4 months and 5 days too early

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Part 5 (Still Dabi Pov)

When they got to the base it seemed that Y/n was dead but there were very slow heartbeats they ran into their Boss doctors room where they were prepared for her they put all the Iv chords on her that she needed and her heart was still pumping but very slow but she was still alive. Y/n was lying on the bed with all of the Iv cords still in her arm pumping blood into her. But everyone was not in here since I wanted to be alone with her, She was crying again then she whispered "voice go to Dabi" Voice turned into a small light and Dabi could see him then Voice went into Dabi ear into his brain and said "Say yes if I'm in your brain" "Yes?" "Y/n wanted me to tell you that her dad is going after her, he has a hidden quirk called position which means he knows where someone or something is located or has been put." "so he knows where she is?" Dabi said, "yes but he can't really use it." After Voice and Dabi were done talking, Voice went out of Dabi and back into Y/n ear into her ear. The Doctor came into the room and said "Good news or bad news," Dabi said "Good" "She will live and the bad news is she gonna be in a coma for about 5 months due to the blood loss, Her heart might stop now and then but we have someone that can get people back from the dead but every time she goes out cold somethings will change about her. Her quirks and looks will stay the same though" Dabi said okay kind of wishing her heart won't stop but Life is life. I will help her. He said to himself "But her body will be damage to her body when she wakes up her legs will be weak and her left arm will be in pain...Her left eye is blind" He started to feel so guilty because he didn't help her at all he was just watching her getting sexually assaulted and Y/n was getting hit hard by her father. He wished he had done something instead of just calling other people to help him. Dabi loved you since you guys met at the park.

(Storytime ya'll)

One day child Dabi was running away from home and then he saw you and you had your eye covered in bandages and had bruises all over your legs and arms. He ran up to you and said "H-Hello, My name is T-toya" You looked over to him with lifeless eyes and said "Hello my name is Y/n" Toya smiled and since then you guys have been friends. He always saw you with bruises and cuts all over your body he didn't want to as. One day Toya stopped showing up when about 2 months into 2 grades you were around 7 and Dabi was 8. You were playing with the blue ball Toya gave to you then you saw the number 3 hero Endeavor running after Toya. Endeavor grabbed his arm and started to burn him, You saw it so you ran across the street and then you said "STOP! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!!" Child Y/n said to Endeavor as you were pulling a little boy with red hair and blue eyes to you and you ran with him to your house. "Are you okay Toya?" "Yeah I'm fine y/n," Toya said "A-Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm fine y/n" You signed in relieved. It was getting late so you said "Toya Let's go to bed" So you and Toya sneak into baby y/n room while y/n dad was sleeping, you guys were sneaking into the room trying not to make a sound so y/n's father won't wake up as you guys were going to sleep you noticed that Toya has scars on his back and asked, "What are those Toya?" "oh, just scars for my adventures!" The boys said "Wow so cool!" was the last thing you remember before going to sleep. You woke up and noticed that Toya wasn't there, you were super worried and started to look around for him then noticed a note that said

"Sorry y/n I have to leave, I'll be right back! Don't wait for me. - Toya"

oh, He left well I guess I'll get going to school. He never went to school It seemed like he just disappeared like he was just an imaginary friend.

A little bit later

Dabi was trying to figure out a way to get you out of your coma faster. He needed you, He missed you so much. While Dabi was out doing whatever he does, Your heart stopped beating "HER HEART STOPPED" The doctor was doing CPR on you and It didn't work for a couple of seconds then your heart started pumping again.

ღ𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓱𝓮𝓻ღ  {Dabi ✗ Female reader 18+}Where stories live. Discover now