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i. moral fiber !

━━"ATTENTION!" Lili turned into George using him as a blockade for the annoyingly loud voice of her headmaster

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"ATTENTION!" Lili turned into George using him as a blockade for the annoyingly loud voice of her headmaster. "I hate that stupid charm, Dumble's voice is already immensely loud for my liking."

"THE WINNER IS. . . MR. DIGGORY!" Aspen ran to her brother, embracing him--- accidentally pulling Fred with her but letting go when she reached her brother. "Congratulations Ceddy! Oh my word you did it" she tackled her brother into another hug before realizing him to his girlfriend, lacing her hand subtly back with Fred's, making him blush to know end.

Dumbledore went on about Cedric's charm until he reached a place making all five sixth year friends listen in, "however seeing as Mr. Potter would have finished first, had it not been for his determination to rescue not only mr. Weasley, but the others as well. We've agreed to award him. . .second place!" "for outstanding moral fiber!" all friends went to tackle harry, Hermione moving out the way for the five to congratulate and hug him as well. "Second place! congrats Moral Fiber!" they bombarded the boy.

Lee in the back of the group of friends flinched as Igor Karkaroff spat on the headmaster, also landing on the boy as well "that was absolutely disgusting. Thank you, really." he sarcastically smiled at the Bulgarian as he walked closer to his friends.


━━"MORAL fiber, eh?" George slightly shoved Harry before he turned to help Lili out the boat.

"That's great" "a whole moral fiber!"

"Blimey harry when you go wrong everything turns right." the eight had met up at the docking to the Hogwarts grounds, "yeah well done moral fiber." George scruffed Harry's hair before the sixth year turned to go back to the castle- not wanting to stay in the cold for much longer. Leaving the two fourth years after Ron had shouted back to his friend, "see you at Hagrid's Harry!"

All of them leaving Harry with the final moments of Bartimus Crouch.


━━THE five friends came out of the black lake forest, Lili having gotten onto George's back, arms around his neck loosely while he carried her.

Lee yawned as they entered the Hogwarts clock tower entrance, "Lee, it's only like what? Three pm?"

Jordan faked a yawn just to annoy the metamorphosis out of spite. "Your point?"

Lili rolled her eyes, closing them to rest on George's shoulder.

Aspen swiveled around to face her friends, "so whats the plans for tonight then? We obviously have to keep Jordan over here up, so what's the plan?" Fred grinned at her, "I don't know Mini Diggory. Lee, Georgie and I came up with it last, it's the girl's turn."

Lili groaned as she lulled her head back, "but i'm too tired to plan~" lee shook his head going to stand next to george to talk to Liliana, "its like what? Three pm?" he laughed loudly as she swatted at him, making no further advances, being held back by the restraints of residing on the Weasley's back.


━━AN hour later Liliana and Aspen walked out of their dormitory, a journal with all five names of their friend group labeled clearly onto the tattered leather. The two girls clad in pajama pants with button up pajama shirts. Styling a light beige and cream striped pajama set, Liliana snuck out the Common room, her friend quick behind her.

Aspen Diggory, clad in a soft baby pink set with delicate flowers printed onto the fabric, looked out around the corner for the squib caretaker.

"Clear!" it was a whisper shout to alert Liliana the coast was clear for the two to continue their journey.

Meeting up with the three gryffindor boys, all five friends slipped into a forming door in the center of a brick wall.


━━LILIANA and George Weasley sat spread out onto a large plush couch, dark burgundy in color, George's head rested lightly upon Lili's lap as she ran her fingers through his flaming ginger hair.

Lee Jordan sat on a fuzzy rug next to the only light source, a large fireplace. Spreading out to warm himself from the cool air next to aspen Diggory who had ignored the large stuffed chair and settled for the rug as well.

Fred Weasley sat in a massive definitely over exaggerated recliner flipping through the journal Lili had brought.

"You put down Malfoy and his bodyguards twice on October fifth." Lili looked up from a now semi-sleeping George, "no, remember we got them near the kitchens and then again in the transfiguration corridor--- we were testing out some new thing you two came out with i believe" Fred had a look of realization as he nodded and continued flipping through whilst lee drew out blueprints for the newest plans.

Aspen continued to work through product designs Lili had drawn up for the twins, swaying her feet to the soft jazz music that was playing from a record in the corner of the room of requirement.

The girls had decided on a lazy night, one they have done so many times before- it usually starts out chaotic, dancing to loud records or watching a film on a small telly that would appear in the room, and usually end how they were now; tired and in a state of contentment between the group. Usually ending looking at possible pranks or drawing up some new idea for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Lee Looked up from the blueprints that were sprawled out across the floor, seeing his four friends as he slowly placed the blueprints back under the shrinking charm, placing them back into the briefcase usually kept in the boy's dorm, then joined his friends on another chair and slowly falling asleep.



Don't know how i feel about the way this one ended, kinda boring filler chapter.


𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎 ,  ── g. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now