I'm helping

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The day of Freddie's party had soon come around. It had been a couple of months since they had started to spend time together. Stella was rushing around all day panicking as she wanted it to be perfect for him. Kelly arrived early to help set up and get the grill ready. He handed Stella the gifts he got for Freddie. He bought a small red fire truck with sirens and lights, a Blackhawks jersey with his name on and a little cuddly bear.

Stella: Oh wow thank you Kelly, you didn't have to get him things. Your a sweetheart!
Stella shouted Freddie over to open his gifts. His face lit with excitement as he cuddled Kelly.
Freddie: Mummy a truck! He said as he jumped up and down. Thank you Kelly.
Stella: Yes baby a truck. You're such a lucky boy.

People started to arrive as the party went on, all the kids were having fun on the bounce house and the other little activities she had planned. Some guys from the firehouse showed with gifts for little Fred as Kelly had organised. She loved the fact they were all so supportive and accepting of them both. She really was starting to feel part of something. Kelly of course showed off with his skills at the grill and everyone gave compliments on the food. Kelly had noticed and had been introduced to Freddie's grandparents that were here, from his dads side of the family, just no show of his dad. He had not really asked Stella about Freddie's father as of course he felt that it wasn't his place.

Stella and Gabby were deep in conversation as both of their boys played. She knew Kelly had been hanging around and of course she was all for it. Him and Matt were best friends and Stella had become close with Gabby so to her it made sense.

Kelly was cleaning up some plates as Stella playfully came by and smacked his butt, startling him a little.

Kelly: Oh hey you. You okay?
Stella: I am now. She smiled. Thank you for cleaning those, you didn't have to.
Kelly: I know, it's no problem though. How's the birthday boy?
Stella: Getting tired, he's staying with his grandparents tonight so I think they'll be heading out soon.
Kelly: Ah cool, I'll help tidy once people clear out. And no ifs or buts, I'm helping.
Stella: At least have a beer with me after then? She said smiling as she walked away getting back to what she was doing.

Everyone had just about left, Gabby was the only one left and had of course knew something was going on with Kelly and Stella.

Gabby: Hey Stella, Louie's tired so we're gonna head out. Your in good hands with Kelly. She said winking at her.
Stella: Oh, that, it's- she said stuttering after being caught off guard.
Gabby: Hey I'm all for it, he's a good guy. You'd make a good couple, and I can see how much he adores you and Freddie. She said smiling at her.
Stella: He's been great ever since the hospital scare. Freddie's really taken to him and I don't know, this one just feels right. She said smiling in her feels.
Gabby gave Stella a hug and Stella said goodbye to them both as Matt was waiting to drive them home as he spoke with Kelly.

Stella was putting some of Freddie's gifts onto the kitchen island to sort through when Kelly wrapped his arms around her from behind and placed his head onto her shoulder.

Stella: Hey handsome! You okay?
Kelly: Yeah, I am now, I've been waiting to do this all day. He said as he kissed her cheek.
Stella: I'm sure I could of sneaked you a little something.
Kelly: Oh is that so? He said as he then moved his way to kissing her neck.
Stella: Mmm, taking advantage of having no Freddie are we? She asked teasing him.
Kelly: Of course. I love spending time with him but you, even better.
Stella: Let me finish this and you'll have me all to yourself. Beer? She said turning to him.
Kelly: Oo I like the sound of that. He said grabbing her waist as he kissed her lips.
Stella: Which one, the beer or me to yourself huh? She laughed as she kissed him back.
Kelly: Hmmm. I think it'll have to be you. He rolled his eyes playfully.

Stella had finished organising Freddie's gifts, she had all the ones he had opened in one pile and some still wrapped in another pile. All she had to do now was take out the trash and she could get back to spending time with Kelly, who was occupied watching hockey. She grabbed the bag and headed outside to the trash cans. She felt a presence as she heard rustling in the distance. Looking around she couldn't see anybody, but she just had a strange feeling. Like someone was watching her. She shook it off and hurried back in, grabbed some beers from the fridge and joined Kelly on the sofa.

Kelly: Hey, you okay? You look like somethings bothering you?
Stella: Nope I'm good, just happy your here.
Kelly: What do you want to watch? He said as he picked up the tv remote.
Stella: This is fine. There's only 10 minutes left so you might as well finish it. She said as she lay her head on his lap getting comfortable.
Kelly: If your sure? He said as he gently started to play with Stella's hair.

Stella nodded and smiled. Kelly noticed she was a little off but didn't want to bug her as she already said she was fine.

A couple hours went by. They had finished watching the game and had drank enough beer to start feeling a little drunk. Stella was still feeling a little on edge from the presence she felt outside earlier. She still had her head on Kelly's lap before sitting up to face him.

Stella: Stay with me tonight? She said shyly.
Kelly: What's up? And don't say nothing. He said as he could see she was on edge in her thoughts.
Stella: Promise not to laugh. She paused as he nodded his head. I just felt something strange before when I took out the trash. Like a weird feeling I was being watched, I heard someone rustling but couldn't see anybody. I don't know, maybe I'm being silly, it just felt strange.
Kelly: Hey, I can go and have a look outside if you like?
Stella: No it's okay, I'll be fine as long as you're here. She said putting her head onto his chest.
Kelly: I have none of my things. How about you come to my place? No one can watch you there. He said winking hoping to lighten her mood a little as she lifted her head.
Stella: Um. Yeah okay. I'll go and grab a bag. I just have to be back to collect Freddie from his grandparents tomorrow.
Kelly: Sure. He nodded as his hand ran down her body as she got up, giving her ass a gentle squeeze.
Stella: Behave boy! She laughed as she hurried upstairs to grab some things.

She loved how their relationship was blossoming, she had a good feeling it was leading to something more. It's all Kelly wanted, he was just wanting to go at Stella's pace.

As Stella was upstairs grabbing what she needed. Kelly decided to clear up the empty beer bottles and call a cab as he didn't want to risk driving. He took them out front to the trash cans, little did he know they were being watched. As he was heading back inside Stella met him at the front with her bag. He grabbed the bag from her as he gave her a kiss whilst waiting for their cab at the door. She locked up and headed to Kelly's apartment.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now