Chapter 5: Digits

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He started walk towards me, whilst I was thinking what I should do, I was legit panicking. Hands getting clammy, cheeks burning. My heartbeat getting faster and faster every minute. I looked at him and let my lips tug into a gentle smile and thought, Should I run or stay?

I didn't know what to do. All i can hear was my heart pumping through my chest and muffled footsteps, cold sweats formed out of my skin, but I chose to stay wanting to see where this would take us both. And I guess I did what's right, right?

He stopped by the counter and gave a very sweet 'hi'. His voice is really soothing. It's deep, monotone. I responded with a soft 'hello'.

"Hello, uhh, how can I help you?" I asked, looking around but his beautiful golden eyes.

"No I'm fine, I just recognized you, we study at the same school right?" He asked, and handed his hand for me to shake it.

I took it and shake it. "Y-yeah!" I stuttered. 'Fuck' I mentally cursed for stuttering.

"George, right?" He said, grinning.

"H-how'd you know?" I chuckled, I rubbed the back of my neck from embarrassment. I want this to stop but I also want this to continue.

He just shrugged in response.

"I mean you kinda look cute". He teased. What he said gave pink stains all over my cheek. "Can i at-least have your number?". He responded with another question, emphasizing the word 'at-least'

It's kinda weird for him to flirt with a guy especially me, since I've never seen him with anyone but girls. I mean except his best friend, the brunette guy but I like the feeling it gave me, so I went on with it.

"Yeah sure". He handed me his phone and I typed my digits, fingers swiftly moving across the phone screen. While i was putting my digits, he joined me, looking at the screen taking glances at me. He looked like he noticed the blushing mess that I'm in so he pulled out a mischievous smirk.

Even that one simple action makes my ears take heat. I like how he affects me. I never thought I'd become this obsessive about a person that I have a crush on and definitely don't know that I do and have no chance on.

"There you go" I shyly smiled whilst handing his phone back.

He smiled back and said something to free all of the butterflies. "Okay babe, see you soon!" He said it like it's a normal thing and winked walking out towards the exit leaving me frozen.

'Babe?! What the fuck is wrong with him!' Blushing at my thoughts, still frozen.

I can't process what just happened. I sat there, my back straight and face like a tomato. Eyes wide while looking into the table that he was just in.

I abruptly got up and did my things. I closed the cream-white blinds. I locked the doors, turned off the lights, went to the parking lot and to my car.

I sat there for a minute just thinking about what had happened. 'Maybe he just wants to be friends with me' I thought. 'It's not like he likes me that way, right?'. A sigh passed through my lips, chest slowly hurting as I took breathes.

I turned on my car on drive and made my way, a smile plastered on my face the whole ride. I felt pure happiness once in forever. But there's still something wrong with it.


I arrived at the front of my house and immediately parked my car in the dark car porch.

I opened the door and turned on all the lights. I squinted a little adjusting to the new bright lights. I went towards my soft gray couch, it sank as I put my weight on it. I sat there scrolling through social media's for a complete thirty (30) minutes.

Once I was getting bored scrolling through social media I decided to play Minecraft Bedwars.

Sorry this is kinda short but just bare with me it will get better...

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