Walking through the forest, Cassiopeia fought her desire to stop and take a break. It was working up from the inside and literally eating her up. That was not the start of it. Jinx was endlessly complaining about how his delicate paws were getting rougher and rougher, how his snowy white fur was getting dirt caught in it, how there were flies annoying him by flying too close to his eyes.............
Cassiopeia finally snapped.
"What would you like me to do, your majesty? Me to carry you in my arms as you fall asleep and wash, shampoo and condition your hair by the lake?!?!" She said sarcastically, "Because if you do, I'm not doing it!"
"But Cassi, we've been walking for hours." Jinx whined.
"Fine," She said tirelessly," Just for a few minutes."
Really, Cassiopeia thought, I thought I was persistent but I guess I was wrong.
"You won't regret this, Cassi!" Jinx said enthusiastically, grinning like a mad man.
He's a very peculiar familliar, She thought, He doesn't call me mistress. He calls me Cassi. But I don't think I'd like it any other way.
Cassiopeia watched as Jinx ran up and down the lake they had been walking by. He looked at himself scrutinizingly in the lake's waters, daydreaming. Then he started licking his paws.
"Are you just going to stand there and watch me?" Jinx asked playfully.
Cassiopeia giggled.
"Isn't someone vain?" She argued back, " Who said I was watching you?"
"Don't try and hide the truth!" Jinx said in a far away voice, like one a fortune teller might use whilst talking to their customers, " A familliar can always find out what their master or mistress is hiding."
"Really?" Cassiopeia asked, not believing one word.
"Really." Jinx smirked.
Then he jumped into the water and pounced on a school of fish, lying on top of them.
Cassiopeia wasn't sure if they were his invention of a bed or if he was trying to kill them with his body weight .
It seemed that Jinx had gone with the second option and wasn't so successful as the fish got away by swimming underneath him to the bottom of the sea bed.
Cassiopeia burst into hysterical laughter.
"I'd like to see you try to do better!" Jinx yelled indignantly.
"The master will show you how it's done." She snickered.
'Suinshada driella'
The bit of the lake she had been looking at dried up and the fish Jinx had been lying upon de-hydrated to their death.
There was one thing she hadn't got right though.
She hadn't thought of where the water would go.
The water rolled out of it's bed and doused both Cassiopeia and Jinx head-to-toe.
"Remind me never to let you try to get our dinner." Jinx tutted.
"If I let you keep on trying, we'd have starved!" Cassiopeia hissed.
"Drowned rat is not a good look for me!" Jinx snarled.
They kept bickering until one of the fish moved and Cassiopeia screamed.
She jumped, picking up Jinx and placing him in front of her.
"Can you kill it?" She begged.
"Is Cassi scared of fish?" Jinx replied smugly.
Her Secret
FantasyLiving in the year of 1692 has been hard but trying to keep a huge secret is harder. Cassiopeia is the only daughter of a rich noble. Her mother died giving birth to her and her father rarely paid attention to her so she ran off to her grandma's hou...