26.Find you

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After one whole day on the hospital bed,Taehyung got discharged from the hospital with his wrist bandaged and instructions from a doctor.

They took him to the dorm and explained every detail from the moment he locked himself in his room to the moment they found him unconcious with a bleeding wrist.

"You two didn't come to the dorm together..I figured something might have happened..anything you got to tell us Tae?",Namjoon asked,lightly tapping the table.

Taehyung smiled,and looked away."She rejected me hyung..",he looked down again,concentrating on his shoes.

The latter looked at each other with curiosity and pity flooding their thoughts.
But before they could say anything more,Taehyung stood up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?",Jin asked.

"To find her",he answered and walked out with his hands in his pockets.The boys too decided they should find you,and they knew it was as if looking for a needle in a haystack.

But everybody knows,bangtan never gives up.

They split into groups and spread across the whole town,while Taehyung was wandering alone in the streets.

Little did any of them know that you weren't on earth itself.

They spammed your phone with messages,and tried to track it,but found it broken,laying down on the carpet in Taehyung's room which made their adrenaline pump up to the fact that they swore,even if it takes years,they won't stop looking for you.

Meanwhile,Taehyung walked across to the cafè,and looked into it through the glass wall.
Jinyoung stood behind the counter typing away.He clenched his fists and walked into the cafè.

"May I take your order sir?",Jinyoung asked without tearing his eyes off the computer,and finally looked up.Amusement filled his features as he smiled,"What brings you here Taehyung?",he asked.

Taehyung didn't want to sound as if you were missing,he sheepishly scratched his nape and asked,"Why isn't Y/n working today?".

"Oh..she told me that she won't be able to work yesterday..but she didn't come today either.I thought I'll let her have some time for herself."

Taehyung understood that Jinyoung probably had nothing to do with your disappearence judging by the way he talked freely without any sign of guilt or frown.

Taehyung smiled,"Oh..I came by to say hi..I'll get going now",he said and walked out.

"That was weird",Jinyoung mumbled before shrugging and minding his own business.

"Where could she be?",Taehyung tried to think your way.His eyes darted towards the alley way where his secret place was.He ran towards it and walked through the wines only to be met by utter silence.He sighed.

"She didn't try to run away..She wasn't kidnapped..",He joined the puzzle to come to a clear conclusion.

"H-her dreams...I didn't remember what happened...that could mean I was possessed perhaps?Maybe something happened to her related to the weird dreams...shit"

He understood that looking for you in human ways,won't do any good.He didn't know anyone who could help him.He was helpless.

He ran out of the place and wandered off again,running here and there helplessly before breaking down onto the cold floor.Tears made it's way to his eyes,"I can't find her..",he mumbled, almost inaudible.

He realised he has ended uo right infront of your apartment.Rain droplets started pour down,and down his hair to his eyes,and then to his cheek finally dropping onto the road.Reminded him of the first day he tried to talk to you.

"Hyung!I can't do this!",he whined looking at you from afar leaving with your umbrella.
"You have to!You have been stalking her for months now!and I swear it's getting creepy the way you know everything about her..You can do this Tae!Now go!",Jimin pushed him into the rain from under the umbrella.

"Just like we practiced!Now go!shoo shoo!I'm done with your shy shit!",Jimin shooed him.

"Here goes nothing",Taehyung said to himself.
He started running towards you,soaking wet in the rain.

"Wait!Wait!",he shouted.He smiled when he saw you stop."Can I go with you?I don't have an umbrella...",he said sheepishly.

"Where exactly are you going?",you asked.
Taehyung was shocked.He had been in the same class with you for years..and you didn't know him.He knew you were kind of an introvert...so he decided to let it slide.

His cries increased as he remembered you smiling,laughing and being you with him.In simple words,memories struck him hard.

"I need you Y/n..please come back",his voice was completely inaudible now,he hid his face in his palms.

"What's a pretty boy like you doing here on the streets crying?"

Hey peaches!

So uh how was it?

I'm so awkward istg..

Idk how my bff handles with meh..

Let's come again..Hey peaches!
How are you people?
How was the chapter?

Okay..i better leave now..

Peace out✌🏻

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