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I close my eyes and groan. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face.I put on sweatpants and a crop top with a hoodie over top. I hear my phone ring so I walk over and check it. It's Vox

"Hello?" I say tiredly

"Y/N, did you talk to Val yet?" Vox asks

"Huh? Oh, uh no" O sit down on the bed

"Give him a call ok?"

"I really don't want to talk to him right now, Vox" I sigh

Vox sighs "Alright, kid. You can come over to the studio and I'll get you breakfast if you want"

I smile "Yeah that sounds great"

I don't really want to go out but I know that it's going to be better than moping around in my room all day

I fix my hair and I head to the elevator. I push the button and close my eyes. I sigh from exhaustion. With that, Alastor appears beside me out of thin air again, making me jump away and hitting the wall

"FUCK AL" I yell "it's too fucking early for this"

Al gives me a soft smile "I'm sorry, my dear." He sighs "I apologize for the other night as well. I hadn't realized you were interested in someone else"

"O-oh... Yeah, I'm sorry too, Al." I scratch the back of my neck "I'd like it if we still stayed friends though?"

"Of course, dear" Al smiled

I get out of the elevator and I see Charlie talking with Vaggie.

"Hey, Y/N!" Charlie says happily "You seemed kinda sad yesterday, are you alright now?"

I press my lips together "Yeah I'll be alright" Vaggie goes and sits on a couch "Charlie, is it cool if I use your limo?"

"Oh yeah of course!" Charlie smiles "I know how sketchy it is talking the bus here"

Charlie pulls out her phone and texts someone "It should be here in a minute" \

"Thanks" I smile, walking towards the door. Vaggie cuts me off and stands in my way with her arms crossed

"Did you fix the situation with the overlord?" She said sighing

"Uh yeah, sure" I scratch my neck. She looks me up and down

"Well, better get going!" I say before she can say anything else. The limo is waiting for me and I get in

"Where do you want to go, miss?" the driver asks, looking at his phone

"Uh, the porn studio?"

The driver looks at me "tits, there's a shit ton of porn studios here"

Oh, I guess I didn't think about that 

"The one Vox and Valentino own?" 

I hope he knew where that was

The driver shrugs "Alright"

We speed away and I think about how Val completely stood me up last night. And that asshole was just having the fucking time of his life at the club.

 I roll my eyes and it sorta makes me think 

How would Val be as an actual boyfriend? Cause I know he's good in bed and he's a fucking good sweet talker, but if we were to go the extra step, is this how it would be? Obviously, he doesn't care enough to put in a huge effort so...

We arrive at the studio and the door opens, I look out and it's Vox opening the door. He gives me that damn smirk he always has plastered on his screen and I chuckle a bit.

"Hey kid" He holds out his hand, and I take it

"Television." I smile, tiredly

Vox brings me to the penthouse and there are eggs, pancakes, bacon, juice and a lot more on the table

"Shit Vox, did you make all of this?" I say as Vox is pressing some buttons on a screen on the wall

"Is it that hard to believe?" He laughs

"That's not what I meant. I just can't say I expected all this" I say taking off my hoodie and sitting down at the table

Vox sits down next to me and I take a bite of the pancakes "Fuck Vox, this is so good"

Vox laughs and I look behind Vox and I see a big flat-screen TV with a little top hat like the one Vox has on.

I Laugh "Voxy, you have siblings?"

Vox raises an eyebrow and looks behind him and laughs "No, I just make those"

"Woah really?" I say

"Yeah, I own all of the TV stations in hell" He points to his head "You can see why"

I laugh "That's so cool. What kind of shows do you have?"

"Well, I have some marketing channels, where I sell auction things off" He rests his head in his hands "I also have a music station where I make the music"

"Man of many talents" I laugh "But seriously, that's really impressive"

"Thanks" Vox laughs "You know, Val and I have a chocolate brand called V&V"

(That's canon btw)

"No way!" I smack my hand over my mouth "Like M&M?"

"Yeah" Vox laughs "Actually, Y/N. Val and I were looking for someone to help us run business"

I raise my eyebrows "Which business..?" I ask

it better not be the porn studios cause I don't think I can help with that...

"Just business overall. Val was bitching about being overworked so he told me to hire someone else who could help"

"Help how..?"

"With just the overall load" He clears his throat "I wouldn't expect you to work in the studio if you weren't comfortable with it obviously. But I think you could help with the club and maybe some of my television sales"

"Why me..? I mean I'm totally down but you don't know me all that well and I don't have a whole lot of experience"

"Well honestly, I've done some research on you and you seem trustworthy, which is hard to come by down here. And call it intuition, but I think you'd be pretty good at it" Vox smiles

I nod my head slightly, thinking about it. "Sure, Vox" I smile "I'll do my best"

Vox's smile grows "I'll let Val know" He clears his throat "Cause I know you're pretty pissed at him at the moment"

I shrug "Yeah I am"

Vox's phone rings "Give me a sec," He says to me as he walks into another room

I go on my phone and see a text from Angel

Angel: Where are u rn?

Shit. I can't tell him where I am... What should I say?

Me: I'm just out for lunch at a place by the hotel

Angel: Oh lol ok- cause I thought I just saw you walk into my porn studio lmao

Shit shit shit shit shit

Me: Haha no wth

Angel: Movies in my room tonight?

I sigh a breath of relief. Thank God he believed me

Me: sounds good :)

I lean back in my chair exhaling loudly in relief. Vox walks back in the room

"You wanna start now?"

I stared at him and my eyes widened 

"Sure?" I shrug

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