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i. mannered frivolity !

 mannered frivolity !

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━━"-- THEIR for you." Lili and Aspen came to breakfast late that morning due to Aspen's toad coming up missing from his environment again, it happened to be in Hannah's bed-- imagine how that went.

The two walked into the great hall, the smell of muffins and bacon wafting through their noses, to find Ron Weasley holding up an awful clothing garment, Fred and George laughing through mouthfuls, Hermione and Ginny covering their mouths, and McGonagall hiding a smile. "Gryffindors" Lili laughed at aspens grumblings and went to place her bag down at the hufflepuff table.

Grabbing a blueberry muffin, the metamorphmagus hair had been a bright strawberry blonde all morning, until she decided to head over to the gryffindor table to check on her boys, her hair becoming a happy multicolored effect, most of the students from the different schools or even the first years still gazed when they saw the girls hair or something other, change on the girl- it was amusing entertainment.

Making it to the lion's table she threw her arms around George's neck from behind, "morning Georgie!" George laughed and turned his head just enough to see the girl from a side glance, "morning Lili, fancy a muffin?" the girl gave him a smug look, taking the blueberry muffin from his grasp while greeting the other Gryffindors, arms still around the twin.


"Yes, Liliana?"

"What are my Grammy's curtains doing on this table?"

Ron just groaned and shoved the box away from sight, under the table. "Oh shove off!"


━━LILI groaned as the twins pulled her along through the corridor, "why must i go? I'm being held hostage by the devil twins!" the metamorphmagus looked through the hall to see if any student even spared a glance. "Please i mean, I've already gone to mine-- i know how to dance! It's fine! Why~" george just laughed at the girl's orange hair, "are you nervous?"

Lili's hair turned a blush pink before she turned it back to her natural strawberry blond. "No?" Fred and George continued laughing, "i'm not even supposed to go! It was a joke! I'm not a gryffindor! Mcgonagall will have my head for interrupting her class!"

"Oh come on, you were the one who suggested you sneak in"


━━THE twins smuggled the small sixth year into the large gryffindor class, as they were getting odd glances from their peers the quickly shuffled into the corner of the room, letting the girl unravel herself from the two Hogwarts robes and give them back to the boys. "You two owe me." The two just shrugged and continued to fix their robes, Lili moving her hair over the hufflepuff crest and closing her robe as to cover the yellow and black tie around her neck.

𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎 ,  ── g. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now