Do you mind

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Stella was waking up as Kelly wrapped his arms around her and began to kiss her neck.

Stella: Morning baby. Embracing his kisses.
Kelly: Morning you. Did you sleep well? He said in between the kisses.
Stella: Sure. You tired me out with that workout last night. Laughing to herself.
Kelly: Oh you love it.
Stella: You know I do baby, how could I not. Turning to face him as she gently kissed his lips.

They both got up and headed to the kitchen as they saw Freddie and Kim sat watching TV.

Stella: Good morning. I didn't know y'all was awake you should of got me up.
Kelly: Morning guys. He said in the background as he was stood topless in his shorts.
Kim: Morning, I was awake anyway so we got up and cuddled for a bit didn't we baby boy.
Stella: I love you auntie. Your the best. As she stood with Kelly in the kitchen.
Kim: You look tired baby girl, did you sleep well? As a smug grin covered her face.
Stella: Yeah I did, was nice to have a lay in too. As she saw Kelly smirking.
Kelly: I slept great! He said laughing as she knew exactly what she was on about.
Stella: Hows my baby boy? She said as she joined Kim and Freddie cuddled on the sofa.
Freddie: Good mommy.
Kelly: Do y'all want some eggs and bacon? He shouted over from the kitchen.
Kim: Sure do. Thank you! Phew girl, he that handsome and he can cook too? She turned to Stella.
Stella: Yes please! She shouted over to Kelly. Auntie, he can do a lot more than just cook. As she was laughing to herself.
Kim: I sure bet he can. As they were both checking him out.

Kelly made them all eggs, bacon and toast and set the table, pouring each a glass of fresh orange juice.

Kelly: Breakfast is ready. He shouted over to them.
Stella: Great! I'm hungry. She said as she got up from being cuddled by her aunt and Freddie.
Kim: Girl you hungry for him. She mumbled laughing as she joined everyone at the table.
Stella shook her head joining her laughing.
Stella: I miss you so much when your not around Auntie. As they began to eat.
Kim: I know baby, I miss so much of your lives it's hard. She paused before taking a deep breath. The reason I came this weekend is because I'm thinking of moving back here.
Stella: Really? She said excitedly.
Kim: Well, if that's okay with you two. I want to be around more and I can't do that 3 hours away.
Stella: Auntie I wouldn't want anything else other than to have you close to me, Freddie and Kelly.
Kim: I have a lead on an apartment and a new shop, If all goes well I'll be moving.
Kelly: You can stay here for as long as you like. It's been nice having you around.
Kim: Oh I wouldn't want to intrude on you guys.
Kelly: You wouldn't be! Don't you worry.

Kelly cleared the plates once they had all eaten apart from Freddie's who was still finishing his eggs. Once he had finished Stella told him to pass the plate to Kelly who was still by the sink washing up.

Freddie: Here you go daddy. As Stella helped him lift the plate for Kelly.
Kelly: Th-th-thank you buddy. He was stunned and caught in the moment as it was the first time Freddie had ever called him daddy.

Stella smiled as she knew how much Freddie adored and looked up to Kelly, he clearly had the best bond with him.

Kelly left the kitchen and headed to his room as he was quite shocked, not knowing how he was supposed to react. Freddie grabbed his trucks and began to play as he was showing Kim how the lights work.

Stella: Do you mind- as she was looking over the the bedroom.
Kim: Go baby, we're okay here. As she heard what Freddie had said.

Stella joined Kelly in the bedroom where he was in the closet choosing an outfit to wear.

Stella: Hey baby, are you okay? As Kelly came out and sat on the edge of the bed.
Kelly: Yeah sorry. It just took me by surprise I guess.
Stella: I know. He loves you and your the first real father figure he's had. So he just sees you as his daddy.
Kelly: I'm happy. I am. It just touched me a little, you know. I love him like he's my own, but I'd never want to overstep and disrespect anyone in anyway.
Stella: You're not doing. Ryan doesn't deserve that little boy, not after everything he put both of us through. And he knows it, so do his parents. They already told me they approve of you.
Kelly: They do? As he looked up at her.
Stella: Of course they do! They see that you love and put Freddie first, a hell of a lot more than anyone has ever done.
Kelly: I'm so lucky to have you both.
Stella: We're the lucky ones. Trust me on that one.
Kelly: I love the both of you. As he wrapped his arms around her as she stood between his legs with her hands on his shoulders.
Stella: We love you too, so much. She said before grabbing his face and kissing him. Come on, let's go see our boy.
Kelly: Good and yeah okay. Oh, I spoke to Matt, Boden approved all of our furlough so we can go ahead and book Dubai. He said as they walked back into the lounge.
Stella: Oh good, I can't wait to get away.
Kelly: Me too.

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