Yes I can

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Kelly shot up out of his sleep as he heard Freddie crying, he checked the clock as he got out of bed and it was only 3am. Stella hadn't woken yet so he decided to go and see to him so she could rest. He knew she needed it and of course she wouldn't admit it.

Kelly: Hey buddy. He whispered as he got to Freddie's room.
Freddie immediately stopped crying as soon as he saw Kelly.
Kelly: What's up bud. Scary dream? He asked as he cradled him in his arms.

Freddie nodded as he snuggled into him, calming down from the comfort of Kelly.
Kelly shuffled himself onto the bed and lay with Freddie, stroking his head and singing to him as he fell back asleep. Before he knew it, he had also fallen asleep with him.

Stella woke to an empty bed as she stretched her arms out and realised Kelly wasn't there. She put on one of his T-shirt's and headed to the kitchen, assuming that's where he would be. They weren't on shift as Boden had given them both the week off after their runnings with Ryan. She checked the rooms to see if she could find him. As she opened the door to Freddie's room her heart melted at the sight she saw. Kelly was still asleep with Freddie as he held him in his arms. She stood in awe before closing the door and heading back to the kitchen to grab some coffee. Kelly woke as the door creaked when Stella was closing it. He sneaked out of bed, leaving Freddie sleeping as he followed Stella into the kitchen.

Kelly: Morning beau-ti-ful. He said stuttering his words from his first glimpse of Stella, standing at the coffee pot in Kelly's T-shirt and her thong.
Stella: Ah! Good morning baby. Hope I didn't wake you! She said cheerfully from the extra sleep she had gotten.
Kelly: Wow, what a lucky guy I am waking up to you in the morning. He said as he hugged her from behind.
Stella: You didn't. She said laughing. You are the cutest though. Yeah. I saw you with Freddie. She said still pouring the coffee.
Kelly: Ah yeah. I heard him crying in the night and must of fell asleep singing to him. He laughed.
Stella: Aw you're so sweet. You should of woke me.
Kelly: It's okay I had it under control, you needed the rest anyway.
She turned as she passed him a cup of coffee.
Stella: Thank you. She paused...I'm actually the happiest.
Kelly: Good, that's all I want. He said before taking a sip of coffee.
Stella: No, I mean you. You make me the happiest I've ever been.
Kelly: Hey come here you. He said wrapping his arms around her as he placed his coffee on the counter.
Stella: I mean it. You know. You really do make me happy. She said looking up at him.
Kelly: I'm glad I do. But you and Freddie make me just as happy. I hope you know that. He said as he kissed her forehead.

Their little moment broke as she heard Freddie call out for her.

Stella: Ah he's awake, I'll go grab him. She said as she kissed him before walking away, and of course Kelly checked her out. He just couldn't get enough of her.
Freddie: Morning! He shouted as Stella brought him to the kitchen.
Kelly: Morning buddy. He said as he ruffled his hand through his messy hair.
Stella: Are you hungry baby? She asked as she sat him down.
Freddie nodded and Kelly jumped in and suggested pancakes, and of course Freddie agreed.
Stella: Do you ever wear any clothes? She said distracted by him stood in his boxers, leaving his muscular build on show.
Kelly: Nope. You know you love it. Laughing as he knew what he was doing to her.
Stella: Oh I do, but it's distracting.
Kelly: How about this? As he got behind her and kissed her neck.
Stella: Oh boy don't even play! Getting stern with him as she was getting turned on.
Kelly: I'll save it for later then hey? He said laughing as he gave her ass a squeeze.

Kelly occupied Freddie as Stella made them breakfast, they were singing, dancing and pulling funny faces at each other. Stella stood back as she watched from the kitchen in awe. Soon they had all eaten their pancakes and got changed ready for the day.

Stella: Hey baby, do you mind if we go shopping today? All our clothes were covered in gasoline back at the house and now I have none to wear. Well other than these.
Kelly: Of course, we can go to the shops. I'm gonna get you a real nice lingerie set. He said smirking at her with a wink.
Stella: Hmm really, you getting that for me or for you? She said laughing at how dorky he was.
Kelly: Oh definitely for me. I'll choose one as a surprise. As he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her.

