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I swear this is my last fucking straw.

Last. Fucking. Straw.

I literally just got to hell and my life is already turning into a complete mess? And for what? Literally, the only thing I wanted to do was to help Angel- how did it end up like this?

Man, I mean... Not complaining about all of it... But for fucks sakes-

I feel my phone ring in my pocket and I pick it up

Fuck the screen is all cracked... Vox is calling. Maybe he could help? I mean maybe he could get all those photos deleted? Fuck, that wouldn't get rid of everyone's memories...


"Hello?" I answer, wiping smudged makeup from under my eye

"Hey, Y/n. Where are you right now?" Vox asks

"Uh" I look around "On top of a building"

Vox pauses and I hear a slight laugh "What? Why"

"Why'd you call?" I ask, ignoring his question

"... There are some photos going around and..."

"Yeah, I know." I cut him off "I got chased by a crowd and I'm hiding up here"

Vox laughs loudly on the other line

"Dude, It's not fucking funny!" I shout

"That's... Haha... Fuck, what building are you on right now?" Vox asks in between laughs

Fucking asshole

"I don't know... A big blue one in the center of Pentagram" I say pinching the bridge of my nose

"Alright g-" Vox's voice cuts out

"...Vox?" I look at my screen and it's black "Hello?"

Bruh I swear if my phone is broken...

I suddenly hear an eardrum crushing ringing. I cover my ears as I collapse on my knees, feeling the sharp sound ring throughout my skull

I close my eyes tight and at that exact moment, the ringing stopped.

I take a few breaths, still on the ground, eyes closed before exhaling loudly and opening my eyes

What was that... Wait... "Where am I?" I say out loud, taking in the new scenery around me

I'm in the middle of the sidewalk in a big city... Only it wasn't Pentagram city- I don't think so anyways

Wasn't I just on top of that building? And wait? Wasn't it daytime? It looks like it's night now

I look around and see a bunch of demons looking at me oddly. Trying to make their stares discrete but failing

I quickly walk down an alley, away from the stares and crowded streets

Fuck I need to find Val and Vox fast... And Lucifer...

"Ok ok, Y/n, think. I heard ringing then ended up somewhere completely different... Did I get drugged?"

"No, drugs don't do that... Fuck... this place looks so different- wait" I turn my head towards the sky

"The sky... It's blue"

That's why it looks so different! The sky's usually red!

Ok, ok, ok. That doesn't help me figure out where I am... All I know is that I'm not... In hell? Or at least the hell I came from? Are there different parts? The people here are definitely demons but they do look a bit different

I grab my phone from my pocket. Still not working... Fuck ok

Let's just go somewhere that's not this sketchy alley...

I walk along the alley and it leads me in front of this huge building that I can hear music blaring out of, there's a large heart door and a giant lineup of people along the side going on for blocks.

"I bet I could sneak in" I think to myself

I can blend in with the crowd... Plus that place looks dope AF

I look at the large luminescent sign on top of the heart-shaped door


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