Too much Dabi

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(Y/n's pov)

I woke up seeing Dabi was gone, I have no idea why I was having a little panic attack but I was having one. I was thinking that he went to get someone to get me like my father. It was getting hard to breathe and my anxiety took over me, voices in my head saying "He's probably getting your father!" "Stop crying, Cry Baby!" I fainted due to heavy breathing.

(Dabi's Pov)

I woke up y/n was still sleeping so I put my head on her chest to hear her heartbeat and to make sure it's beating just right and I got up and went to my closet got my clothes on and go into the bathrooms and got into the shower with my dirty clothes on the floor and my other clothes on the sink. Then I said "Siri put on my playlist" then my music was playing and then I heard a thud so then I turned off the shower and I put a towel around my waist and ran into my bedroom and saw y/n on the floor she was barely breathing and her heart was beating fast. So I ran downstairs with her in my arms and went to my boss's doctor's room and told him "I THINK SHE HAD A PANIC ATTACK" I placed her down on the table and saw other villain girls for their check-up so I speed walked to get my clothes and ran back down and went to the doctor's room. Then I saw y/n laying down on the bed and it seemed like the doctor was doing nothing "WHY AREN'T YOU DOING SOMETHING FOR HER" he spun his chair around and said "She did have a panic attack so I told other people to do a test and she got a panic attack since you weren't there and It seemed like she thought you were getting her father and that you were sick of her. She should be up in a little bit" I signed in relief then I sat in the chair next to her. It seemed like the girls were still there but were looking at me so I reached out and held her hand while she was laying down on the bed, and kissed it so they would stop looking at me and would stop giving Y/n weird looks.

About an hour later

Y/n woke up but she looked hungry so I picked her up and was walking to the door, Toga saw me. It seemed like she wanted to ask what happened to her but she saw that she was hungry so she didn't ask. When I got up to my room I looked around to find some food and then I looked into the mini-refrigerator and saw the food we ordered about a day ago and there was still some food and there was warm temperature water, It wasn't open so I walked over to the microwave and warmed up the food and when it was done I gave it to her she ate it slowly. But she still ate it so I'm happy about it. She was sitting on the end of the bed so I got on the bed and put my legs around her waist and sat behind her and I put my hands around her waist and I warmed up my hands to warm her up. When she was done she got up and said "I have to get my stuff, I'll be back in a day" I didn't want her to go but It seemed like she wanted to live here since she was getting her stuff "where is your stuff?" I asked her if she said "U.A. highschool, there gonna ask me questions because I haven't been there for a month" "I'll come" "get something to disguise'' so I got a black tuxedo so I looked like a bodyguard and I put a mask on so that the hero's or other people won't find me out. We were walking down the stairs when Kurogiri said "Where are you going Dabi and Y/n at this time at night?" "we're going out, why do you need to know?" "going out looking like that Dabi?" "yes we are, Let's go Y/n" both of us were walking down the alleyway when y/n stopped for some reason so I looked up and saw the pro heroes looking like they were out to look for someone so we were still walking down the alleyway and then the pro hero Eraser-head saw Y/n and ran up to her and grabbed her shoulder and said, "Y/N WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?" "Sir I need you to take your head off of her," I said while standing in front of the pro hero. He took his hand off of her and said "I need both of you to come with me"

(Narrator pov now)

You guys looked at each other and Dabi said "sorry sir, we need to go somewhere" you guys started to walk the other way when the pro hero Eraser-head took his scarf and grabbed you by it, Dabi was trying to burn it but It wasn't working so he tried to untangle you as fast as he can. Y/n was having a hard time breathing knowing her dad could be finding her right now. Y/n was pulled by the pro hero's scarf to him and Dabi was running then he yelled out "KUROGURI" then when she was about to get into his hand a portal gate opened up behind her and dabi walked backward and a portal gate opened behind him and Y/n fell onto the base floor. The back of her head was bleeding a bit from hitting the ground but she was okay she was lying on the floor until dabi looked down at you and said "You just stay down there forever?" "yes I am," y/n said in a low voice to dabi. He put his hand out To get y/n's hand then he saw the blood from behind her head and then y/n grabbed his hand and he pulled her up and gently grabbed her head to see her bleeding and how much it's bleeding then it stopped bleeding then he walked her up to the bed then she said: "why are we going to the bed?" "Because you need to sleep, you're going to school tomorrow so they get suspicious of us" "okay," you said while putting the blankets over you then Dabi took the blankets off of you "you're going to bed with those clothes?" "Yes, I am" you took the blanket and turned around so you're not facing him. "Baby Mouse, I know you're not sleeping" he grabbed your leg and lifted you so your whole stomach is showing and a little bit of your bra was showing too. "Damn Baby Mouse, you have better Abs than me" he looked you up and down and noticed you were sleeping so he placed you back down and took off your shirt then he got one of his tank tops and put it on you while you were sleeping and then he went out of the room and went downstairs and told Toga "can you put shorts onto Y/n?" he said in low voice trying not to say it too loud so you don't wake up. "Sure!" she went to her room then to Dabi then Toga put the shorts onto Y/n then left the room into the bar then told Dabi "She's all yours" so he walked into his room and noticed Toga but booty shorts on her. Most of Y/n's butt was showing. Dabi walked up to you and touched your butt then squeezed it, You woke up to the sudden touch of a man's hot hands on your ass. You turned around to feel most of your ass hanging out and to see Dabi touching it then Dabi saw you looking at him then he leaned into your ear "You have a Nice Ass Baby Mouse" you go Then Dabi went on the bed topping Y/n.  Then Dabi went onto the bed topping Y/n then he put his hand up your shirt and you gave out a little moan he took of his tank top of you then he started to kiss your neck going all the way down to your boobs and the kissed your nipples and then he went down to your belly button and then he went all the way down to your pussy then he looked up to see your arm covering your face he saw you were trying to cover up your embarrassment so then he left you up and undid your bra. He liked that you were embarrassed, he wanted to make you more embarrassed. You noticed that Dabi was turned on by you, You were wondering why he was being turned on by you. You noticed the bulge of his Dick showing through his clothes and you noticed that it was huge. "Like the view Baby Mouse?~" You looked back up to see him looking at you then he started to pull down your pants and he saw how wet you are "Damn Baby Mouse, you're already wet from just me kissing and touching your ass" "S-Sorry," You said while looking away. "Look at me Baby" you didn't look at him you got up instead. You grabbed your clothes and walked to Dabi's bathroom. And when you got there you slammed the door and then Dabi ran with only his pants on and he said "Y/n what wrong? Did I do something wrong?" "No you did nothing wrong, It was my father." "what about your father y/n...DID HE DO SOMETHING AGAIN" "no..but voice told me that he's very close by" Dabi was surprised "how close?" "very" "let me in Y/n" "no tell the other people that a VERY dangerous man is coming to take me" dabi walked off and went downstairs to tell the other people "there is VERY dangerous man is coming to take y/n, we need to help her" everyone but Shigaraki agreed "why not shiggy" "Because she's not in the league of villains and she has two powers she can use" "I'll help," All for One said (also known as Dabi's boss) Dabi smiled and then went upstairs to see Y/n gone from the bathroom and there were blood and a note on the ground saying

