CHAPTER 3 - Only Human

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Detrick walked into the dark chamber of the king, placing a tray on the dining table near the door before walking further in, going to the curtains and drawing them, making the sunlight flood into the room. Mathias groaned, pulling the blanket around him over his head as he whined groggily, "Told you to stop doing that."

"Rise and shine." Detrick said, "Time to get up. I've prepared you a bath for after breakfast. Come on, you need to get ready. The princess will be waiting for you."

Mathias groaned, turning to his other side before parting his eyes slightly, asking softly, "Is Axel here yet?"

"Outside." Detrick said, watching Mathias sit up slowly, seeing him wince which made him shake his head, "Do you want me to call him in here?"

"No." Mathias sighed, "Just let him know that he is relieved of his duties this morning. He can take some time off."

Detrick sighed, saying, "Sure about that?"

"Helix is going to be with me. It's fine." Mathias nodded, pushing the blankets away before realizing his nudity, "Give me that." Mathias said, tilting his head to his robes. Detrick grabbed it, placing it over his shoulders before the king got to his feet.

"Are you alright?"

"What's for breakfast?" Mathias asked instead, changing the subject.

"Might want to make sure to cover your neck today." Detrick said, making Mathias frown, touching his fingers to his neck before he walked to the mirror, looking at the small bruises covering his skin.

"Told him to be careful." Mathias mumbled to himself with a sigh, glancing outside the window with a frown, "And it's a hot day."

"Not really." Detrick said, "It's cold outside, it is merely the sun giving the room warmth."

Mathias turned to Detrick, giving him a glare as he said, "Are you giving away your things to people on the streets again?"

Detrick smiled, shrugging as he said, "The kid was cold. What was I to do? Let him freeze to death?"

"Tell me." Mathias sighed, "I will make sure he's giving what he needs. And for god's sake, find yourself a new blanket. The weather is only going to get colder."

"Forget about that now and come eat your food." Detrick said, going to pull out Mathias's usual seat at the table before starting to place everything in front of it, making sure everything was in reach. As Mathias took a seat, he grabbed a piece of bread, sighing, making Detrick chuckle softly, saying, "You've been doing that a lot."

"What?" Mathias asked.

"Sighing." Detrick commented, "Tell me, is something wrong with your food?"

Mathias frowned at the bread he held before saying, "I'm just not hungry."

"Is it about what you did last night, or what you are going to do this morning?" Detrick said, smirking at the glare he received. "Trying to please everyone will wear you out eventually, Mat."

"I've reached the point where I don't know what I'm doing." Mathias said, leaning back in his chair, "Giving up seems like a very appealing option at the moment."

"Don't say that." Detrick frowned, "After everything that happened, you can't do that now."

"Then tell me what I should be doing?"

"You are the king, you should know."

"I am just as human as you are, Rick." Mathias said tiredly.

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