My girl knows.

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It was wedding planning day, Gabby brought baby Amelia round with Matt and Louie as they had organised to go over the final decisions. Kelly greeted them at the door as Stella finished up breastfeeding. Louie immediately ran off to play with Freddie as the others gathered around the table. Stella had already set everything out, the magazines, samples and everything wedding related.

Kelly: So all I have to do is pick my suit, right babe?
Stella: Kelly, you can sit and choose some colours and flowers. She rolled her eyes knowing how he was.

If it was up to him, he'd have them walking down as they were or in their bunker gear. But marrying the love of her life, she wanted everything to be perfect. She finished up breastfeeding and got to her wedding planning. Kelly gave his input on some things but they clashed with Stellas, before long, he was out back with the rest of the boys playing ball.

Gabby: Girl your dress is sorted, everything is coming together, it's getting close and so much more real now.
Stella: I know, I'm so excited to marry him. I mean just look at him. She said as she had her eyes glued to him as she watched him with the boys.
Gabby: He's a good guy, I'm glad you both found each other.
Stella: The best, I kinda hope our next baby is a boy, I know Freddie is his but I can't wait to see him experience all these little boy things again.
Gabby: How's that going? Did you get sorted with Nat?
Stella: Yeah, she put me on some injection, I just have to go in every four months to get it redone. I'm so much more at ease now. I mean don't get me wrong the sex was amazing anyway, I just seem to enjoy it more now I don't have the worry of getting pregnant.
Gabby: Yeah I get you. You don't always have it in your mind anymore.
Stella: For sure, especially when he makes me as crazy as he does. She smiled to herself.

Kelly entered back into the kitchen, sweating and panting as he grabbed a glass of water.

Stella: Boys running you ragged huh?
Kelly: It's hard to keep up. He laughed.
Stella: You're loosing your touch babe.
Kelly: How's the plans going? He asked as he made his way over.
Stella: Pretty much all done, deposits paid, just the honeymoon to figure out.
Kelly: Your dresses all sorted too? And somewhere hot, anywhere hot please.
Stella: Dresses are all bought, your suits are done too.
Kelly: I can't wait to see you in your dress. Mmm yes please. He laughed as he was making his way back outside.
Stella: You're a dork. She joined Gabby laughing.
Gabby: See, the amount of love he has for you. It's so special.
Stella: Girl now you know what I mean when I say I can't keep my hands off of him. You see why.
Gabby: I see you girl.

They sat a while longer and finished up the final touches, finally, everything was sorted.

Stella: Do you want to stay for dinner?
Gabby: For sure, should we make something or order?
Stella: I guess we could order. Babe! She shouted as he brought himself in from the back yard, now topless whilst running around.
Kelly: Yes? He came rushing in, breathing heavily as he got to the table.
Stella: Babe you're really putting in the work huh, you're sweating. She laughing.
Kelly: Gotta show the boys who's boss huh. His face covered with a smirk.
Stella: Oh sure you do. Is that why you're so out of breath?
Kelly: Maybe, what's up? You guys are staying for dinner right?
Gabby: When Stella finally stops drooling maybe. She laughed.
Stella: I mean. I'm ready to eat.
Gabby: Sure you are girl. What do you want to order?
Kelly: I'm okay with anything, just some good food and a beer.
Stella: Italian?
Gabby: Ooo yes. Louie will be okay with pizza.
Kelly: Get whatever, my treat.

They all ordered, bringing themselves inside. The boys going off to play as the adults sat around to talk some more.

Matt: So where are you guys thinking for your honeymoon?
Gabby: We can have the babies for you if you need us.
Stella: Thank you, so much. You two really are the best.
Kelly: We appreciate you more than you know.
Gabby: You'd do the same. And they are our god babies, we'll do anything to help.
Matt: For sure, you guys should go have some alone time, relax and all.
Gabby: Relax yeah. She laughed.
Stella: My girl knows. She joined her laughing.

Food soon arrived, everyone getting their dishes as they all sat around to eat, laughter filling the room. Gabby and Matt left soon after, taking Freddie and Louie for a sleep over as they had far from finished playing. Stella got Savannah bathed and ready for bed as Kelly had wine ready for her back downstairs.

Kelly: Did she go down okay? He sat, watching her every move as she entered into the lounge area.
Stella: She was out like a light, I got her on my boob and she was asleep pretty much soon after.
Kelly: Damn baby. You know how I feel about those shorts. He smirked as she sat herself down next to him.
Stella: What? I literally just threw on some pyjamas. Smiling, knowing exactly what they did to him.
Kelly: Sure, but just stand up for me a minute?
Stella: Huh why? She slowly got herself to her feet.
Kelly: You see. Man that ass on you girl. He sat grabbing gently as he bit his lips.
Stella: You're a dork. She laughed as he pulled her onto his lap.
Kelly: Mmm I know, but do you blame me when you be looking this fine huh?

She spun her head gently as she sat on his lap, facing away from him as he had his arms wrapped around her waist, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

Kelly: I love you, you know. Ass or not, I love you. He laughed a little.
Stella: You're so charming. She giggled. Your dick is also sticking in my butt babe.
Kelly: I told you, I can't help what you and those shorts do to me. He shrugged.
Stella: Let's go to bed? Maybe I'll take them off for you. She said seductively as she laughed, getting herself up as she made her way to the staircase.
Kelly: Fuck yes lets head to bed. He got up, running after her as she squealed. Making her way upstairs before he could get his hands on her.

He grabbed her as she got to the bedroom. Spinning her around to face him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Stella: Get rid of your shirt. She demanded as they stood.
Kelly: Yes boss. He joked.
Stella: And the rest handsome.
Kelly: Ouh I'm liking this. You being bossy turns me on. He said as a grin covered his face, just as he was finishing undressing himself.
Stella: So, are you gonna take these off? She smirked, tugging at her pyjamas as she made her way to the bed.
Kelly: You know I am.

He lifted her shirt, uncovering her boobs. Then to her shorts, which he loved so much. Of course he loved Stella in anything she wore, certain things just had him going crazy. He moved his hands down to her ass as he picked her up. Her legs wrapping around his waist, crushing her lips with his as she wold occasionally break for air.

Stella: I love you. She said softly as she caught her breath.
Kelly: I love you too. So much.
Stella: Show me. She smirked, still on his hips as she grabbed his face to kiss him once more.

He walked her over to the bed, laying her down as he began to make love to her. Moans as loud as ever as he thrusted inside of her. The passion in his movement as the way he would make her feel was something else. It was pure love.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now