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"Baby don't close your eyes for me and Oliver" He saw you trying to keep them open then you closed them. You were rushed to a hospital and then Dabi saw you going into a room. Shoji was left with Oliver since he loves kids.

~2 hours later~

More and more doctors kept on coming into the room. Around 5:00 am A doctor came out and said "She's fine, but she's in a coma. We don't know when she'll wake up." He walked away and Dabi got up and looked into your room window and saw you with bandages all over your face as you can see was the nose. Then he left to go see Oliver and to make sure he's okay. When Dabi went into the house he saw Shoji watching TV and Oliver was sleeping in the crib in front of him. Dabi signed in relief that Oliver was fine.

𑁍Months went by with you in a coma they said if your out for another one there gonna put you to sleep but Dabi didn't want that. He knew you were gonna wake up𑁍

Dabi walked into the hospital and walked to your room to see you gone. He asked the nurse "where is Y/n L/n?" They said "she left last night" then he rushed to call you. "Hello?" "Hello Dabi'' Y/n said, "Baby where are you?" "That I can't say" "Why not?" "It's time for me to go, goodbye Dabi. Take care of Oliver for me. " "Wait-" Y/n hung up on Dabi. He tried all night to call her but it went straight to voicemail. Y/n was driving out of the city she was gonna restart her life and leave everyone behind but now and then she'll send Voice to be her eyes and check up on Dabi and Oliver.

~Y/n's pov~

I was driving out of the city. I was gonna be a book writer and work from home in a little house. My first book was gonna be about a girl that lost everything she had and then she found someone that finally loved her.

It's been 4 years (Y/n is now 35 and Dabi is 37 and Oliver is 4) since I left Dabi. My appearance didn't change much but I now have glasses. "Great I have to go into the city for food" You got your keys and wallet and phone and got Into the car and started it and was driving into the city. You saw some of your old classmates but they were heroes now. You saw Dabi walking down the street. You and he made eye contact and then at the green light you started to drive he saw you he knew who you were so he ran after you when you thought you got rid of him. You walked into the store and got the food and stuff you needed and then left the store and saw Dabi again. He was waiting outside of the store "Y/n!" He called out your name for the first time in 4 years. He turned and looked at him. And saw he didn't change much either then he walked up to you and said "How have you been?" You were planning on saying anything but you didn't want to be rude so you said "good, U?" He smiled and said back "couldn't be better" you felt like you guys talked for enough "I have to go now" Dabi grabbed Your arm "please don't leave us again..." You knew you wanted to be back with Oliver and Dabi because you were lonely "... I can't move right now and I can't live in the city anymore.." Dabi was thinking until he looked like he came up with someone "then we can home school Oliver until he hits 5th grade" You were thinking about if you guys should or not " Do you still live in that house..? He replied happily yes I do You were happy he was "How's Oliver doing?" "he's doing great in school and he's class President" You were walking and you sat in your car "are you coming or?" "coming!" He hopped into the car and you guys drove to the old house. You got out of the car and same with Dabi. "Ss he here?" You said nervously "yep, he doesn't have school today," He said excitedly. Both of you walked into the house and then Oliver came running into the entrance and said "Daddy!" Then he hugged him and then saw you and hugged on your pants "Mommy?" "Mhm'' Dabi said and then you kneeled and said "Hello Oliver!" You smiled and he hugged you and you hugged him back and then picked him up. And looked at Dabi he was smiling then he walked away to the couch and you followed him. "Why are you acting like this?" You questioned Dabi, Dabi had a confused look on his face wondering what you meant. "Are you mad at me or-" "No Y/n I'm not mad. Everything you do is for a reason... So why did you leave for 4 years?" "I was scared of becoming a mom... I didn't want to make my son suffer because of me... my father is still going after me so I moved 12 times since I've seen you... " The room was quiet. You started to cry, you didn't want your son to be kidnapped by your father. You didn't want Oliver to suffer because of you. "Will you stay?" You froze in place and said "I can't move again not until my year contract is over with my landlord" "Let us move with you then" "But Oliver's education and-" "As I said earlier we can just homeschool him until he hits 5th grade" "One year? Oh so until my year contract is over?" "Fine, we'll start to move then bring everything that's Oliver and yours, Don't bring any furniture that isn't Oliver's." Dabi nodded and saw you put your head on his lap and put Oliver on your stomach then he saw furniture in the air. You worked better with telekinesis when sleeping. About an hour later you woke up and everything that was Oliver's was in the air then you lifted your head from Dabi's and you saw him sleeping then you felt Oliver waking up. "Hello Baby," You said to Oliver while picking him up and you put him on your side and then you walked over to the kitchen and looked into the counters and looked for food for Oliver and you looked up and saw fruit and said, "Want some?" "Mhm," then you put Oliver down so you can cut the fruit and you hear Oliver say "Daddy!" You were still cutting the bananas and then you turned over to see Dabi playing with Oliver. You walked over to the couch and said "Here's your fruit Oliver. Dabi I'm gonna start to get the furniture to my house and I'll be back in an hour so if you won't get yours and Oliver's clothes ready and when I get back we can put it in the back of my car. " "Okay and thanks for the food" "Oi! That's Oliver's!" Then you picked Dabi and put him in the air and said "Oliver don't let your daddy eat your food" You let Dabi go and gave him the death stare. You left the house and closed the door then Dabi saw the roof come off and then the furniture go through it and then the roof went back on like it never came on. "Daddy?" "Hm?" "Is that my mama?" "Yes she's your mama"

ღ𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓱𝓮𝓻ღ  {Dabi ✗ Female reader 18+}Where stories live. Discover now