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The night was cold and dark, the castle halls barely lit by the candles hanging across the halls, and the torches attempting to light the place. It was late. Very late. The castle would usually be quiet at that time of night. But not tonight.

Footsteps were heard across the stone halls, heavy boots thudding across the ground. Metals of armors clinking as they rushed to where the disturbance originated, shoving the large doors wide open as they made their way through them, only to see the younger of the two princes wide-eyed, standing before his brother. The older prince, the heir to the throne stood before him, eyes coldly looking into his brother’s matching dark brown eyes, almost black in color. But unlike the younger prince, he was covered in blood, some splashed across his face. He stood with his head held high, over the king’s corps, a blade in his hand, evidence of the crime covering it, drenching the prince’s shirt.

“Andries… what have you done?”

“Mat.” Mathias took a deep breath, turning around to Axel who frowned at the look on his king’s face as he said, “The council awaits.”

“He wasn’t given a fair trial.” Mathias muttered.

“He murdered the king.” Axel said, making Mathias swallow thickly.

“So, this is it? When I lose my entire family in the span of a day?” Axel looked him in the eyes, not saying another word. Mathias inhaled heavily before making his way to the door, hand touching Axel’s chest as he passed him by, muttering, “Stay close.”

“Always.” Axel said, his boots thudding against the castle’s ground as he marched like the soldier he was, forever Mathias’s shadow.

They made their way to the throne room, where Mathias stood before the throne, thinking it inappropriate to take a seat on what was a day ago his father’s throne. They had locked his brother up for treason, murder of his king, and any other charger the council was able to come up with. Afterwards, he was named king, as the only suitable heir to the throne.

With distaste, and hate, he stood upon the perch that housed the throne for many years and many generations. He watched his brother, chained at the wrists and ankles be dragged to where he awaited his sentence. Mathias felt choked but didn’t show any emotions on his face as his brother was shoved to his knees before him. It took everything for Mathias not to command them to stand down, not to go down himself and help him to his feet.

“Andries Samuel Gallorich.” Mathias said, feeling the bitterness of his brother’s name on his lips, “You have been charged with treason and the assassination of your king, Malakai Hayden Gallorich, seventh of his name, king of Thutruix.” Mathias stated, opting not to speak of the charges made up by the council, “Your crimes are cause for execution.” Mathias took in a breath as he asked, “What say you to those charges, Andries?”

“The throne is mine.” Andries said simply, making his brother’s eyebrow twitch.

“What was the reason you committed this crime?”

“My king, it doesn’t matter.” A councilman protested, “He killed our king!”

“I am your king now!” Mathias’s voice boomed, silencing the man and whomever dared to cut him off again. “Answer me, Andries! Why did you kill your own father?”

Andries met his brother’s eyes stubbornly as he said, “The crown is mine. I am the true heir. I wanted what was mine.”

“He would’ve given it to when the time came.” Mathias stated, “Now speak the truth, Andries.”

“You think wearing a crown makes you king, little brother?” Andries questioned, “You are mistaken. Much more is needed, and a lot of it you cannot accomplish.”

“Stop changing the subject.” Mathias glared.

“I killed him because he deserved it. I killed him because he was too weak to lead our kingdom the way it should be led. I killed him because he deserved it!” Andries repeated, adding, “So sentence me to death, brother, and get it over with.”

Mathias’s heated gaze stayed on his brother’s eyes for a long while, searching for a truth he knew his brother wouldn’t speak. He then said, ignoring all the looks he got, all the judgmental eyes that fell on him, the angered ones that disapproved as he said, “Death is a kindness I will not give you. A dungeon is a luxury you will not receive. Food and shelter will not be provided for the likes of you. You are banished from Thutruix, never to return. The sight of you on my kingdom’s soil will be met with a swift death then and there. Your title will remain forfeited. Your wealth reclaimed by the throne. You will have nothing. You will own nothing but the clothes on your back. You no longer have a brother in me, Andries. You no longer have a family to fall back on. These are the consequences of your actions, and you are to live with them for as long as that body of yours draws breath.”

“My king-…”

“Silence!” Mathias said, eyes not moving from his brother’s who seemed displeased by the idea of not getting the death he wanted if not the throne. Mathias stepped down from the podium, stopping only when he was in front of his brother, kneeling down and making his guards tense as he looked his brother in the eyes saying, “Last chance. Tell me the truth.” Andries glared back, refusing to speak, instead looked away. “So be it.” Mathias said, getting to his feet, ordering the guards, “Escort him out of the kingdom before unshackling him. If I ever see you again, Andries, I will show you the same mercy you showed our father as you took his life.”

Andries was dragged to his feet, but before he was made to walk out of there, he said, “Wait!” Mathias held a hand up to stop them, listening to his brother, but before he spoke, Andries pulled away from the guards, startling them as he grabbed the king’s collar, speaking in his ear quickly, quietly before anyone could react, “Mathias, whatever happens, do not trust anyone in this castle. No one, brother. They all want to bring our family to its knees.”

Mathias’s glare didn’t change as Axel dragged him back, tossing him at the two guards. Mathias then said, “Take him.”

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