chapter 13: swords

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here is some SBI shit. uh what do i say? i don't have a script or anything😳well, enjoy? maybe? i'm not forcing anyone to do anything😩💀
TW - fighting, yelling, blood + wounds, crying, hurting other people, passing out
if i missed any sorry please let me know because i feel like i'm missing something

~ { 3rd Person POV } ~

"Techno-" "No, Tommy. There is no way I would trust you with my sword," Techno abruptly interrupted Tommy and declined his daily request. But Tommy was set on using his sword. He watched Techno train a lot, and he was sure that he could do as well as his older brother could.

"What if I fought you for it? If I beat you, I get to use your sword. Please?" Tommy pleaded pathetically. Techno didn't even look up from his book. "I don't want to hurt you, Tommy. That would be very unethical of me," Techno sighed in an emotionless, monotone voice.

"Yes! I'll tell Dadza that I let you! C'mon, Techno, just this one time?-" "Fine. But no blaming me if you get hurt, got it?" Techno relented. Tommy nodded eagerly, extremely excited to show Techno what he learned.

After getting ready in Techni's training room, Wilbur was chosen to be the referee. They needed someone to make sure that Techno didn't kill his younger brother accidentally, or hurt him too much, even though Tommy didn't agree to having a "babysitter" watching him.

"3, 2, 1... Go!" Wilbur shouted. With a loud grunt, Techno stepped forward and swung at Tommy's legs, causing the younger to stumble but not fall over. Tommy planted his feet firmly onto the soft mat rolled out and glared at Techno. Suddenly, it was a blur of motions. Techno jabbed at Tommy's arm and a few drops of blood trickled out of the thin and shallow cut. Tommy just held his arm and gritted his teeth, swinging and missing Techno's torso in response. Once Techno saw the blood, there was no going back. He was all in, it was kill or be killed for him.

Tommy wasn't paying attention, but Wilbur noticed the slight change of emotion in Techno's eyes. He registered the blood lust and violence transferring from his eyes to his entire body to full on murder his younger brother. Wilbur widened his own eyes and tried to yell out at Techno to stop, but Techno was somewhere else. Physically, 5 feet away from him, mentally, 5 light years away from him.

The last thing Wilbur wanted was for Techno and him to be locked in prison for murdering Tommy. Technically, Wilbur didn't hurt him, but he would've monitored them and not done anything about it. Wilbur didn't know what else to do. Yelling obviously wasn't working. Tommy started to realize something was wrong with how violent and harsh Techno's swings were. He quickly caught on when Wilbur started yelling at them to stop, which distracted him and earned him a swing at the legs.

Tommy tumbled onto the mat, staining it's vibrant pink color with his deep red blood. He tried to get up, but failed as Techno cut at his legs again. Tommy started sniffling, then actually crying, to screaming and sobbing in pain while Techno slashed him up with his diamond sword. Tommy's iron sword lay motionless on the floor.

< Philza's POV, still 3rd person though >

Phil decided to bring the boys some snacks since they missed his lunch calls. They should've heard me, he wondered, Why didn't they?

Phil was thinking for a bit before remembering Techno's training room in sound proof. But why would they be there? Might as well check, Phil decided. He walked downstairs to the underground room and twisted the door knob. He slowly pushed open the door but immediately slammed it open and rushed over to the center of the room.

"D-Dad-" "Bring Tommy upstairs and get bandages," Phil instructed his son. Wilbur nodded and picked up a limp Tommy with wet cheeks, carrying him up the stairs. Techno was left with no one to kill, which meant he wouldn't be killed by anyone. The thoughts raced through his mind as he refocused on reality and realized where he was. His eyes widened when he looked at the small puddle of blood on his crumpled mat.

"Hey, hey, Techno, calm down. Get a hold of yourself, please." Phil softly hugged his son and rubbed circles on his back. "D-did I do t-that?" Techno hiccuped. He wasn't used to crying or showing any emotion, so he cringed at his pathetic tone and stuttering.

"Yeah, you must've lost control of yourself. What happened, why were you fighting Tommy?" Techno took a deep breath and shakily explained the story. He paused a few times to take a breath before continuing. When he was done, Phil stared at him, slightly shocked but mostly concerned and in disbelief that his most mature son would hurt his most immature son over something like this. But Phil knew, once Techno caused damage, he would lose himself and cause destruction to finish what he started. It was a survival instinct installed into the pink haired man's brain. He didn't know where it was from, but it had definitely been a bad thing in this situation.

(time skip brought to you by your sad and tired and touch starved author)

Phil asked for what seemed like the hundredth time if Tommy was okay. "Dad, I'm fine!-" Tommy yelled before slapping his hand over his mouth as the others gasped. Wilbur started laughing at him.

"D-did you just call him d-dad?" Wipbur managed to gasp out, which earned him a hard jab in the stomach. "OW!" Now was Tommy's turn to laugh.

Techno looked unamused, but a small smirk lingered on his mouth while Phil chuckled.

"Awww, Tommy, you finally called me Dad!" Phil coed teasingly at his young son, who stopped laughing and turned to Phil with bright red cheeks.

"Well, you are his dad, right? Unless you're a liar," Techno pointed out. Phil looked over to Techno and said, "Yes, but Tommy always insists on calling me Philza, not Dad."

Mostly all was forgiven, and they lived happily ever after. The end, my lovely readers.


word count: 1000 (one thousand)

ok real talk time:

so, i was searching wattpad for angsty mcyt stories (give me stories please) and i came across one. i won't put the name out of respect. anyways, the title had 'TubboInnit' in it and i thought it just meant their friendship because some people write that. but when i opened it, the first sentence was, 'Please no hate for shipping TubboInnit! I get where people are coming from, but I honestly like the ship. I think it's a cute wholesome ship.' and i just like had to stop for a second.
please, don't ship tommy with tubbo. they are minors, and have clearly said they are uncomfortable with that. it's just wrong. they have a very wholesome friendship.
i know that like 95% of the fandom respects that, but there are a few people who don't seem to care about respecting other people.
also, tommy and tubbo aren't the only minors. ranboo is a minor, so is purpled. so please be respectful. that goes for adults, too. if someone says they're uncomfortable with it, don't do it!
there are other people who have said they're fine with it (like dream and george), so don't cross the line.
that's all, just wanted to out that out there!

stay hydrated, everyone💧
munch on a snack today!🍪
that bed is there for a reason🛌
i don't need to see you to know you're beautiful🥺❤️

< peachy løfi >

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