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Ozzie leads me into a giant limo in the alley next to the club, probably trying to hide me. He and Fizz hop in beside me

"So are you two dating?" I blurt out

Their mouths drop and stare at me wide-eyed


"HAHAHAHHAHA" They both begin cackling till tears are coming out of their eyes

"Ok, ok, ok. I get it. I just saw you guys being all touchy and shit on the stage" I hold my arms up as they calm themselves down

"Did you not hear our song, dumbass?" Fizz says between small laughs

"Ok, rude. I was just asking" I rub my temples

The limo stops and Ozzie gets out and extends a hand to me

"At least one of you has some manners" I hear Fizz scoff behind me

We walk into this spooky looking mansion and head down some stairs

"You know this is how all horror movies start right? This has my death written all over it. You saw how sketchy this place is right?" I say as we're walking down the seemingly never-ending stairs "Like this stairwell is lit by torches. TORCHES. What year is it?"

"Fuck, you complain a lot" Fizz comments behind me again

"I'm sorry, why are you here?" I scoff "Scared I'll take your boyfriend away?"

"You fucking b-"

"Drop it, you two" Ozzie interrupts as we finally reach a large wooden door

Ozzie opens it, a loud creek emerging, followed by some dust falling off of the door

I cough "No seriously, what year is it?"

Ozzie lights a candle and then lights two more with it "Look around"

"For what-?" I say grabbing a candle "It's just a shit ton of books"

I turn around for a response but Fizz and Ozzie are gone

"I was right. I am going to die."

Whatever. might as well explore

I look around at all of the shelves of books and hold my candle up to the labels. Most are in some language I couldn't understand- with characters that looked insanely ancient... Or futuristic?

I blow the dust away on a label I saw on the shelf and cough as some got on me

"Asmodeus?" I shrug as I grab the first book in English I saw

"Sin of lust... Owner of Ozzies... How lame, I know all of that- Oh?" I flip to the next page "Weaknesses?"

Curiosity never killed the cat, right?

I grab my candle and look around me. Coast is clear

"Ausmodeous's weakness, along with the other sins, is not indulging in their sin... Not committing acts of lust is against his nature, similar to the succubus, only they will not weaken. Asmodeus is most vulnerable when being deprived for long periods of time, but what is the most weakening is feeling emotions similar to love. Being as it contradic-"

My candle suddenly goes out.

I quickly turn around to be greeted with Asmodeus's glowing face above me

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

I cough, hiding the book behind my back "Reading"

Play innocent

He grabs the book from behind my back and holds it up to his face

Son of a-

He lets out a sigh and shakes his head

"Look, I was just reading and I stumbled on that topic I sw-"

I stumbled back and leaned against a table, Ozzie towering over me, placing both hands on each side of me, trapping me

"Just stumbled did you?" he shakes his head again "Baby, what the fuck were you thinking~?" He says seductively, but I could tell he was beyond mad

"Ozzie, you gotta believe me. I mean what am I gonna do with that information? It's not like-" I pause, thinking about Fizzarolli

I see him raise an eyebrow and I clear my throat, knowing that he caught my pause "I-it's not like I can do anything to make that happen"

I hear Fizz's voice approaching "Oz, I found some service out of the mansion. Call that owl bitch so we can-" He stops when he spots us, his face dropping

Why's he looking at us like- OH

I look at our position and I'm almost laying on top of this table, with Ozzie leaning over me

Ozzie realizes what Fizz is seeing at the same time as I do because we both stand up and take a step away from each other

Fizz grabs a phone out of his pocket and throws it to Ozzie. He turns around and walks back up the stairs in silence

I look at Ozzie, who is rubbing his temples and sighs

"Now we're going to figure out who you really are. And believe me, I will find everything about you. Then I'll decide if you *really* just stumbled upon that information."

I guess curiosity did kill the cat

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