Chapter 4

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¦Chapter 4¦


When Muichirou met up with Sanemi and Tengen at the café for a sudden treat because Tengen said he felt like it, he didn't expect to have left his ring behind.

He looked down at his left hand, wondering why it felt naked for a while now and only then noticed his ring was missing from his finger.

"It's not here," Muichirou commented, looking blankly at it his bare finger. "I wonder where I could've dropped it."

He tried remember what he did before they met up, Sanemi excusing himself to do something. Muichirou replayed the events of this morning in his head and remembered he left his ring in their house at the table of his room after he used the ring as a little guide to make a circle and forgot to put it back on after Tengen's sudden call, demanding Muichirou meet him at the café for free food.

"Hey buddy." Tengen tapped Muichirou's shoulder, gaining his attention and pulling him oht of his thoughts. "I know that lady took your ring and all, but can you tell Shinazugawa to stop doing what he's doing? The lass won't last much longer at this rate."

His eyes followed to where Tengen pointed, immediately realizing that Sanemi must've thought that Muichirou left the ring somewhere in this café and was now harrasing an innocent bystander for having a ring that looks like his.

"Shinazugawa-san! That's not my ring!" Muichirou yelled in a desperate attempt to help the young girl as well as stop the commotion.

Thankfully, Sanemi heard him and dropped the girl down who was coughing a lot.

He rushed forward, feeling bad that this was partly his fault it happened. He extended a hand towards her, asking, "Are you alright?"

There was a slight pause in the moment before she looked up at him.

And he was met with a familiar pair of (E/c) eyes.


(Y/n) wondered why she was here, sitting at the table with the man who was accusing her of stealing something that belonged to her, silently glaring at the man who was introduced as Shinazugawa Sanemi by his companions.

"Stop glaring at me already! I said I was sorry."

She didn't say anything to him, she didn't want to say anything to him; so she just continued to glare at him silently, taking occasional sips from her drink.

Why am I even here with them? I was just supposed to order the drinks and leave, (Y/n) thought to herself as she noticed that the drink was good and she would be getting another one on her way out.

"Sorry about him, he's a bit temperamental," the other white haired man, who eccentrically introduced himself as Uzui Tengen, said. "Though I don't think I've seen you here before. Are you just visiting or did you move recently?"

"I don't think I need to tell you," she said as she stood up, glaring at Sanemi for the last time. "I sincerely hope we don't meet again."

"Wait!" Before she left, the boy who introduced himself as Tokito Muichirou, called out. "I need to ask you something."

"Did I steal this ring? No."

"I wasn't going to ask that." He shook his head.

"Oh?" (Y/n) raised a brow, wondering what in earth he could have wanted. "Then what were you going to ask?"

"This may sound a bit weird, but"—he took a deep breath, preparing himself—"do you remember me?"

"Am I supposed to?" she immediately deadpanned.

"Well no—"

"There you have your answer," she dismissed, picking up her extra order as well as the one for her brother. "I can't say it was nice meeting you, so I'll leave first."

(Y/n) usually wasn't this rude to anyone, even those annoying classmates she used to put up with, but none of them ever tried to choke her because of a misunderstanding so it was understandable why she didn't want to get to know them. Especially if Sanemi was there, who knows when the next time he'll try to kill her because of because of a miscommunication.


(Y/n) knocked and entered her brother's room after she heard a "Come in", she let herself in and plopped on the side of his make shift bed, making sure the drinks didn't spill.

"Nii-san, let's go to the café together next time."

At least with this, she could avoid what she experienced today since her brother was reliable when it came to bullies, or anyone who wanted to hurt his little sister.

"What? Can't handle going there by yourself?" he teased. He looked inside the plastic bag and picked the drink meant for him.

"There's this man who tried to kill me," she informed him. "Well I'm not sure if kill is the right word, but he did lift me into the air and that made it hard to breath."

"Why?" he asked.

"He said I stole this ring." She lifted her left hand, showing her brother ring she's had for ages.

"What did he look like?"

"White hair and purple eyes. I feel that he will murder anything and anyone that pisses him off. At least that's the vibe I was getting from him."

"Purple eyes," Hiro thought to himself for a moment. "Couldn't be him."

"Couldn't be who?" she asked.

"It's nothing," he shook his head. "That aside, did you get his name? Maybe a number?"

"Shinazugawa Sanemi," she told him. "From what I've been told, he has attitude problems."

"Shinazugawa Sanemi," he repeated. "Do you want me to beat him up if I run in to him?"

"It's up to you." She raised her hand, waving it dismissingly. "This is a big city though, so I doubt you'll find him easily."

"Who knows," Hiro shrugged, rather positive (and a bit excited) he would meet Sanemi soon. "This could be a small world."


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