Dear Dabi

Please don't come after me, I'll be back in a little bit, Whatever you do, DON'T comes for me. I've always loved you Dabi, I ask voice to make our mind's one so we can talk now and then. I love you Dabi.   -y/n

"How am I not suppose to worry when you're gone and there's blood all over the floor!?!?!" Dabi said to himself. "Don't worry about it Dabi she'll be back" Dabi was saying to himself trying not to worry too much about it. Dabi went to get the mop when he heard screaming coming from outside and it sounded like your voice so he ran outside the window and ran toward the scream it came from your house the gate was locked so Dabi yelled: "kuroguri!" and a portal appeared and dabi walked through it and into the house and saw a line of blood leading into the basement and another line to upstairs. He chooses to go upstairs because it looked like newer blood then he saw you chained to the wall your head was down looking at the floor while you were bleeding from the head and then your father saw you putting your head up and you said "Your a crazy bastard, father" "Oh really?" "yes you are asshole" he hit you and then grabbed a knife off your bed and said, "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CALLING ME AN ASSHOLE" "to do it" you started to laugh when he was carving into your arm the word "WRONG" it wasn't deep but then you started to scream when he got to the r and then Dabi ran into your room and then he burned your father's ear and head with his fire quirk. Then I saw puddles and puddles of just your blood on your floor you can see your bed made and red bloody towels everywhere dabi was was looking around for the key to unlock you but he couldn't find it so he said to y/n "sorry y/n for this" he burned off the chains and he burned you a little bit and then he yelled "KUROGURI" then a portal come below you guys and then you guys were in Dabi's bedroom "Im sorry Dabi, I caused you more trouble" you said to him "it's fine y/n but you need to go to bed, You'r still going to school and it's 1 am" You got up and hug Dabi then kissed him then went to the bathroom to take a shower to get the blood off of you, when you were in the shower you heard the door open and Dabi was there then he got undressed and got in with you "why are you here" "I just wanted to take a shower with you that's all" he said to you. You were just washing up your body until you felt a hand on your bare ass and then you felt something hard on your back so you turned around and saw his dick hard again "why are you hard again?" "because you so sexy" you were thinking if you wanted to do it you signed and then kneeled so your head is up to his dick and started to lick it and then you started to suck it Dabi gave out like little moans then he was about to cum so he grabbed your head and shoved your head closer to his dick he came in your mouth. You swallowed it all up, every single drop, and then he was surprised that you ate all of his cum. Then you went back up and look at dabi in the eyes "Y/n bend down" You put your ass with his dick and your arms were on the wall then you felt a finger sliding into you. You moaned but not too loud it turned Dabi on more than he was putting two fingers in and then he was thrusting in and out of you with his fingers and you were moaning not too loud but loud enough for dabi to hear. Then he leaned in and kissed you. He bit your lip asking for your tongue and you said "yes" in a low voice but Dabi heard it and then his tongue was inside of your mouth. The water was turning cold, Dabi saw you shivering so he used his quirk to warm you up on the outside and inside, "Done" you were confused until you felt a tip of something large on your hole. "AHhh~," you said while Dabi put his large dick inside of you "Damn Baby that was hot" He started to move you were moaning quietly "I want everyone to hear you" Dabi smirked and he started to go deeper into you, You were moaning like there was no tomorrow and the moans were loud. "CRAP," You noticed everything was going black then you fainted. Y/n was bleeding a little. He went to get a towel and he cleaned her.

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ღ𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓱𝓮𝓻ღ  {Dabi ✗ Female reader 18+}Where stories live. Discover now