Giving out blood

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After school, you felt like you were being followed but didn't pay attention to it until the voice in your head said "There are now two people following you, they don't like there together and one looks 40 and the other has black hair and purple scars on his face" You nodded as a response to the voice, The voice was telling you what they're (the people following) Were doing "One teleported very close to you, Run now" You did just as the voice said you ran as fast as you can but the guy kept on teleporting to you. You started to move trash cans with your Telekinesis quirk he just keeps on Teleporting and the guy with black hair took a shortcut. The guy teleported in front of you and said "Why hello there miss" You noticed it was a 40-year-old guy and he smelled like alcohol. He picked you up by the neck and started to undress you. You kept kicking him but it wasn't working. Until You saw blue flames, The guy dropped you as you passed out from hitting the ground with only your bra and underwear on. You woke up in a bed with walls with not a lot of mold on the wall but you immediately woke yourself up when you found out your hands are chained to the bed. You tried to get out until a guy with black hair and scars under his chin and eyes walked to you. You backed up until you hit a wall "Little Mouse why are you scared?~" The man said. Voice was trying to calm you down "he's known as Dabi to his friends," Voice said. Dabi walked out of the room and came back in a couple of minutes later and came back in with a hammer you thought he would hit you, he walked closer to you. You flinched and he put the hammer in front of you and told you "Break the right wall" So you didn't do anything for a minute or so then the voice said "Use your other power" so you used telekinesis and broke it with just glaring at the wall.

(If you are confused it just means that he was testing your strength)

Dabi was surprised so he took the hammer and broke the chains off your wrist. And he sat down on the bed while you're still laying down. He turned to face you and asked "What are your quirks, Baby mouse?" He said since you didn't want to die knowing he had a hammer in his hand so you just said "Voice and telekinesis" "How do you have 2 quirks bm? (Baby Mouse)" "Mother and Father," You said, "Why don't you tell me something about yourself bm?" He said "Like what?" y/n said "Anything really Favorite color, Favorite food, etc." He said "Fine I'll tell you" You were quiet for a minute then you started to talk to him normally like you knew him before he kidnapped you. After you were done telling him about you, You fell asleep on his shoulder he also fell asleep bringing your waist near him. 

"STOP! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!!" Baby y/n said to Endeavor as you were pulling a little boy with red hair and blue eyes to you and you ran with him to your house. "Are you okay ____?" "Yeah I'm fine y/n," The boy said. "A-Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm fine y/n" You signed in relieved. It was getting late so you said "____ Let's go to bed" So you guys sneak into baby y/n room while y/n dad was sleeping, You guys were sneaking into the room trying not to make a sound so y/n's father won't wake up as you guys were going to sleep you noticed that ____ has scars on his back and asked, "What are those ___?" "oh, just scars for my adventures!" The boys said, "Wow so cool!" That Was the last thing you remember before going to sleep. You woke up and noticed that ____ wasn't there, you were super worried and started to look around for him then noticed a note that said: "Sorry y/n I have to leave, I'll be right back! Don't wait for me. - ___" oh, He left well I guess I'll get going to school. 

