An angel as always

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A couple minutes passed. Kelly had Stella wrapped in his arms as they cried a little together. He stood as he pulled her gently into his chest. The nurse gasped a little in relief as she tended to the baby.

And there it was. The little girl filled her lungs as she began to cry.

Stella: Oh thank god. She cried with happiness as she looked up at Kelly.
Kelly: Look at our baby. He cried as the nurses cleaned her up a little, wrapping her in a blanket.
Nurse: Here you go momma. Your beautiful baby girl. As she handed her to Stella.
Stella: She's beautiful. She cried some more as she cradled her in her arms.
Kelly: Just like you baby. He smiled, rubbing his finger gently over her tiny hand.

After a few minutes of Stella holding her baby. The nurses had Kelly sit down for his first hold.

Nurse: Stella let's get you cleaned up and daddy can do his first hold.
Stella: Sure thank you.
Kelly: Wow okay. He sat nervous.
Nurse: If you take you shirt off, we can do some skin to skin with the baby.
Kelly: Sure, sure. He said as he removed his shirt, sitting himself on the chair beside Stella.

He held his baby girl to his chest as she snuggled into him a little. His eyes filled with tears once more as he began to cry.

Kelly: Hey baby. He said in a soft baby voice. I'm your daddy.

Stella sat and watched in awe of him. Her love for him had grown so much more in such little time. He sat, stroking her cheeks as he talked to her, hushing her and rocking her.

Stella: I could sit and watch you with her all day. She smiled.
Kelly: I love her so much.
Stella: I know baby.
Kelly: Here, mommas turn, I think she may be hungry. He laughed as she tried to suckle on him.
Nurse: Sure. She said as she finished cleaning up. You've done this before right mama?
Stella: Yes. She said as he placed her baby onto her chest.
Kelly: Here you go. He smiled, being extra gentle.

She got out her boobs and guided her baby to latch on. Kelly sat and watched mesmerised.

Stella: There you go baby. As she started to suckle. Babe could you get the bags please?
Kelly: Um. Yeah sure. He said caught off guard.
Stella: What's wrong with you. You're practically drooling.
Kelly: Um, I just. Never mind.
Stella: Oh come on. She laughed. You gotta sort yourself.
Kelly: Just your boobs. I can't help it. He laughed as he brought the bags to the bed.
Stella: You're a dork.

Kelly pulled out an outfit as Stella finished breastfeeding. She changed the baby and Kelly got Stella some fresh clothes too. Kelly helped her change as she put the baby down for a nap.

Stella: Do you want to go get your mom and Kim so they can meet her?
Kelly: Sure baby. He said as he kissed her before leaving.

As he approached the waiting room. They both shot up out of their chairs as his eyes filled with tears again.

Kelly: Stella did amazing. He said as they both hugged him.
Kim: And the baby?
Kelly: A beautiful little girl.
Jen: I knew it.
Kelly: Mom she's so cute. Do you want to meet her? He asked them both.
Kim: Definitely.
Jen: Of course we do.

They headed up to the room. Quietly entering as they both burst out into tears.

Jen: Oh my. She is the sweetest little thing.
Kim: She's beautiful. Congratulations the both of you.
Stella: Thank you. She smiled as she hugged her aunt.

Jen also followed and hugged Kelly, then to Stella.

Jen: How are you feeling?
Stella: A little sore but yeah, I feel good. It was definitely easier the second time around.
Jen: They say it is. Do you need anything?
Stella: No thank you. I think the nurse said we should be able to go home in a couple of hours.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now