Chapter 9

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¦Chapter 9¦


As if the events from the arcade earlier wasn't a headache (though she did enjoy the part where she got Inosuke's winnings), she felt another headache coming from the guest who was currently in their living room, cursing loudly as they battled Hiro to a video game.

"Can you not be so loud?"

She requested as she passed by the living room to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Though from the looks of it, either Sanemi didn't hear her because of the noise he was making or he was ignoring her—and the thought of either one wanted to make her throw him out.

It's understandable that (Y/n) would still be mad after what she went through. Maybe she wouldn't be so annoyed at him if things happened differently. Additionally, she still hasn't received an apology from him at all. She is annoyed that he still hasn't apologized, but she was more annoyed at the fact that he chooses to act like he did nothing wrong.

"You're back." Instead of Hiro, it was Giyuu who greeted her, joining her in the kitchen as he too fetched a drink.

"Yeah, but it's annoying to see him here," she replied. "He acts like nothing happened, I think he forgot he still needs to apologize."

After much silence, Giyuu replied. "He didn't."

"Oh?" She turned her head towards her brother, rather curious at what he just said. "You're telling me that he actaully has a conscience?"

"He's just not good with words," he told her.

(Y/n) wasn't sure whether she was supposed to feel better with this piece of news, it honestly felt like he was telling her that what Sanemi did was justified because he had communication problems. "Nii-san, a wrongdoing is a wrongdoing. You can't just expect me to sympathize with him just because you said he's bad with words."

"I'm not defending him," Giyuu protested after he realized his sister interpreted his words wrong. "He will apologize, he just has trouble saying the right things."

"For nii-san to defend the Pomeranian, I'm taking you two are close?"

"I guess," Giyuu replied, though his answer carried much uncertainty and self-doubt.

"For you to be friends with such a guy," she said aloud, turning her head to the side as she observed the unwanted guest and Hiro. It seems despite their rocky start, the two of them did get along and she didn't want to be the type of person who destroys someone else's relationship just because of her bad experience, so she decided not to pick a fight this time.

"How strange."


Sanemi soon left and (Y/n) joined her brother in the living room, seating herself on the couch.

"I'm home," she told him because she figured he was too caught up in his game to have heard her.

"You sure come home late nowadays."

And from her brother's response, it would seem she's right.

"So you've noticed." Instead of telling her brother she was home earlier, she decided to go along with him since she didn't feel like explaining what happened earlier. "I'm taking that you're getting along with the Pomeranian?"

"He isn't so bad," he replied, "he gets better once you get to know him."

Or so I've been told, she thought. It wasn't like she was doubting her brother (maybe she would have if not for Giyuu's opinion earlier) but she still had yet to see this so called "good side" of his, if there even is one.

"You've decided to stop ignoring me, huh?" He smirked, putting the controllers away. "Even though we haven't finished the project yet."

She stayed silent, looking at him for a few seconds before slowly turning her head to the other side. "I've been talking to myself lately, must be the stress."

"Hey! You can't just suddenly pretend I don't exist again!"

"Giyuu-nii-san," she called from the living room. "It's been strangely loud lately, hasn't it?"

"It's weird," Giyuu played along. "To think a single bug could cause such a loud racket."

"Stop calling me a bug!" Hiro screeched from the top of his lungs but as expected, his siblings pretended like he didn't even exist.

"Why don't we spray the house with big spray then?" she proposed.


"That won't work," Giyuu replied. "It won't die."

"I'm not some sort of cockroach!"

"Too bad," she sighed, climbing against the arm rest of the couch as she buried her head on the arm rest. "I thought we could resolve this bug problem quickly."

"I keep telling you. Stop! Treating! Me! Like! A! Cockroach!"

"Well, let's just hope this bug problem resolves itself quickly." She glanced at her brother for a second, offering him a devious smile before she turned away. "Who knows what'll happen if this continues for long."

"Alright alright! I'll finish the project soon!"

"That would be for the best," Giyuu agreed. Whether he was agreeing with (Y/n) or Hiro's statement was completely up to how they each interpreted it.

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