clinging to Kabir. Though I may not like them, now but I am a human and we all have to fight with this together. So, I went towards them and placed my hand over Ahana's shoulder. She was crying at Kabir's shoulder.

"Ahana. We are going to be fine.", I whispered and she shook her head.

"No. I am going to die. We all are. I am going to die. Even before... I have so many things to say to Dad. I had to tell him that I am alive. I need to hug him. I need to give him the news that he is going to become grandpa. I had to hold my child. I had to spent time with Kabir. But I am going to die.", She kept on weeping.

Ahana is pregnant! Oh lord. She needs extra care.

"Ahana! Crying won't help either. We need to be strong, then only we could come out of this.", I whispered and caressed her hair. She sobbed but soon relaxed.

We need to make a plan. There are many women in here and not to forget about little children. I just couldn't let those men kill innocent people.

But what can I do? We can't call any help. We can't go out. If I was alone, I would probably go and save them but I have my parents along with me. I can't risk their lives. Besides Ahana is pregnant. God! Why this is so complicated?

No. I need to relax myself. I took some deep breathes and peeped out through keyhole.

I took Vansh to a corner and whispered, "Vansh. I am going out. I can't stay here silently waiting for then to barge anytime. You be vigilant and find a perfect place to hide everyone.".

"What? No. Where do you think you are going?", He whisper yelled.

"Vansh. Don't panic. Someone has to do something.", I told him.

"Nobody is going alone. We all are going together.", Kabir announced and everyone nodded.

I tried to reason but Papa gave me sharp look and I had to shut my mouth.

We decided to spilt in two. I was going towards the lobby with Ahana and Papa. And Vansh was going at the backdoor with Kabir and Mumma. Leaving Vansh with Kabir didn't sent me good vibes but mumma is there so I am quite relaxed.

"Okay. All the best.", I said and hugged them. God! Please look out this is not my last hug.

"You need to come back to me. I had to tell you something very important after this shit ends.", Vansh whispered in my ear and I smiled.

We decided to walk through the lobby. Last time I walked through it I saw some rooms. Probably we could find a new place to hide. I sneaked with Ahana and Papa following me closely. Ahana was trembling in fear and it was not helping.

I told her to be quiet otherwise we all would die but this only increased her crying.

I covered her mouth with my hand and told her to stop crying. It is difficult for everyone. She is not alone here. Why isn't she understanding?

Huffing, I walked further. But my legs jammed when I saw a terrorist shooting a man in front of my eyes. He just shot the man in one blow. Just like that. Before I could react, Ahana pushed me to the other corner, where Papa was hiding.

I took deep breaths and tried to erase the scene from my memory.

I turned to Ahana to thank her but before that.

"Oh hello dear. Welcome to the group.", I heard a dangerous voice and slowly looked towards the person.

Am I going to die?

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