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Are you fucking kidding me?

"What are you talking about?" I ask, trying to think of a way to get out of this

"A pest problem, dear." Alastor repeats

I feel a lump in my throat while not looking away from Al. Using all of my willpower to not look in the direction of the closet.

"What are you-"

"Y/n, you do know it's my job to guarantee no trouble entering this hotel, right?" Al smirks knowingly

I swallow "Al, I'm actually expecting a guest so I'd really appreciate it if you left"

I try to push Alastor towards the door but he suddenly disappears and reappears behind me, making me fall forward.

"I've already informed Angel that you are busy and to come by later"

"Asshole" I say quietly

Al walks closer to the closet and I feel the lump in my throat get bigger and bigger. He stops in front of the closet doors and uses his microphone to tap on the door.

"Television, I'm guessing it's you in here"

Fuck me-

I start walking towards him "Al, listen- this is stupid and"

I was cut off by Alastor opening the closet door. I wince and look away

Huh, why isn't he saying anything?

Al looks at me, skeptical as I walk to the closet and peek in.

it's empty?

Huh? Where the fuck did Vox go..? I'll figure that out later.

"See, Al? No one in here" I lean against the wall confidently

Al stares at me for a sec, probably contemplating what happened.

He shrugs and walks past me, towards the door

"You didn't actually believe I would hide from your pathetic ass, did you?" Vox says from behind me

I quickly spin around and bring my hands to my face, sighing loudly

"I personally wouldn't blame you." Alastor retorts, not turning around

I give Vox a "what the fuck are you doing" look, earning a small chuckle from him

"Bullshit. I would never be afraid of an old fashioned bitch like you" Vox smirks

Alastor turns around "Such vulgar language, in front of a lady as well." He shakes his head

"Never heard any complaints" Vox glances at me

Alastor scoffs "I'm surprised she hasn't come to terms about just how repulsive you are"

Bro, I literally can't say anything even though they're talking about me-

"I've never seen this jealous side of you before, Bambi" Vox chuckles

I see Al quickly glance at me with an unreadable expression but look away just as fast.

Vox walks beside me and slides his hand around my waist and pulls me closer, not breaking eye contact with Alastor.

I look at Vox and mouth "That's enough" He ignored me

"Let me recap, not only did I sneak into your precious hotel, but I fucked your little crush too" Vox taunts again

Al's features darken "One chance, Television. Get out of the hotel"

Vox's eyebrows raise "Or what?"

I suddenly feel something wrap around my waist and pull me away from Vox and launch me towards the wall, holding me in the air. I try to break free of this pitch-black tentacle-looking thing but it wouldn't budge.

I look up to Vox and Al and I see another one of these tentacles appear behind Vox and wrap around his wrist, launching him out of the window.

"HOLY FUCK" I scream "Al get this thing off me!"

The tentacle disappears, dropping me on the floor. I get up and run to the broken window.

"Al we're on the seventh fucking floor" I exclaim

"Only accepted guests can enter." Al says walking towards me

"Bullshit. As if that wasn't fucking personal" I say gesturing to the broken window

"Dear, please hear me out" Al takes my hands "That television is not good for you, he is vile and despicable"

I look at him confused. "Believe me I know he's no saint, but give me a chance to figure out these things for myself." I try to reassure him

Al sighs "Very well. I will send Nifty up here to fix your room"

Al snaps his finger and I fall through a hole in the floor. I landed somewhere outside. I quickly look around, unaware of my surroundings when I see Vox standing across the street dusting his suit off.

"Vox!" I call

He looks confused and walks to me "That asshole didn't throw you here too, did he?"

I laugh. "no he sent me here with one of those weird holes"

Vox looks at his hands and sees parks fly out of them "That fucking hotel restricts my powers for some reason"

I ignore what he said "Vox, what the fuck was that in there?"

"What?" He asks

"All that bullshit, showing me off and taunting Al. You were fucking asking to be launched out of the window."

"Awe what's wrong? I can't show you off?" He pulls me closer, our chests touching

I swallow "Not like that, it was too far." I say trying to keep my composure

"You sure?" Vox says towering over me

No no, fuck this, he was an asshole to Alastor.


I push him off me "Yes. I would have thrown you out of the window too"

Vox rolls his eyes letting out a laugh "I'll call Val and tell him to send us a ride."

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