You woke up realizing it was a dream. "Wow, such a dream that was...He never came back.." You thought and then you realized that the Dabi hand was around your waist so you picked him up with telekinesis. Then you went to put him down and just fix your hair and went downstairs to find a girl. She had Blond hair and yellow eyes she looked like she had a school uniform on. "Oooo~ a girl, A pretty one too~" You saw she had a knife in her hand, and then she said "Can I have your blood~," you said nothing. She ran up to you cutting you a little bit. You just sat there while the knife was going deeper into your arm, For some reason, you couldn't feel anything until she said "W-Why aren't you fighting back?" She was still putting it in deeper. You said, "I don't know I just can feel anything. Like my body finally gave up on me or I've gotten used to this..." "Wow, do you cut yourself then?" The girl. Said "Yes I do,"  You said your mind was wondering why you weren't running away or fighting back. You noticed the guy sitting down drinking liquor, He had baby blue hair and a hand on his face. "Whyy on all days, This is the day I have to miss school" Everyone was confused why you weren't wondering where you are or why are you here. "I have Exams today, Well might as well just be on my way.." You walked out so casually as you get kidnapped daily. A little bit later Dabi woke up and found you not there so he ran downstairs (wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants) "Where is she?" He said in an angry voice. Everyone I mean EVERYONE in that room looked away. The girl said "Who?" Dabi looked at her in that kind of serious but angry face "THE GIRL THEY HAD (Insert your hair color) AND (insert your eye color)!"  "Oh her," The girl said "Yeah she walked out Toga cut her and she just stands there thinking about her exams today so she was saying "Whyy on all days, This is the day I have to miss school" and then she said "I have Exams today, Well might as well just be on my way," The baby blue-haired guy said, "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER!?" "We are all wondering why we let them go," Toga said. They were all silent for a sec then Dabi got his jacket and pants on and went out to look for you then saw you running from boys looked around your age and you were using your quirk (telekinesis) to block the boys to get to you, Then he realized that this happens to you daily. Then you guys made eye contact, Dabi made that face that said "Come here, I'll save you" "Do it, He'll save you from these people'' Voice said. Then you made your way to him then you paused, He saw you pause then you collapsed. The boys that were chasing you got to you first, They held you up by the neck and were choking you in the air. Dabi ran to you guys and burned the boys in anger (There not dead guys he just burned them enough to knock them out) Then he picked you up and brought you to the place where you two cuddling each other in yalls sleep (sadly they don't know they were cuddling 😔)  When you and Dabi got there you guys went through the window so the other guys don't notice her. You were still out cold so Dabi put you on his bed to lay down for a little while. Then he walked out and went to take a shower. You were having the same dream with the red-haired boy again you were also crying in your sleep just thinking about him. When Dabi got out he saw you crying in your sleep and was wondering why you were crying and what you were thinking about. He got his hoodie and pants on and jumped into bed with you.

The Next Day

You woke up finding Dabi next to you again, Voice was still sleeping in your mind so you tried not to think of anything so you don't wake him up.

(So like you know how Voice is in your head so if like you think of anything it like wakes Voice up since he lives in your mind)

So you went out and saw the girl from last time that cut you. Looked like 3 other people were in the room. 1 dude had gas as hands and as ahead and one had a mask and a yellow suit on and a guy from last time too (Baby blue-haired boy) and you looked around a little bit more and saw you were in a Bar. The girl was staring at you and you were wondering why so you looked where she was was your wrist it was bleeding again "Great it's bleeding...Hey you girl?" You said "Me?" The girl said. "Yea, What's your quirk?" "oh, It's Transform!" "It means grants her the ability to transform into a physical lookalike of another individual, as well as copy their voice. She can only transform into people whose blood she has ingested. The more blood she drinks, the longer she has access to that person's form." Voice said. "I'll give you some blood then," Y/n said. Everyone looks straight at you because no one has ever done it, you used your telekinesis quirk to get a tube and there was a cup behind the Bar and so it went to your hand then you put it up against your cut and more blood came out. Then when it was halfway Dabi came downstairs and saw you put a lot of blood in the tube (the tube was big,) it was almost all the way through while the other people were just doing their own things. After Dabi saw what you were doing he said "STOP YOUR LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD!" You almost fainted but YOU wanted this and you wanted to lose blood until "Y/N YOU GAVE ENOUGH BLOOD TO HER!" Voice said then you heard him "STOP YOUR LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD!" Dabi said then you snapped back to reality. When you snapped back to reality you noticed you were dizzy but Dabi was trying to keep you awake.

Dabi Pov :

I woke up and saw the girl gone so I got into my formal clothes and went downstairs and saw the girl putting alote of blood into the tube and she looked like she wanted it so I said "STOP YOUR LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD" to her but she kept on doing it. Her eyes were closing but she closed them I told them to get All for One Doctor they did so. I put my head to her heart was pumping kinda slow. I was...crying she was the girl I left behind for her safety but it just made it worse she went through depression. She's been cutting herself and she's alone. I just hope she's fine and has to stay resting for a couple of days.

2099 words  

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