4.Just dreams

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Soon a month had passed by

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Soon a month had passed by.Taehyung had made it a habit to walk to college with you,and you didn't mind the company and the silly jokes he made.He actually made you feel comfortable,just like the rest of the boys.You and Yoongi got quite close to each other,he was more like a brother to you now,the rest of them like your best friends.Though the dreams never seemed to get any better.It just...worsened.

You wanted to consult a doctor,but your schedule was so tight that you couldn't even take care of your health.
It was now the starting of the college holidays,and all of you had packed up your things and were ready to go,to the place you had unexpectedly suggested.
"Can't wait to see the sunset at the sea side" Jungkook said carrying the bags into the mini van,which Jin had got from his older brother for the trip.

Everyone looked so excited,well even you were excited.
Everyone got into the mini van,while Jin sat on the drivers seat after a while of convincing Namjoon to sit on the passenger seat instead of the driver's seat and kill us.
"Everyone settled?"Jin asked looking back.
"No!Jimin's butt is on my face!damn it!move!"Yoongi complained."It's not my fault that my pretty butt is on your face!Your leg is trampling mine!"Jimin shouted back.
"Yoongi!come to the front!sit next to Y/n!"Jin shouted.

Yoongi soon got up and came to you.You were sitting beside Taehyung,and now Yoongi on your left too.

"Ready!let's go!"Jin chirped,roaring the vehicle to life."Y/n..haven't you been sleeping?you look exhausted!"Yoongi asked,concerned about your health.His question made Taehyung jolt his head towards you."Nightmares,had me up all night!"You said.

"Are you sure your going to be okay?"Taehyung asked."Yup,i hope so"You flashed a soft smile.
The rest of the ride was really fun.Though jin and Namjoon were fighting over a radio channel,it was alright.


"We're here!"Jin said,waking us all up.You slowly opened your eyes.Mesmerized by the view,you gasped.
The sun was settling down the sea,vibrant colours were spread all over the sky which was projected beautifully across the sea.

"Wow...it's beautiful"You said getting out of the van.

"Not as beautiful as you are.."Taehyung smiled sheepishly.
"Woah woah...Since when did you become a flirt?"You asked him teasingly.
"Since Jimin hyung taught me to"he replied with a proud smile on his face before winking at Jimin who was secretly spying at his younger.


"What do you mean there is only three rooms left?"Yoongi shouted at the miserable receptionist."sir,all the rooms are full,we have only three left"She replied,shrinking into her dress.Namjoon pulled Yoongi back not wanting him to pick a fight."we'll manage with three rooms"He said and started doing all the procedures to register.

"I'll have a room with Y/n!"Taehyung said putting a hand over your shoulder."No your not!",yoongi pulled him to his side.
"Yeah,Y/n gets a room.Taehyung,Hobi,Jimin and Jungkook in one room,and me,Namjoon and Yoongi in one room!Manage for tonight,we'll go to my uncle's villa tomorrow morning"Jin ordered them.
Everyone agreed while Taehyung whined.
"Fine!"He threw his hands in the air in defeat,and walked towards his room.


You changed into comfortable clothes and was ready to sleep.There was a knock on the door making you flinch at the sudden noise.
"Who is it?"You asked the person behind the door.

"It's me Y/n!open the door!"Taehyung's voice was recognisable,so you opened the door to see him holding a pillow in his hands.

"Can I sleep with you?"He asked.

"Nope.."You disagreed.

"Please y/n!"He pleaded.

"This isn't some cringey wattpad story Tae...Go to your room"You said.

"Meanie"He pouted.You smiled at him and he left.

I don't want him to worry about my nightmares...


"Y/n..Get me out of here!"The horrid creature spoke with it's hoarse voice for the first time.
"Y-you can speak?"You asked,feeling as if it was real.

"Get me out of here!"it repeated,Slamming it's fists onto the mirror.
"Where!how?"you asked.

"You can't escape Y/n..."You felt a presence behind you.
"W-who are you?"You asked looking ahead,afraid to turn back.
The dark creature  kept slamming the mirror,while the new creature behind you,sounded more.....dominant.

"You're going to be mine"The voice of the creature behind you echoed into your eardrums,making the hair on your arms stand straight.

"And they will taste death"
You jolted awake after you had heard the new voice say those words.

I'm going to be his?they are going to die?Who are "they"?
These are just dreams....right?

It was 4 in the morning.You didn't want to go back to sleep,so you decided to go to the balcony and look at the sunrise instead.


Soon the rest woke up,changed into suitable clothes and left the hotel.
Jin drove you all to his uncle's villa,which was supposedly left to the mites to munch on.
The place was old,and musty,making it look creepy,But the view of the sea through the windows was worth it.

"Everyone settle down,and have your lunch.We are going for a boat ride in the evening."Jin announced.

You went into your room and rested for a while.Horrid thoughts haunted your mind.

Just dreams...it's not real!
It is so not real!

That's it for today peeps!
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Peace out✌🏻

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