They all headed out into town to shop. Kelly chose a few outfits for Freddie and offered his opinion when Stella asked on things for her. He of course loved her in anything she wore. All shopped out, they took Freddie to soft play before Kelly suggesting they stay out to eat. They arrived at the restaurant and the waiter handed them menus as they were seated.
Kelly gave their drinks order to the waiter as they chose their meals. Again, Kelly chose a steak, Stella chose a chicken salad and Freddie had a burger. Once they had eaten, Stella shouted the waiter over for the bill.

Kelly: I got this! As he placed his hand on top of the receipt.
Stella: It's okay, I'll get it. She said trying to lift his hand.
Kelly: No, it's on me. He tapped his card on the reader.
Stella: You can't always be buying us dinner you know.
Kelly: Yes I can. You wouldn't let me get you any clothes so dinners on me at least.
Stella: You're too good to us. She said smiling at him.

They headed home and chilled out on the sofa for a little while before there was a knock at the door. Kelly was confused as no one was expecting anyone over. He got to the door checking the peep hole before mumbling to himself.

Kelly: Oh great. He said sarcastically.
Stella: Who is it? She said looking over at him.
Kelly: Benny. My father. Sighing before opening the door.
Kelly: Hey dad. What's up? He said as he entered the apartment.
Benny: Nothing, just checking in. Grissom told me you blew off the dinner. He said as he noticed Stella and Freddie on the sofa.
Kelly: Yeah I did. I was busy. And you know how I feel about him trying to bump my career.
Benny: Look Kelly, he's just trying to do you a favour.
Stella: Come on Freddie, let's give these two space to talk. She said as she picked him up.
Benny: Ah who's the little guy. He said cheerfully as his attention moved from Kelly to Freddie.
Kelly: This is Freddie. And Stella. My girlfriend. He said as he kissed Stella's forehead with his arm around them both.
Stella: Hi, nice to meet you. Say hi Freddie.

She said as she smiled up at Kelly, never hearing him say those words until now.
She held Freddie as he had his head rested on her chest as he was shy around new people, even more so men.

Benny: Hi, nice to meet you. Hi bud. He said hoping Freddie would warm up to him.
Stella: I'm sorry, he's a little shy around new people.
Benny: Oh it's cool, he's a cute little guy. How long have you two been dating?
Kelly: Around 4-5 months. He said smiling to himself.
Benny: Well how things change. Let's hope someone is finally able to tie my son down. I'm happy for you mate. He said jokingly grabbing his shoulder. Anyway, I'll be getting off, just wanted to check in. He said saying goodbye.

Stella settled herself back down on the sofa with Freddie as Kelly came and sat beside her. He could see she was deep in thought.

Kelly: You okay? You seem quiet.
Stella: Sure, just a long day. I'm kinda tired. I'm gonna get Freddie to bed.
She got herself up, holding Freddie as she went to take him to bed.
Kelly: Can we at least talk about it? He said as she was walking off, knowing his dads comment would throw her.
Stella: Course. Once I've put Freddie to bed. She said quite bluntly before walking into his room.
Kelly: Night buddy! He shouted.

Kelly sat on the sofa with a beer as he waited for Stella to finish up tucking Freddie in. Once she was done, she headed straight for the bedroom, where Kelly followed.

Kelly: Hey. As he grabbed her hand for her to stop what she was doing.
Stella: Yeah? She said turning to him.
Kelly: What's wrong? You've been off since my dad left?
Stella: Nothing. She paused. I just got thrown with what he said.
Kelly: I thought so. He said sighing.
Stella: I'm sorry, I'm being silly I know-
Kelly: No, he's right. He said cutting her off. And I know how bad that sounds but hear me out okay... I've never been this serious about anybody before, even if it has only been a short time. And I know how it sounds him saying it like that, it would scare me if I was in your shoes, but believe me, I'm here to stay. Of course I've seen people in the past but they never lasted. They just weren't you.
Stella: It's okay, you don't have to explain. She said gently squeezing his hands.
Kelly: No, I want to, I want to be sure you know that I'm all in. For you and Freddie. I love you.
Stella: I love you too. As she melted at his words.

They spent the rest of the night in bed watching films before falling asleep. Stella cuddled into Kelly's chest where she felt most safe.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now