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You lightly patted non existent dust off your black skirt nervously.You wore a white long sleeved shirt with black stripes and a black skirt reaching your mid thigh.A pair black converses with white socks that reached up your calves to compliment it.You had your hair flow down your shoulders with your bangs rested untouched on your forehead.

Quite unusual of you to wear skirts and socks but you wanted this date to be memorable to you since you decided that it would be the final date you'll ever be attending.The outfit simply resembled a cute side of you.Another part of you wanted this date to be forgotten as soon as it ends since Taehyung will be rejected abruptly.

You opened the door slowly and peeked your head out of the little space between the wall and door.The boys were no where to be seen.Probably hyping up Taehyung in his room.

You took slow steps into the hall and went towards his room.It was quite loud but it was normal since the fact that it could never be silent with seven crackheads inside.You brought your fist up and hesitantly knocked on the door twice.The room quietened and audible hushes were heard.

Taehyung slowly opened the door and stepped out looking as nervous as you were.

He wore a black short-sleeved shirt tucked into his black trousers with a black belt strapped in

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He wore a black short-sleeved shirt tucked into his black trousers with a black belt strapped in.His hair was ruffled up cutely.His lips curved up into a boxy smile as he took your hand.

"You look cute jagi",he sang sweetly receiving a few awwes from inside the room soon hushed again.Your cheeks heated up and you looked to the side letting your hair hide it.

"Awwe don't hide!",he chuckled,turned your head around and tucked some hair strands behind your ear.You gave him a smile and pulled him towards the door.

"Bye guys..I'll see you later!",you chirped and waved towards the boys who emerged from Taehyung's room.They waved back,"Have fun!But don't have too much fun!",Jimin shouted.

You chuckled and walked out with him side by side.He swiftly slid his hand into yours and clutched onto it.

Silence took over the walk.A comfortable silence.But both your heads were filled with nervous thoughts.One with hope of being accpeted and the other drowned in horrendous thoughts of rejecting the other.

You finally reached the cinema.He walked you towards the counter and got the tickets checked and went into the theatre.You took a seat and looked over at the huge screen ready to play the movie.Taehyung walked across you and sat next to you keeping a huge box of popcorn in the middle so that both of you can reach it.The movie went by with action and emotion filled scenes.It was fun.You enjoyed it but deep down you were screaming at yourself for making such a decision.

After the movie was over,he took you to a cafè.He ordered Two cappucinos and two chocolate delights to go with it.His hand slipped onto yours and held it tightly.He opened his mouth to say something,but closed it back again and shook his head.

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