30.Dead for good -𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐄-

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"We have to get out of here",Yoongi said.
"How?",You asked."That way",Jungkook pointed at the door.

"Then why are we waiting?",You asked.

"I don't know?Giving suspense to the readers?",Yoongi shrugged.

"Huh?",Namjoon scratched the back of his neck.

"You don't know anything do you?",Yoongi asked Namjoon,receiving a glare back.

"Guys..stop bickering..let's get out of here!",You said,opening the rusty door.

They looked at you and stood up,waiting in line right behind you.

Suddenly,the basement door opened,and steps were heard."That's what I was waiting for",Yoongi pointed towards the stairs."We need to beat the shit out of the piece of shit who kidnapped our girl",he said.

That's cheesy

"Alright..get your weapons!",You shouted and got into a position."I got a pole..merlin",Yoongi smirked at you.

Namjoon,as usual,took his 'cute' pot.Jungkook lifted a stool.He's not called the muscle bunny for nothing.

Jimin got hold of of a silver-made statue of a demon's head and Hoseok found a broken stick of a broom.Jin,ironically,found a huge mirror shard while Taehyung lifted the huge framed portrait of Asmodeus.

The king stepped down with a scornful expression on his face."Where do you think you're going?",he asked.

"Somewhere I'll never get to see your face...duh?",You said swaggily.

"Are you sure you can stop me?It's about time I kill your friends",he said.

"You and what army?",You smirked.

The king mirrored your expression,black smoke started forming in his hands as he demanded soldiers down the basement.

Many steps were heard as ten or more soldiers climbed down the stairs.

"I think you talked too soon",Yoongi said.

"Let's get it!",Jungkook said as he charged towards the guards with a war cry.Everyone started fighting each other.

"Bro!Bro!Bro!..why are you hitting me?you're supposed to hit the guards!Do I look like those tin cans to you?",Jin lectured Namjoon when he started hitting Jin with his pot.

"Shit!Sorry!"Namjoon apologized.

The guards fought with the boys,the moment you were about to hit a guard in the shin,someone pulled you forward.

"Who dafuq?",You mumbled and realised you were face to face with the king himself.

"What's your god damn problem?let me go you lunatic!",he pulled you up the stairs while you hit him continously,none of them actually working.

Once the guards were all down on the floor,the boys looked at each other smiling.

"Everyone okay?",Namjoon asked.
"Guys!Y/n and that Demon guy is not here!",Taehyung shouted realising your absence.

They ran up the stairs and caught a glimpse of him pulling you towards the throne room.
The king pushed you onto the floor and held your hair.

"Finally...",the king said as he realised the boys reach them.

They charged at the king without any hesitation,only to be put under a spell by him.He made them float in the black smoke and left you fall onto the floor.He walked towards them and looked at their faces one by one.

"Why do you try so hard?You're going to die anyway",he chuckled.

"Dude..let me down..and I'll kick that tiny ass of yours",Yoongi kicked and punched the air,as if it would get him out of the spell.

"Tiny?",The king's voice got raspier as he grew huge.He grew black horns on his head and his coat ripped as his body grew wilder and darker.

"How's this tiny now?",he cocked his eyebrow up."I will still smack you until you end up in an emergency room",Yoongi grunted.

"You think you are superior than—What in the satan's child?",the demon grunted as you hit him in the head with Yoongi's pole.

"Don't you dare take me for a minor...I'm more than you think",you panted.

He turned around and started lifting himself in the air."Oh god..will you please stop with that floaty shit for once?",You stated in annoyence.

"You're more than I think?......care to show me?",he said,completely ignoring your annoyed statement.

With that last words,he pushed his hand in the air,blasting you away.Your back hit the throne as you fell down,grunts and groans escaping your lips.

The boys shouted,while kicking and punching at the air.You put your left hand on the throne seat and lifted yourself to stand up.

"You dumb bitch",you chuckled.He flew closer to you,smirking.

"Poor thing..did that hurt?",his raspy voice echoed,sarcastically.

Use your powers brainiac!

But suddenly..you remembered what the old lady said ; "but beware..the more you use your power...the more it takes a toll on you..You'll turn week if you try your best out of it.."

If I have to kill this dipshit..it's the only way..

"Did you forget?",You asked."Forget what?",he asked.

You scoffed,

"I'm a demon myself.."

You concentrated your focus on your feet,your eyes turned blue,the air around your feet lifted you up,just like the demon.

Your hair floated mysteriously as your eyes glowed blue.

You put your hands together and smiled at the boys.You mouthed them the words,'It's going to be okay',before creating a tornado around the demon.Once the demon knelt onto the floor,the spell on the boys broke.They landed onto the floor and looked at you.

"RUN!",You shouted,slowly increasing the strength of the tornado.They watched you for a while before taking cover.

You felt weaker and weaker,as the tornado grew.As a final step you decided to leave no air around the demon to breath.He turned into his human-like form,weaker than ever.
He struggled,choking on the lack of air,and put his palms onto the ground."St-stop",He said.

"D-die Bitch",you said,weakening yourself.

At least the boys will be alive.

The demon hit the ground one last time before falling onto the floor dead.His powers were proven worthless under you.

With him falling,you too fell onto the ground.
You grunted painfully,the last view being the sight of the boys running towards you.
Their voice echoed in your ears blurred,as you closed your eyes for good.

Hey peaches!
We are reached the end dudetts😭
Don't hate me for killing you👀I'll make it upto to you..I promise...
I swear this book isn't as bad as you think😂😂I'm gonna give you an epilogue to make you happy..just don't kill meh..or leave this book cuz we still gotta kiss Tae..

Vote and Comment..as for I call it Commote since Vomment sounds disgusting.

Anyways..hope you enjoyed your deat—I mean the chapter..

Peace out✌🏻

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