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i. mazes !

━━MUSIC blared from trumpets and horns as cheering could be heard from the three schools and the sea of people attending the final task of the Triwizard Tournament

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MUSIC blared from trumpets and horns as cheering could be heard from the three schools and the sea of people attending the final task of the Triwizard Tournament.

George wound his arms around Lili's waist as Lili sat on his lap, slowly humming the music from last night's events, George trying to hide his grin despite the loving look he was giving the girl. Her hair was a lovely pastel Lavender, almost having to squint in the daylight to see the array of purples flooding its way through the metamorphmagus' hair.

Lili said a loud good luck for Aspen Diggory to hear as the dark skinned Diggory jogged down the rafters before sprinting to her father and brother, tackling Cedric into a hug, wounding her legs around his torso, almost tearing up from fear for her brother.

Cedric hugged back just as tight, knowing he needed to get through this task, not caring if he won or not, though it was still on his mind, he needed to get back for his sister, she needed him. He needed her.

After Cedric, the other champions came out as well- Fleur timidly walked out- Lili laughed as she saw Bill's eye's widen a bit and his cheeks gain a sudden rosy hue as he saw the french girl. "Oi William, might want to close your mouth before you start catching some flies!"

Bill blushed furiously at the metamorphmagus' comment shying away to stand next to his Mother away from the prying eyes of his family.

Dumbledore stood against the slow of the champions, stopping the youngest champion. But of course not stopping the gryffindor from looking around in feverish terror yet upcoming bravery.

Dumbledore shook his head to get Harry to continue moving, albeit hesitantly.

The headmaster made his way to the podium, beginning to get the crowd to quiet, failing ultimately and using an enhancement spell with his wand to his throat.

The band slowly came to a stop as cheerers took their seats as well.

Albus Dumbledore began explaining the final task, shouting out the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, then continuing with the directions of sorts.

"---now as Mr. Diggory," loud shouts from most of the Hogwarts student body were tousled throughout the small leafy stadium, screams of encouragement for one of their champions.

Amos Diggory held up his son's hand in honor for his golden boy, Cedric's other arm around his not-so-baby sister.

"---and Mr. Potter," more obnoxious shouts could be heard, the Weasley family and friends only continuing to stand from shouting for their other friend to the Boy Who Lived.

"Tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum, then Mrs. Delacour" Lili had to hold back her laughter as the yells that accompanied the name were deep and brooding shouts, followed by a few higher pitches from his fangirls, then of course the heap of strong high pitches coming from the crowd of french women and family.

Dumbledore went forward, continuing through the directions and the goal, "if at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send out red sparks with their wand." the headmaster turned around to the champions, "contestants! Gather 'round. quickly!"

"We're missing all the juicy stuff! Bugger off Dumbly!" that was Lee Jordan, expressing his thoughts out loud as usual, referring to the group the headmaster had formed, now whispering to the small group of teenagers.

"Harry looks like he's going to be sick!" Lili had exclaimed to her friends and the worrying mother that was Molly Weasley after Dumbledore had released the group from his tedious whispering.

"Champions! Prepare yourself!" All champions went back to their person who was pretty much only there for emotional support, Harry going over to Professor Moody, who gave his flask a solid chug before clapping his hand onto Harry's back and giving a nod of encouragement.

Amos Diggory had taken Cedric and his daughter into a strong hug, "Good luck, my boy" Cedric nodded determined then gave his sister one last look before rushing to give her one last hug, "i love you Ced, good luck! Stay safe or so help me-" aspen was pulled back from her brother as Dumbledore motioned for him to get back into placement. Aspen gave him a look before turning and running up the stairs to sit with her friends, not even hesitating before grabbing Fred Weasley's hand and holding it tightly against her chest.

Fred hid his smile, a hardy blush making its way from his neck up.


━━"ON the count of three! One---!" the loud sound of a canon had gone off, signaling no matter what, the champions we on their own now.

With that, Harry and Cedric entered. Their fate, in the form of the task maze, closing them off from behind.

thus, it began.


𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎 ,  ── g. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now