Xavier the Friend

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He went to get a towel and then he dried her off. Then he picked her up bridal style and brought her to the bed. Dabi called the All for One's Doctor on the phone and the doctor said, "What do you want to know about Dabi? '' Did y/n faint again or-" "Yes she did'' The doctor signed and then said "Just let her rest for a little bit and whenever she faints just let her lay down for a little bit" "okay" they hang up and then Dabi was looking around for y/n's short and then when he found them he got a hoodie and then he walked back over to y/n and said "I'm sorry Baby Mouse that I did this to you" Then he put the clothes on you and it looked like the bleeding stopped. Then he layed you back down, then thought that maybe you didn't like him anymore or you just didn't want to be around him anymore. He kept on thinking about that until you woke up "How long was I out for?" "about a half an hour" "okay" you got up and went to the bathroom and said "I'll be right back, I'm going to finish off taking a shower...Don't come in" "okay," Dabi said while standing up and then said, "Do you want me to go get your stuff from your house?" "no I'll get it soon" Then Dabi said "okay" In a worried tone. You noticed he was worried so you walked out of the bathroom (only bra off) and walked up to Dabi saw you coming to him so he went back into his room and closed the door and hugged you "If you're that worried then I'll have voice connect our minds and when I go you'll hear and see everything and you'll even know what I'm thinking, is that okay?" "Yes that's fine baby mouse, are you going after you take a shower?" you nodded and then got out of the hug and walked to the bathroom, and then you closed the door and got undressed, and then you did what you usually did for whenever you're taking a shower.

(After the shower)

You're wearing a tank top and black sweatpants, when you were done getting dressed you saw Dabi with Toga talking about missions, and then you went into the closet and grabbed a jacket and then you waved at Toga and she waved back at you. "I'm going out now, Dabi Voice should get our minds together when I leave this house and it needs to be silent and you need to be laying down to see and hear what I'm doing." When you were done talking you left the room and left the bar and said "I'm going to get my stuff Kurogiri" He nodded and then you left the bar and then you said "Voice put my mind with Dabi's" "okay" then you felt everything Dabi was thinking and hearing but you can still hear

"Can you hear me?" "yeah I can" "okay good, then can you see what I'm seeing?" "yes" "okay" You were walking towards when you went to see the time and it was around 6 so you were just around free time at U.A so you walked in your student ID card was in your pocket so you get in easily then you walked to the dorm area at U.A's campus. When you got to Class 1-A's dorm you opened the door and everyone heard you come in and then Voice said "there are 7 students to your left and 1 teacher" you kept on walking then you pressed the button so you can go up the elevator until Sero saw you and said "Heyy y/n" "oh hey Sero'' then the elevator opened so you went in and said, "Are you coming in or not?" "No I'm actually waiting for Kaminari" you nodded and pressed the floor you wanted to go on and then you walked to your dorm and then you opened the door and saw it was a mess so you looked in your closet and got your backpack, etc out and then you started to pack up your stuff and then you saw the knife you used to cut yourself on and then you saw there's dried blood on it "I haven't you for sum time huh" Then you put it in your backpack and then Dabi said, "Y/n when's the last time you cut yourself?" "The day you saved me from the guys'' Then you kept on packing your stuff and then you heard a knock at the door then you asked voice who's there (Dabi a hear what Voice is saying too) "There are 3 police officers and 2 pro heros the names are Shota Aizawa your teacher and All might your training teacher" You used telekinesis to hurry and put all the stuff back then you used telekinesis to lift yourself out of the window and the other stuff out too then you saw 3 police officer cars and then you just put yourself in the air and the bags were next to you. The police officers saw you and then said "Y/N COME DOWN HERE OR WE WILL SHOOT" "blah blah blah they won't shoot me even if they do voice has taken over telekinesis so he can use it and block the bullets" you were laying down in the air and then you were sleeping voice was blocking the bullets from hitting you and Dabi saw what you were dreaming and he saw a memory with you guys as childhood friends and then you woke up and saw you were over your house and voice got rid of the police officers you jumped down and then you walked into your house to see a girl she looked like a gold digger but that didn't stop you from getting your stuff she heard you walking up the stairs and said "Hey you girl!" you looked over the stairs and saw her and kept on walking up it then you felt tap on your shoulder and then you looked around the house and saw a lady and then you just kept on walking you didn't care who she was you just wanted to get your clothes and get out of there as fast as possible you were walking up the stairs until you felt a pull from your neck and then you were falling down from the stairs then you said "voice" then voice was controlling telekinesis then you were floating in the air "The lady pulled you y/n" Voice said "why did do that?" "Your father owes me money and he's not here, be a sweetheart and go fetch him for me" "no thanks" Then you walked up to your room "Don't go in Y/n she's right behind you" You turned around trying to punch her until she used her quirk and started to melt one of your arms. You screamed in pain then she said again "be a sweetheart and go fetch him for me" "Sorry Ma'am but I cant and don't want to get my father...I don't even know where he is" She slapped y/n and Dabi said "Y/n Are you okay? Do you want me to go there?" "no," Y/n said in her mind to Dabi she didn't want Dabi to come. She felt like she already caused Dabi enough problems in just 1 month that we've been together. Then you lady pushed You into your door then closed the door then melted the door so you can't get out. You were so busy screaming that you didn't hear Dabi saying "Y/n I'm on my way" then you gave up and you were looking around in the room to see what you can do to get out. You found a knife but it melted the second it touched the door handle you were ready to just stay there for the rest of your life you had rice and other food here and you knew how to cook too. Until you heard 5 bangs coming from downstairs "Who is that Voice" "That's is your little lover boy and his little friend Toga and they have two U.A students with them" "DABI I'M UP HERE" You were banging on the door as loud as you could then you heard silence so then you ran to go hide in the closet.

ღ𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓱𝓮𝓻ღ  {Dabi ✗ Female reader 18+}Where stories live. Discover now