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We go in a white and yellow limo with pink windows. "There's never liquor in here" Angel complains

I sit on my knees, facing the window, checking out everything I can see. "There's a lot of demons here, huh?"

"Yeah, too much" Angel rolls his eyes "Shit..." I hear him say under his breath "Yo driver, pull over here, k?"

"You good, Angel?" I ask

"Peachy." He says getting out "The store is right here" he leads me to the store called 'devils pleasure'.

I walk in and I see the sluttiest clothes ever. I didn't see a single piece of clothes that covered your whole body. Thongs, bras, booty shorts... Are those gags-?

"Angel this-" I turn to Angle but he's not there. I spin around looking for him. Nothing.

I walk out the doors and I faintly hear Angel's voice around the corner "Boss, I swear I was gonna come back"

I walk closer and peek my head around the corner to see what's going on. I see an incredibly tall man with a long, bright red coat with a super puffy hood around his neck, he's wearing a red hat with a large feather sticking out of it. His skin blue, eyes pitch red, with a pair of yellow heart-shaped tinted glasses, and a row of sharp teeth with a single golden tooth. He was holding Angel by his cheeks saying something very aggressively. I couldn't make out what he was saying.

I walked a bit closer and hid behind a dumpster.

"Angel baby~ you can't talk your way out of this~," The tall man says

"I know Val, but I just thought-"

"You thought? Angel~" The man puts his hand under Angel's chin "You don't get paid to think. You get paid to fuck" The man pushes Angel's face and takes a few steps away "You're going to work non-stop till I give you permission. Got it~?" The man says with his back facing angel. He held his arm up and pointed to a shiny, red limo. "Let's go Angel cakes~"

What the hell- I take a step away from the dumpster and yell "Hey shitbag"

Angel and The tall man froze. I saw Angel tense up and whip his head to look at me terrified. The tall man faced me, a large smile on his face. He pulls out a pipe and puts it in his mouth, exhaling red smoke. I walk over to them, the tall man walking over to me as well. We both stop when were about a foot away from each other.

"Angel cakes, this a friend of yours~?"

"N-No boss. I don't even know her" Angel says shaking all four of his hands nervously.

"Is that so~?" He puts his hand under my chin which I push away, he smiles sadistically.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are," I point my finger at his chest "But I know you aren't shit. So, instead of trying to compensate your lack of balls by being a cunt to people, try just fucking off."

Angel stands there petrified. While the tall man in front of me looks anything but amused. He grabs both my hands and holds them above my head, his other hand grabs my throat, and his final hand still smoking that pipe.

"Tell me, what is your name" He forces a smile but I can still tell he's beyond pissed.

I couldn't even make a sound. I can't move and his grip on my neck is getting tighter and tighter.

"Boss I-" Angel tries to intervene but the man backhands angel in the face while holding his pipe, knocking angel over. He looks back at me and I'm starting to lose consciousness, his eyes widen and he drops me. On my knees coughing, the man extends a hand to me, which I reject and stood up.

"I'm quite sorry, I'm not usually the kind of person whos this rough outside of the bedroom" He smiles taking another puff of his pipe. I look over to Angel who is getting up rubbing his cheek. "The name's Valentino." He holds out a hand.

I hesitantly take it and he pulls me closer and kisses the top of my hand. My heart beating so fast, and I don't know if it's the cause of whether I'm flustered or cause I'm fucking terrified.

No, Y/N, stfu

"Don't keep me waiting, sugar~." he doesn't let go of my hand

"Y/N" I clear my throat "I want you to stay away from Angel. Name your price. I'll get it for you."

"Hm~" Valentino starts walking in circles around me, looking at every inch of my body "My Angel makes me quite a bit of money, you see~ So how are you willing to compensate me for that~?"

"Name your price," I repeat, trying to sound like I'm not shaking in my fucking boots.

"Give me some time, baby" He stops in front of me with his hand on his chin "When I think of an appropriate payment, I'll contact you."

With that, he walked off into his limo, and it sped away. I put my hands on my knees breathing heavily "Holy shit"

"What the fuck Y/N" Angel yells at me " you need to tell him you take it back. You have no idea what yer' gettin yourself into"

"No fuck that Angel, I can tell how fucking scared of him you are, and I gotta at least try to help"

"Y/N, I love ya but you can't fucking do this." Let me handle it. I'm trying to fix the shit I've done to get here"

"Angel, I'm not taking it back. I'm going to help you" I walk towards the limo "You can't do this alone dude"

Angel sighs and heads back to the limo with me. We go back to the hotel and I say that I'm exhausted and that I'm going to go back to my room.

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