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"True Love needs immense sacrifice"
You scoffed,reading the quote that had just popped up in your notification bar."Then why fall in love?Die with some cats,no sacrifice needed.it's as simple as that.",you reasoned to yourself.

You've been awake since 3am,after having another encounter with you-know-who.

"What I want..I get it"he said."Good luck with that..You should be charged for making a pick up line out of Ariana's song",you told him,somehow finding him as anything other than intimidating and scary.

The dream was short as that..but you couldn't fall asleep after that.You stayed awake all night.

Maybe I should tell them about the hypno-eyes thing I have.

You went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast at around 7.By the time you were done with all the dishes,the boys started storming into the kitchen ready to devour the said breakfast.

"I taught you good my daughter",Jin winked at you,eating away.You chuckled at his accent and went on serving the rest.
"May I kiss you m'lady?",Taehyung asked after reading the huge pink letters on the apron,'kiss the chef',which ironically belonged to Jin.
"No Tae",you said,tired out after all the work.He didn't mind it,and went on,taking a seat.

"I have to show you something",you said leaning down the counter.
"Oh no...that rings some bells in me..but I can't actually put my finger on it",Yoongi said,in deep thought.

Oh heck no
No!you've gotta say it!
Even if Yoongi's gonna take a toll on you later..!

"I think..I might have superpowers",you blurted out.
They looked at you for a minute and started laughing like pigs ; snorting.

"Guys!shut up!",you shouted.

"Or what Ms.Sparkle fingers?",Yoongi said breaking out in another peal of laughter.

"Say what..waitress",you snorted out,deadpanning him.He shut his mouth the second you said it.

"Waitress?",Jin asked."Long story",Yoongi said,wrapping his hands around himself.
Jin looked at you in hope that you would say it.

You gave in.."Mr.Maid-Guy here..thought he sleep walked and wore my old waitress outfit.",you said rolling your eyes.
"Wait wait!..thought?",Yoongi asked.
You heaved out a long breath and started,
"I hypnotised you..and ordered you into wearing it",you said chuckling at the memory.

"I'm not buying it..",he said.He left you mo choice but this.You took your phone out and showed him the video.
He took it into his hands,"Repeat",your voice echoed through the device."I love hugs"

Yoongi's face turned red as he continued watching himself through the device.The rest burst out into a heck of a laughter after seeing the video.You quickly snatched the device from his hand and put it back in your pocket.
"Enough proof?",you asked with a hand on your hip.

"I was this close to smashing that piece of shit",He said,showing his fingers up close.

You explained everything that happened and leaved out the incident with Taehyung.
They were quite celebratory about that fact that Hoseok started dancing around the house,and the maknae line started whistling,Namjoon and Jin looking at them like proud parents,and well,Yoongi typically glaring daggers at you.


She looked over at the door,hearing someone enter through it and looked back down seeing that it wasn't the person she expected.

"I'm waiting for you...Y/n"

Hey peaches!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Please vote and leave a comment so I can stalk—I mean Send love to you'll🙃

Hope you had a great day!

Peace out✌🏻

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