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ii. ten more minutes !

━━AS everyone sat at the table, excluding Moody who was staring at the wall and Molly Weasley, who stood at the front of the table cutting vegetables on a small cutting board while ever so carefully listening to Sirius Black speak with Harry

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━━AS everyone sat at the table, excluding Moody who was staring at the wall and Molly Weasley, who stood at the front of the table cutting vegetables on a small cutting board while ever so carefully listening to Sirius Black speak with Harry.

Lili sat in between Fred and George, across from Ginny who had almost fallen to the floor when Lili had surprised her by apperating to her back, only to receive a swift elbow to the stomach from Ginny herself; she had only apologized once -sort of- it was more of a 'why were you there in the first place that was completely your fault' type of apology.

Ginny and Tonks were entertaining themselves via laughing at Tonks' different forms, though Lili couldn't quite seem to immerse herself in the shenanigans of the other Metamorphmagus as she was too busy spacing off when she looked at Sirius Black. At first she had to admit, she was terrified by the ex-prisoner but she was slowly warming up to his cheeky attitude. Although each time she looked at him she only envisioned the young boy and the teenager who yearned for his parents' attention, and found it in Harry's grandparents and father only for them to be ripped away as well.

He also had a brother. She kept reminding herself to gather enough courage to speak with the man about her vision, of course easing into it instead of bluntly conversing with, 'so you left your not so noble family when you were a teenager, were kind of attention and touch starved, and oh yes, whatever happened to your little brother, because mine went missing' she grimaced at everything she had thought out in that sentence.

George hadn't let go of her hand underneath the table although, she wasn't necessarily complaining until Ginny had pointed it out to the table leaving her hands sweaty from embarrassment and George to chuckle at her, squeezing her hand. Fred looked to Lili and George's hands with a light, "Ginevra is that anyway to treat your sister in-law?"

That had definitely caused some ruckus as Ginny, Fred, and Molly smiled brightly at George and Lili while the two were sputtering out responses of not necessarily denial.

The table got quiet as Moody began to mutter out a response to Harry's questioning.

"---But that's insane! No one in their right mind could believe that Dumbledore would-" Remus raised his eyebrows nodding along, "Exactly the point! Fudge isn't in his right mind." he sighs and looks to Harry, "it's been twisted an- and warped by fear."

The Ex-Professor looks away, "Now fear makes people do terrible things, Harry. The last time Voldemort gained power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear." Remus made eye contact with Sirius before both looked solemnly to the table.

"Now he's returned and I'm afraid the minister will do almost anything to avoid facing that terrifying truth." Lupin had refused to make eye-contact with his late best friend's son after mentioning everything he just had. This had caused Harry to look down, fiddling with his sleeve.

𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎 ,  ── g. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now