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ii. evolving power !

━━THE Kate family, or what was left of it, was sitting at their dining table when they got the news of Harry Potter possibly being expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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━━THE Kate family, or what was left of it, was sitting at their dining table when they got the news of Harry Potter possibly being expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Nathaniel and Jane Kate sat up a bit straighter hearing the fate of the boy, "George said he's back with them, the- uh Weasleys, before his hearing" Liliana said perking up as she read the first dash of good news she has heard in a while since the end of sixth year. "The Weasley's were erm- were wondering if i would want to, you know, stay over for the rest of the summer by any chance?"

Nathaniel got up from the table, heading over to the old yet polished grand piano in the room, sitting and lifted the cover off, sighing at his daughter's wishes and looking at his wife. She stared back at him with loving eyes before turning to her daughter, "Lili, dear, with the circumstances, and your brother not here to-" she paused, her eyes welling with tears as the image of her son came to her mind. Keeping her straight posture and loving eyes, blinked back the tears and looked back to the youngest Kate. "Liliana, i dont think its the best option right now. With Charles. . .With your brother not here at the moment. . . i- it's just not the best ti-"

Something in her mother's sentence and voice left a fire to ignite in her stomach. Her parents had been and were refusing to believe that their son is missing, possibly gone. In the child's mind it was as if they were saying they didn't care, that he was no problem of theirs, when in reality it just hurt them too much to admit to it. But don't they think it would be hard on her too? Was she not his sister? Was she supposed to ignore the likes of her missing brother? The letters left unread at his doorstep when Charlie Weasley went to get him for his night's shift on the reserve, was she supposed to act like those letters were not in her room right now after being sent back when they didn't find her brother?


Liliana broke down onto her chair before running up the grand staircase, all that was heard was the patterning of her shoes on the hardwood and the ringing of her voice against the walls.

No one had been there to notice the door to the kitchen move as if the air itself heard her pleas and let her pass without so much as a touch, leaving behind the fading white irises of her eyes.

Nathaniel looked to his wife as she had tears brimming her eyes as well. Moving over to her he wrapped his arms around her as she stood in his arms crying like the day the news came. Fiery tears built up behind his eyes as he rapidly blinked them away while he placed his chin on his wife's head.


━━AS the seventeen year old ran up the staircase she slowed to a stop at the dark indigo door. The contrast between the off white walls and the rich color sending her mind into a fit of memories.

Slowly she clasped her hand around the handle and opened it, the door creaking as it allowed room for the girl. She closed her eyes once she was in the room, sinking to the floor.

Around her were blue and bronze flags, records strewn about like they were scattered that same day, the sheets messily made and the desk covered in sketches and pages of extravagant dragons. Lastly, above the desk, pinned to the wall were pictures of him and his sister, his family, his friends, and a tacked map of the Romania reservation.

She allowed the tears to flow down her freckled face, looking in the square mirror on his wall. Her hair had darkened a bit from its strawberry blonde to a soft red brown. Her episode during the final task had left her mind in pieces, like a strewn game of scrabble.

As a result of the visions her emotions and senses were stronger. Liliana ran a shaking hand through her curls then covering her eyes. Everything was stronger. Like she could feel everything. She could vaguely feel the emotions within the house from her parents to herself. But only before, during, and directly after the times she would get the scenes of visions flash through her mind. That seemed to be when her abilities were at their peak. Only whilst she was in the haze of her visionary dreams as well as the after math side effects.

Liliana heaved a breath, it felt like stone in her chest as she rose from the ground; she saw her brother's cat's bed next to his own, knowing Charlie Weasley had taken the cat into his own care once he found his best friend missing from the reservation.

The girl was startled when a hand was placed on her shoulder. Though once she turned, it was to find her mother there beside her. The light from her brother's curtains casting her mother in a glowing spotlight. "I miss him too." Liliana rose and enveloped herself in her mother's arms, "He's going to come back. He has to." Liliana spoke with a waver to her tone.

"Darling, your brother had a reason for everything even if we don't see it. It's the Ravenclaw in him," she chuckled sadly, "that boy is too creative for his own good. Wise too." Liliana just hid her face in her mum's shoulder.

"He'll be alright." Jane Kate reassured her daughter but couldn't help the thoughts that clawed at her mind, Charles never did anything without reason, never got his head into something he didn't think he could handle. What if her son didn't want to be found?


━━NATHANIEL and Jane Kate watched as their daughter pulled along her trunk through the front entrance way.

"Liliana, just. Just be careful, darling. Please." Lili glanced back at her parents before walking back and enveloping them in a firm hug. "I promise, i'll be alright."

She was finally let free and walked back to her trunk before she got out the letter George Weasley had sent her. Glancing at the parchment before thinking of it clearly. A tight popping was heard throughout the house as the seventeen year old apperated away from her parents and to Number Twelve of the Grimmauld Place.

The two parents glanced at each other. Heaving currents of deja vu felt its way throughout the house as the memories of their eldest child leaving hit them as a slap to the face as they realized they had been left by both children. The fear encased them yet the strand of hope still stood as they knew their daughter was in safe care with their old friends, with the remaining members of the order.

Even as they were left in the dark about her 'episode' at the final task, though perhaps it was an unwise choice on their daughter's part.



alright, I know I publish in parts but you all were asking for an update and as much as I wanted to just ignore them bc they can sometimes be annoying, you all were so nice and seem to enjoy the story. So here ya go!

Also working on Part Two has been a remarkably slow process so I decided since I don't seem to be going as quickly as I wanted I should publish this,

So what do you all think on Liliana's new powers and such? How do you think her parents will react? And are you excited for the gang to meet up again for another year? (lee, aspen, fred, & ofc george and lili)

sincerely, -a.

𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎 ,  ── g. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now