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Did everyone miss me? 

Sorry I've been gone for so long... like a long long time. 

anywho enjoy :)

I really need to start minding my own business I swear-

No cause seriously, I didn't mind my own business with anyone. Angel, Val, Vox, Charlie, Alastor... Like the list goes on.

Is it me? Am I the drama? I don't think I'm the drama-

Anyways, here I am being led upstairs by fucking Ausmodeous who I can tell hates me.

Probably cause Fizz saw us together... 

Just a guess...

I was walking behind Fizz with Ozzie following uncomfortably close behind me. I can feel his anger radiating.

Well obviously they have a thing for each other but I am never going to bring that up cause you know... I value my life

Or what's left of it I guess.

We get to the top of the stairs and Oz slams a huge book on top of a dusty table. I cough

Fiz sits on a chair that isn't exactly part of the table turns around and goes on his phone all pissy.

"Drama queen" I mutter. Hearing a scoff from Fizzaroli as a response

Ozzie is looking through the book with some old lady-looking glasses on. Like the one with the fancy little chain that attaches in case they fall off. Here he is ladies and gentlemen, the great and powerful sin of lust... looking like he is the big bad world dressed in grandma clothes.

I giggle to myself as Ozzie slams his finger on a specific part of a page. It makes me jump... guess I got caught up in my thoughts.

"Parents?" Ozzie says to no one in particular


"PARENTS?" He yells at me

"Huh what, mine?" I jump

He looks at me with an "Obviously I mean yours, you dumb bitch" look

"My bad. Yeah, my parents are still on earth." I point up "Well my step-parents are. I assume my real parents are somewhere on earth or here"

"Stepparents?" Ozzie asks

"Yeah, I was adopted when I was like three" I shrugged "My parents just kinda dropped me off at the foster home. I don't know if it was cause they couldn't take care of me or if they didn't want me or-"

"Boo hoo. Shut the fuck up" Fizz mutters under his breath

"Excuse me? He fucking asked" I pointed at Ausmodeus. Fizz flipped me off

"Both of you shut the- ugh" Ozzie rubbed his temples "Come here"

Ozzie grabbed me by my shirt and dragged me behind him

"Hello? Let the fuck go?" I grab his hand trying to make him loosen his grip. No use

"Fizz, keep the club running while I'm gone"

Fizz nods and heads down the stairs. Ozzie opened a door and went back outside. Ozzie looks at me "We're going to the pride ring"

That was the goal from the beginning... "K"

Ozzie scoffs at my attitude. You can't blame me, I just showed up here and immediately got integrated and got the whole scope of bitchy attitude from Fizz AND the sin of Lust.

A portal opens and I can see the bright red sky I've grown accustomed to.


We walk through the portal and my eyes squint from the colour and brightness difference.

Ozzie pulls out a phone rolls his eyes and cusses under his breath

"What?" I ask

"Lucifer's place is across town and I can't make another portal for a while" Ozzie sighs

"Lucifer?!" I say a little too surprised. "Why are we going there?" I cough trying to play it off

"I need the undead soul records. Don't worry, Lucifer isn't as intimidating as mortals might think. You probably won't even see him" Ozzie says not looking away from his phone

"A-ah okay" I shrug while whipping an imaginary sweat drop from my forehead

"He thinks sinners are all awful. Some more than others, so I doubt he'd even let you see him if you tried." Ozzie laughs trying to push my buttons

The fuck is that supposed to mean? Does he think I am worse than most sinners down here? ME? Girl, Ted Bundy is down here somewhere.

"You'd be surprised" I muttered under my breath

Ozzie began to talk but he was cut off by a really loud car horn

It's a limo... I wonder who it could be...

Just kidding. We all know who it is

"Y/n, baby~" I hear Val call out with his sexy Spanish accent while the window rolls down

I lean in the open window "How the fuck do you always show up when I need you? You tracking me?"

"Don't rule it out" Ozzie says under his breath

Val laughs as the door opens

"It's "Val "?" Ozzie says as he transforms into his smaller form so he can fit in the limo

Val looks him up and down in the most judgemental way I've ever seen

Like fuck Val, you have more of an attitude than me- and that's saying something

"Valentino" Val puts on a fake smile

Oz doesn't even look at him as he gets in the limo

We all sit in the limo, I say a cushion away from Val. Because... you know how Val can be. I wouldn't put it past him to jump on me with company in front of us.

"Take us to Lucifer's place," Ozzie said, arms crossed not taking his eyes off Val

I fake cough into my hand. I bet hearing that I need to go see Lucifer isn't the top thing Val wants to hear...

Val's head whips my way "Why?"

"Don't look at me" I hold both my hands up "wasn't my choice"

"It's none of your concern anyway. Just take us" Ozzie orders

"This fucker for real?" Val laughs

Ozzie glances at me and I mouth "Stop"

Like can Val take Ozzie? No. I just don't want anyone to fucking fight in this confined space... which I AM IN

Maybe Val can run away if he gets in this fight... not me though I'll get in the crossfire

Ozzie let's put a big chest laugh. Val inhales his pipe. I pray that my newfound powers give me invisibility... or teleportation...

"You're going to bring Y/N and me to Lucifers" Ozzie orders

"As. fucking. if." Val blows some smoke at Ozzie


This is bad.

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