5. Pushed him?

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"Here you go",Jin lent money to the boat owner,since he had given it to you for a ride

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"Here you go",Jin lent money to the boat owner,since he had given it to you for a ride.
"Everyone get in!"Taehyung shouted already getting in.You just stood there unsure of it.
"I can't!it's too far!"you complained,afraid to put your foot in it.

It looks so far!i don't want to die today!

"It's literally half a foot away!"yoongi said.
"It's okay!come here!i'll catch you!"Taehyung said stretching his hands out.
"Promise you won't drop me!"you said,still afraid of it,it looked like jumping off a cliff to you.
"I won't..i promise",He chuckled.

Here goes nothing

You jumped into his arms,and got into the boat,but that wasn't the case.You had tripped onto his leg making him stumble back and fall onto the cool wood,while you too tripped onto him and fell right on top of him.

His face turned red again and he smiled,like he wanted it to happen.
"Get off of him!You were staring at each other for like 10 minutes now!",your overprotective
'Brother',yoongi,pulled you up.
"It wasn't even 10 seconds",Taehyung blurted out patting the dust off his back.

"Set sail my crew!",You said trying a pirate's accent,pointing your hand ahead,standing there like the captain.
"You were literally scared to jump into the boat and now you consider yourself a captain?"Yoongi deadpanned,but you pretended you didn't hear him,deadpanning him with 'silence'.

"Aye aye captain!"Hoseok saluted rowing away.
It was really fun,well half way through the boat ride we got to hear 'melody'.
"Row!row!row your boat gently down the stream!merrily!merrily!merrily! Merrily!Life is but a dream!",Everyone turned their head towards Taehyung,"What?"he asked.
You all burst into laughter at his childish nonsence.

Suddenly a gush of uncomfortable aura washed over you.One of your eyes turned blue,while the other remained brown.You felt as if you lost control of yourself,not knowing what to do..you tried to shout,but no one seemed to hear you,like you were no longer the controler of your own body.

You sank into your mind,losing conciousness.Everything turning black afterwards.

The unknown controler,raged with anger,and looked at The boys,who were distracted,still laughing at Taehyung.It turned it's gaze over Jimin.

Easy prey

It widened it's lip into a wicked grin,and pushed him into the water.
With a sudden screech,he sank in,water splashing all over,alerting the rest.

"JIMIN!",the oldest shouted,the rest helped pulling him up.Yoongi turned his gaze towards you.A wave of electricity flashed over you,your eyes turning normal once again."Arghhh!"you held your head feeling as if someone had stabbed right through it.

They tried hard to pull him out,"It's not working!something is pulling me in!"Jimin gasped.They put all their guts,and with another splash of water,pulled him out successfully.
"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Oh no!"
They threw questions at him,while Yoongi just stared at you,jimin too stared right at you after settling into position.

"W-why d-did y-you push me?",Jimin asked.The rest turned their heads towards you in wide eyes.

"You pushed him?"Jin asked concerened about the shivering boy.
"I-i didn't!s-something got over me!i-i'm sorry jimin...it wasn't me!i swear.."you tailed off,not knowing what happened yourself.
Even though Yoongi saw the whole incident,he kept his mouth shut,unable to speak.The ride back home was silent,no one dared to speak.Jimin sat there recovering from the sudden attack.

"I felt something pull me"he said,breaking the silence.
"It can't be any fish,i-i felt...hands."he looked away controlling himself not to pounce onto you."You must be hallucinating...rest when we get back to the villa",jin said.
Everyone had some distance away from you.

Should i tell yoongi about the dreams?


Everyone had gone into the villa taking care of Jimin,while you sat there on the shore,staring at the sea in despair.

What came over me?What have i done?
I don't even remember pushing him!

"We have to talk...come to my room",Yoongi said from behind you,and went right in.
You heaved out a huge sigh and followed him,getting concerned stares from the rest of the members made things way embarresing and awkward.Taehyung looked really worried.

"I told you...i didn't mean it..i don't even remember pushing it..i know i sound crazy but you have to trust me",you said expecting the question to be something like..'why did you push him?'.

"I trust you",you felt relieved that he wasn't going to ask that.
"But you have to tell me the truth y/n...what are you hiding?",he asked with a serious face.
You let out a sigh for the nth time and sat on the edge of his bed.

"Remember when i told you i had a nightmare?"you asked him,receiving a nod.
"Well,it happened constantly for more than a month now,i would be in this dark place..and there will be a creepy mirror...and it would reflect a g-girl.She is covered in black and has hypnotisable b-blue eyes"when you said the last two words,he looked at you with wide eyes as if he knew about it.

"Wait...blue eyes?"he asked."yeah"you answered.
"Well I saw the whole incident,a-and saw your left eye..blue.I thought it must be the sun or something..but now it's clear..."He said falling into a deep thought.
"What's clear?"you asked."Damn!i thought you will understand!She is possessing you,and according to your dream..you were infront of a mirror so.."he tailed off looking at you uncertainly.

"Sh-she's me"

Ta da!
Big reveal!!!I know you don't get it..but don't worry my non-existant readers!It'll be clear by the upcoming chapters!
I can't believe i pushed my bias into the water🙂
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Peace out✌🏻

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