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i. not an owl !

━━" 'ELLO Ronikins! What are you doing with our mates?" Fred Weasley nudged his arm into Ronald's side as the group just kept walking, Ron ignoring him

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━━" 'ELLO Ronikins! What are you doing with our mates?" Fred Weasley nudged his arm into Ronald's side as the group just kept walking, Ron ignoring him. Lili struggled to keep a straight face at Fred's reaction to not getting a reaction, deciding that she should answer, "well Fred, we do have other friends you know. Just so happens aspen, Mione, Ginny, and i were on our merry 'ol way to the library when your brother came to us needing help. Well, more Mione really-- but that's beside the point!"

George just laughed and slung his arm around her shoulder, "well then where are you lot going with Ronald?"

"I uh- Ronald, where are we going?" his response was actually Ginny speaking up, "we're going to find Harry because Ron needs more air to his brain and can't confront him by himself so he's getting us to be his personal howlers."

Fred and George looked to one another before clambering to Ron, giving him noogies then slinging their arms around the boy leading the younger to speak out in annoyance, "alright move on ya right gits, you'll get your friends back, as a matter of fact i only asked for Hermione the other three just came along." aspen was not fond of Ronald, making mocking hand puppets behind him as he spoke, giving Ginny a lovely show as she began to giggle with Lili.

"Well fine then Ronikins! We know when our company is not wanted!" with that the two hazardous twins left the group, with a "see you two for lunch!" directed towards Lili and Aspen.


━━AFTER asking four different sets of cliques in the courtyard, they headed down to the supposed place that Harry and Neville seemed to be.

Ginny was already in a grumbling mood due to her still having charms work and not enough time before lunch to get the thing done, as well as aspen and Lili needing to work with their herbology paper, and Mione just wanting to do work, though she had finished the next days assignments.

Harry and Neville were found by the black lake, Harry propped up by a large tree and Neville with rolled up jeans, up to his knees in the musty water while looking at something squelchy looking.

the lengthy boy waved at the group as they came down from the grass, "hi Neville!" Lili was thrown a glare from Ron which she returned with "Ronald I am older than you and will not hesitate to call your mother." Ginny giggled, "Merlin knows she likes the girl more"

The commotion caused Harry to look where the source seemed to be as Ginny, lili, and Ron were having a whisper fight while Hermione and Aspen just rolled their eyes one waving to Harry whilst the Diggory glared and looked back to the quarrel.

Ron turned to Hermione now ignoring the two girls as they continued over which of the twins was the favorite, Ron gave a head jut towards harry, "Mione, please can you just-" "why can't you just go talk to him yourself!" "Hermione please! Just- he likes you more right now!" pushing her forward, Ron gained a glare from the girl as she turned and walked towards the glasses clad boy.

Harry halfway rolled his eyes as he got up to confront the group, or more so Hermione. The girl sighed as she walked up to him, "Ronald-" she threw a glare back at him, "would like me to tell you, that Seamus told him," she paused as she tried to remember looking upwards as if it would help the speech come back to her brain, "that dean was told by Parvati, that, Hagrid is looking for you." she took a large breath as she inwardly congratulated herself for remembering.

"Is that right? Well-" harry paused his rile up as he realized he had absolutely no clue what his friend had said, "what?"

Hermione gave him a 'hold on' look "uh" and jogged back to Ron and the group.

"I still dont want to do this Ronald" Ron just gave her another head jut making aspen ferociously head jut, mocking the gryffindor boy.

"Dean was told by Parvati that," she took a deep breath shaking her head, "please don't ask me to say it again-- Hagrid is looking for you." she turned to go back, giving aspen, Liliana, and Ginny a look as to say 'lets go' when,

"Well you can tell Ron,"

"I'm not an owl!" this outburst seemed to shut the boy up and get her point across to Ron as Neville just averted his gaze awkwardly.

The whole conversation at the black lake had caused Liliana's hair to become an almost stormy grey.

Hermione came back to the group, pushing Ginny forward to initiate the leave, while Ron glared at the boy who lived, then finally leaving to head after the girls.


━━THE group of five was out sitting on the grass in the courtyard. Lili had been painting along her muggle sketchbook, Lee's hand outstretched with his wand casting a stilled Aguamenti spell to act as her brush cleaner. Paint tubes displayed in their own chest of Liliana's possession along with different brushes next to them. "Lili, your one of my closest friends but if i have to continue holding-"

Lee's empty threat was interrupted by Malfoy's voice cutting through the courtyard towards Harry and everyone else- grabbing too much unwanted attention. Aspen huffed at the proximity of the Potter and angrily left towards her brother and his friends who were further from the boy.

"--my father and i have a bet you see, i don't think you're going to last ten minutes," the bleached boy jumps from his spot in the courtyard tree making Lee and the twins scoff "Spoilt Malfoy" was mumbled under their breaths,

"he disagrees. He thinks you won't last five" Draco's voice was cool and sneering, trying and succeeding to get under potter's skin without even wasting effort.

But Harry saw what he was trying to accomplish, and unimpressed- fought back,

"I dont give a damn about what your father thinks, Malfoy." he paced towards the Malfoy and his goons, shoving the leader, "he's vile and cruel, and you're pathetic."

With that the young potter gives the group one last glare and turns, speeding away.

The twins' eyes widened when the group looked back to what they were doing to see Lee's charm had vanished and drenched the metamorphmagus'' painting leaving her hair in a shade that could rival the gryffindor tie around the boy's necks.

"What do i do?" the twins opened their mouths to respond to the desperate plea of their house mate, "there is nothing you can do now but run, mate" lee got up to run as did Lili, the two running throughout the courtyards as lee squealed in fear of the angry Huffle.

Fred shook his head and pulled out his wand from his robe which was piled on the floor, and began drying the water with a spell leaving George to laugh.

Lili and Lee were running through the courtyard past the white ferret being thrown about around Harry, Crabbe, and Goyal.



For some reason the black lake scene was so fun to write?


𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎 ,  ── g. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now