Her quirks

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Your quirk info : (voice in your head + Telekinesis)

Voice in your head = Your mom's quirk is called "Voice in your head" And It just tells you information about the person you want to know information about. And where they are doing or where they are at

Telekinesis = You can move anything that has matter But you mostly use it to pick up stuff and bring it to you

You fell to the ground seeing your father slap you and drinking beer at the same time and saying "YOU'RE THE REASON SHE DIED" You said to yourself "It is my fault she died giving birth to me, I needed too much as a kid." You didn't realize that your dad hit you hard in your head that you fainted. You went to get your school uniform on and put some make-up on to cover up the bruises and cuts then you put your clipped hair back into a ponytail. "It's okay y/n, today is gonna be a great day just like all the other days.." You said to yourself trying to calm yourself down for your new school year at U.A. high school being the best school to go to in Mustafa, Japan. You tried to be as calm as you can be but it didn't always work. As you were walking to school you were listening to music to calm yourself down so you can focus on school instead of what is at home, hood up headphones in your ears loud but too loud. You jumped a little bit when someone with pink hair and yellow eyes tapped your shirt and took the left headphone out and said "Hey?" She smiled and said "Hello! What's your name?" She said while walking to your side, You said "My name is Y/n L/n" "Very cool name!" She said You looked like you were waiting for her name, She was confused at first and then realized she didn't say her name "Mina Ashido!" She said while smiling "H-Hello Mina" "What's your class?" she asked "Class 1-A". She jumped up and down and you were confused at first then she said "We are in the same class! Oh so you should be the new girl!" Mina then said "Well I gotta go, my friends are waiting for me!" She waved bye to you, you did the same. "In the corner, to the left," Your voice in your head. You saw a teacher waving at you. You got a little irritated because you just wanted to listen to music to calm your nerves. Did you walk over to a teacher with black hair that looks like bed hair and wearing PJs? He said, "Hello I'm Shota Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher for this year" He bowed, You did the same and said, "Hello I'm Y/n L/n" once you got up from the bow he said "Follow me to the classroom, once we get there you will stay outside until I said come in," Aizawa said "Yes teacher," Y/n said to him. You guys were walking up the stairs when you saw an ash-blond hair boy bullying a green-haired boy whose hair almost looked like broccoli, You just walked past them since you didn't want to get involved with that kind of stuff on your first day and it looked like the green-haired boy had it under control. The bell went off and you stopped outside the classroom seeing the two boys walk in. You spaced out a little bit after you thought you heard your dad yell for your name then you heard Mr. Aizawa said: "You may come in now". You walked in, almost everyone smiled seeing a new student then you saw the two boys one was looking at their notebook like had a bunch of notes sticking out of the pages and the other one was just looking out the window. "H-Hello everyone I'm y/n and my quirks are voice in head and telekinesis, I hope we can all get along just fine" You tried to smile, one boy that smiled back at you. Then Mr. Aizawa said "You can sit in front of Bakugo, Bakugo raise your hand." Bakugo raised his hand a little bit and you smiled then sat in front of him. "So his name is Bakugo," you said in your head "Katsuki Bakugou," Your voice in your head said. You whispered, "Thank you". No one heard or you thought one girl heard it. She kind of looked like a frog. "She is a frog, her name is Tsuyu Asui," the voice in your head said once again "Y/n do you know the answer?" Mr. Aizawa said. You were still spaced out trying to think of a way to get out of this without getting in trouble because then they would call your dad. Then you know what would happen... So you said "C-can I use the bathroom?" "Quickly," Aizawa said. You nodded as you were speed walking to the bathroom and when you got to the bathroom you sat on the seat "I'll tell you when class is over" The voice said, very quietly "All right." You accidentally fell asleep on the toilet seat.

(A half in an hour later)

"Y/n wake up, Class is over" You woke up to the noise of girls talking not too loud but not quiet either. You walked out of the bathroom hair not a mess but a mess "Fix your hair before you get out" You stopped and looked at the mirror and you're fixed your hair the voice was telling you instructions and telling you how it looked in the morning before class. After that, you were pulled aside by Aizawa "Why were you not in class?" You were silent, spaced out thinking about your dad and if they're gonna call him about it so you said  "Sorry voice kept saying stuff to me" You said "Wow, blame me" voice said "Fine ill let it slide" Aizawa was walking until he walked into Present Mic and kept talking to him about teacher stuff I guess? Anyway, you kept on walking until you saw a man who looked around 5′ 10″ and had unique eyebrow and doing this thing with his hands where like he's like putting 4 fingers together and swinging his arms up and down. He looked like he was scolding 2 students? Oh, It Katsuki Bakugo and Green hair boi "Izuku Midoriya" Voice said. "Thank you!" You said in a normal voice. A guy with Purple hair and Not too dark circles under his eyes said "Thank who?" You jumped and turned around "Hitoshi Shinso is his name, also don't say "Thank you" you're just getting attention to you," The voice in your head said. You signed and walked away forgetting that Shinso was still there. "What's your name," Shinso said "Don't answer he'll mind control you and make you answer questions," Voice said so you kept on walking and putting your headphones on by your ears by telekinesis and kept on walking out of school.

1261 words

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